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My Utmost for His Highest (1927)

di Oswald Chambers

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6,817291,409 (4.18)25
The timeless wisdom of Oswald Chambers shines in this new Modern Classic Edition of the beloved 365-day devotional first published by his widow in 1924. With a thoughtful approach to the language and context of the original, the author's voice has been carefully preserved and the Bible texts updated to the New International Version. Full of powerful challenge to devote your all for God's highest glory, these readings open the way to deeper, stronger faith. Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) is best known for the classic devotional My Utmost for His Highest. Born in Scotland, Chambers had a teaching and preaching ministry that took him as far as the United States and Japan. He died at age forty-three while serving as chaplain to Allied troops in Egypt during World War I.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dabiblioteca privata, kcasada, GoStLouisCards, Marasco, SBC_Library, AzurePearl, deandar, BookHavenAZ, pastorjeff120, EGKbib
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» Vedi le 25 citazioni

A classic daily devotional. I'll read it again. ( )
  dlinnen | Feb 3, 2024 |
3.5 stars

Chambers has some very good thoughts most of the time that challenge me to surrender more fully to the Lord.

There were several instances where I felt his opinion was too strong, especially when he expressed his opinion as Biblical fact (i.e., "God does not say --, He says --"). ( )
  RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |
Works which reach the status of “classics” in the canon of literature generally do so for good reasons; they stand the test of time and have something compelling about them. And so it is for Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest.

One can find this devotional in almost any format; this one (galley received as part of early review program) is published as a hardcover by Our Daily Bread and is intended to serve as a gift edition.

Oswald Chambers was a child of the fin de siècle who was raised a Scottish Baptist but joined the Holiness movement and participated in early Pentecostalism. He died while ministering to soldiers during World War I. Most of his works, including My Utmost for His Highest, were based on the transcription of notes his widow had taken during his messages at the Bible Training College he had founded. The original version was formatted for 366 devotionals; this edition was modified to cover them in 90 days.

Most devotional works these days attempt to somehow replicate Chambers in some way or another, and most fall short. He is not prepossessing; he does not wade into anything remotely controversial; and yet the substance of his messages remain profound. It truly is all about devoting oneself to God and His purposes and turning away from the impulses of self and the world.

It is best to take one’s time with a devotional such as this and meditate on each one. Highly recommended. ( )
  deusvitae | Jul 31, 2023 |
An excellent year long devotional that digs deep. Highly recommend ( )
  LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
This book was given to me for high school graduation from my future in-laws. I did not know at the time, of course, that they would be my in-laws. ( )
  AndersonLib1224 | May 20, 2023 |
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This book is dedicated to the reader, especially my parents, Gil and Violet, my wife, Pam, my children, Jeremy, Aaron, and Bethany, and each generation of readers they represent. May you know God better and draw closer to Him as a result of applying the truths of God's Word expressed in this book.
Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua. earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death (Philippians 1:20).
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The original 1927/1935 publication is different from the "Updated Edition in Today's Language." Please don't combine the two.
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The timeless wisdom of Oswald Chambers shines in this new Modern Classic Edition of the beloved 365-day devotional first published by his widow in 1924. With a thoughtful approach to the language and context of the original, the author's voice has been carefully preserved and the Bible texts updated to the New International Version. Full of powerful challenge to devote your all for God's highest glory, these readings open the way to deeper, stronger faith. Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) is best known for the classic devotional My Utmost for His Highest. Born in Scotland, Chambers had a teaching and preaching ministry that took him as far as the United States and Japan. He died at age forty-three while serving as chaplain to Allied troops in Egypt during World War I.

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Media: (4.18)
1 10
1.5 1
2 10
2.5 1
3 38
3.5 7
4 69
4.5 11
5 143

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