Found: Death falls in love with girl

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Found: Death falls in love with girl

Mar 5, 4:43 am

Hiii please help me find these book that I have been looking for 10 years

It's about a senior girl in high school that one day is leaving her school and a guy comes to her and tell her not to use her seat belt. She freaks out and use it but a car crash happens and she was supposed to die but turns out that the guy that told her not to use the seat belt is The Death that had fallen in love with her and wanted to save her. So he kind of rewinds time and saves her.

I know is not much but is the only thing I can remember

Thank you very much

Mar 5, 11:09 am

I don't remember that scene but it has been a long time since I read these. Just in case, you may want to check out Death and the Girl Next Door, Death, Doom, and Detention, and Death and the Girl He Loves by Darynda Jones.

Mar 6, 8:04 pm

Thanks but it's not one of them...

Modificato: Mar 6, 8:54 pm

Mar 7, 7:16 am

Reminds me of a movie, Meet Joe Black. Don't think it came from a book though.

Mar 8, 4:15 pm

I like the movie but it's not that because I remember they were teenagers

Mar 19, 3:44 pm

I remember this book. I think it is "Existence" by Abbi Glines. Its part of a trilogy.

Mar 19, 3:53 pm

Touchstone: Existence

Mag 18, 12:20 pm

Yesss that's it.