More books ‘n’ stuff out the door in 2024


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More books ‘n’ stuff out the door in 2024

Gen 2, 11:23 am

Super Mann by Herbie Mann

Gen 5, 1:54 pm

>1 2wonderY: yes, one done!

Gen 5, 5:55 pm

I listened to another handful of tapes again today and decided I have never preferred The Eagles.
Hotel California

Gen 5, 7:26 pm

>3 2wonderY: Just by the bye, there really is a Hotel California (not the one the song refers to though, which is said to be one of the expensive ones in Beverley Hills) and I have stayed there. It's at Santa Monica, near the Pier. I managed to leave successfully.

Gen 5, 10:29 pm

>4 haydninvienna: As I hear it, you only think you left.

Gen 5, 11:45 pm

>5 2wonderY: Given that I'd go back in a heartbeat, you may be right, but in that case I never left Vancouver, Vienna, Helsinki ...

Modificato: Gen 6, 3:20 pm

Well! That may be the end of my review of cassettes for a while.
Legend of a Band broke inside the machine. I thought I’d pulled it all out. It’s a side mounted entry, and there is no way to peer inside. It did the same with A Night At Red Rocks two tapes later. I don’t want to experiment further with this machine.

Earlier this week, I unearthed an expensive tape deck, but though the tapes reeled, no sound came out.

Somewhere, possibly in the storage unit, I still have a boom box that I used at the cabin. I will look for it.

I had decided to dispose of the first tape, but sad about the second.
Also discarding a homemade tape that is labeled Flowers in the Dirt on one side and Nearly Human on the other. It’s not my handwriting.

Switching to CDs, I can let Intentionally His go.

Gen 17, 10:27 pm

I’m feeling this house is at a crisis point. It may just be that the Christmas stuff isn’t all tucked back in the closet yet. Or it may be that I haven’t found spots for the latest load from WV.
But it’s likely that I’ve lost control of what has come in. It’s beginning to oppress me.
That said, two more books arrived in the mail this week.

Gen 18, 7:15 am

>8 2wonderY: go read and take your mind off it for a while.

Is it still snowing there?

Gen 18, 7:33 am

>9 fuzzi: No. we’ve had sunshine. I should have scraped the driveway to let it warm up the concrete. It’s up to 19° this morning.

Feb 5, 4:35 pm

Dark Goddess

I’m very pleased to have found the right home for a 1932 children’s picture book of photographed objects. Gave it to my professor.

Feb 5, 4:41 pm

>8 2wonderY: My panic has subsided. I am able to clean the living room fairly easily when guests are expected. Making progress on my bedroom. Even was able to make some sense of the carport today. The basement is still pretty awful, but I’m the only one who goes down there. Accepting the fact that the second bedroom fluctuates wildly as projects ebb and flow.
That said, I will probably make another WV trip this weekend.

Feb 23, 10:09 am

And it’s bad again after bringing more stuff from WV.
I am preparing a closet purge for my classmates’ benefit. And Walter has sold some of the items I gave him from the cabin in his antique mall space. So I’m gathering more items for that too.

Modificato: Mar 5, 7:20 am

I visited the antique mall last week and identified Walter’s sales area, but I didn’t see any of the items I’ve given him, though he reports they are selling. Perhaps he has a stowage area. He has agreed to take a table and chairs, which I hope to load into my vehicle today.
Daughter Anne is coming down and will take a lawn mower, at least, and help with the table.
Daughter Rose is taking an oak frame mirror.
I’ve been tossing the occasional book onto a pile in the spare bedroom. I need to deal with that.

I scavenged an area rug from neighbor’s trash last week. It’s the last one needed to floor the attic crawl space. The Christmas tree is now stowed in that quadrant.

Mar 5, 2:09 pm

>15 2wonderY: nifty idea about the rug. Our attic isn't quite tall enough to stand up in, and so we laid down over the joists a large carpet that my boss removed from the office. We were then able to store light items (like Christmas trees) up there.

Lucky Rose, that's a treasure to have.

Mar 5, 2:30 pm

>16 fuzzi: There is scrap plywood and boards laid down across the joists, but the rugs kinda stabilize it, make it easier to move stuff and keeps the loose blown-in insulation under control.

Mar 5, 6:54 pm

>17 2wonderY: ha! Funny thing, we got some doors at Habitat for Humanity and laid them across the joists, then put the carpet on top.

Mar 5, 7:50 pm

I just finally used hoarded materials. It justified my whole philosophy.

Modificato: Mar 11, 12:11 pm

Granddaughter is coming for the week, so it’s time to deal with the discards in the spare bedroom.

The Sleighs of My Childhood - wrong touchstone, right author.
My Utmost for His Highest
Rupert of Hentzau - it’s from the Engles-Pease collection, but truly, no one will ever read it. I tried.
The Ghost Downstairs
Devil in the Fog
Water Tales
The Book of Dragons
The Enchanted Schoolhouse
Left or Right?
Saint Peter: a biography - terrible theology!
Mr. Adam - couldn’t finish it!
The Chinese Puzzle
Clancy’s Glorious Fourth
Uncle Jed’s Barbershop

Photography Exposed
Rabbit Hill - I have a large format hardcover with endpapers!
The Dollhouse Murders

There are more, but I have to pace myself. Blood pressure issues, y’know. This is stressful.

Mar 11, 12:01 pm

Also working on the basement mess. I’ve actually cleared some floor space. Good thing, as the plumber is coming tomorrow to replace the hot water heater.

Modificato: Mar 24, 12:06 pm

An entire ammunition reloading kit, still in the boxes from the 1980s. Sold at a bargain price to older daughter’s father-in-law.

There was an entire shop full of construction tools when my husband died in 1989. I was able to return for a refund the shop brake, a tool for bending metal that Buck had just bought. I used the rest to finish up his contracts. I’ve disposed of things like welding tables and torches over the decades. Son-in-law has some items in his shop. (Just lent him my router for an office build for Rose.)
And I still have scaffolding and a set of handy power tools.
I expect it seemed like I’d get around to learning reloading as part of homesteading. But my brother-in-law took the long guns “for safekeeping” and never returned them. His widow gave my older daughter lots of family furniture last year, but no mention of the guns.
Oh well. When the apocalypse happens, I will not have weapons of that sort.

The second storage unit is nearly empty. One bed and mattress, one Eastlake rocker that needs upholstered, and one lawnmower.

I’ve got parts of the bedframe in my living room making repairs to it. I’d like to switch out the one my daughter lent me when I moved in here. But I need to raise its height 4 inches so I can store Rubbermaid bins underneath.

Mar 25, 4:21 pm

>22 2wonderY: sorry some things "disappeared".

Bed risers?

Mar 25, 5:38 pm

>23 fuzzi: No! Those are tacky. I’m going to carpenter wood extensions.

Mar 26, 4:36 pm

A Weaver of Dreams - duplicate.

Modificato: Mag 2, 3:59 pm

Honest! I wasn’t going to Goodwill to shop. I was only going looking for very specific containers for garden projects.
But I hit it on a bonus day, I guess.

I do look in the household fabrics keeping an eye out for king fitted sheets. Today, they had just hung a bunch of scarves out of an Indian or Pakistani closet. They sell for $1 each.
I indulged modestly. A dupattā that I wanted just for the wide border ribbon in gold embroidery and tiny sequins. A silk shawl with crewel embroideries and a luxurious 16” fringe. A cashmere scarf with hand embroideries. A cotton table runner.
Also a bolster pillow in charcoal brocade.
And then there were 7 matching luxe damask napkins that will mix perfectly in my collection.
A wool cowboy hat. A very good quality wok. And some toys that fit the dollhouse.
That was fun!

Mag 2, 2:40 pm

>26 2wonderY: Those scarves at $1 each? It would have beeb downright sinful not to give them a new home.

Mag 2, 2:54 pm

>27 MarthaJeanne: Right? I think I will stop back later today to see whether they are still sorting and putting items from that donation onto hangers. There were at least a dozen more pieces already out; but they were too flashy for my tastes.

Mag 2, 3:05 pm

>28 2wonderY: You needn't buy any you don't like. On the other hand, too flashy for your taste might be just right for T's dress up box.

Modificato: Mag 2, 8:26 pm

I did go back this evening. No more exotics, but I found the eighth damask napkin, two hunks of wool felt, and unicorn patterned pillowcases for T.

Noticed a couple of odd items on the misc. shelves. A menstrual cup (still boxed.) An empty Vienna sausage can.

Mag 3, 5:04 am

I wish there had been menstrual cups back when they would been useful to me, but I don't think I would have bought one at Goodwill.

Giu 11, 10:19 am

Okay, perhaps I can switch gears.

The Little Lame Prince / The Adventures of a Brownie

More later, I hope.