Katie's 2022 Reading Room - Part 4

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Katie's 2022 Reading Room - Part 4

Modificato: Feb 8, 2022, 10:49 am

(Kindle) (Audio)

Hello, friends! Glad to have you joining me on another year’s reading (and life) journey.

For anyone new to my thread, I’m Katie: reader, wine drinker, food appreciator, shenanigan-ator, and non-sufferer of fools. I live outside New York City with my husband, "The" Wayne, our cat, Leonard, and our dog, Nuala/Noodles. Last year, I left my job in association management to explore life as a domestic goddess. I hope to do some writing, too, but that requires discipline and motivation, neither of which has ever made a permanent home with me…

My reading varies widely - I love genre fiction (romance and crime), contemporary and historical fiction, and narrative nonfiction. I try to balance my reading in all these areas. I also use my thread as a bit of a life journal, which mostly means I talk about what I’m cooking, eating, drinking, watching, doing, and avoiding doing.

Thanks for being here!

Books Completed

Books Off My Shelf: 3
Books Off My Kindle: 2
Books from Audible/Chirp: 3
Library Loans (print/e-books/audios): 7

15. Ghachar Ghochar by Vivek Shanbhag (audio) (3.5 stars)
14. If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin (audio) (4.5 stars)
13. The Fell by Sarah Moss (4.75 stars)
12. Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen (audio) (4 stars)

Did Not Finish (YTD)
1. These Silent Woods by Kimi Cunningham Grant

Modificato: Feb 8, 2022, 10:49 am




11. Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan (4.25 stars)
10. As You Wish by Cary Elwes (audio) (3.5 stars)
9. The Last Bookshop in London by Madeline Martin (audio) (3 stars)
8. Mr. Flood's Last Resort by Jess Kidd (audio) (4 stars)
7. Mindful Drinking by Rosamund Dean (3 stars)
6. Passion on Park Avenue by Lauren Layne (3.75 stars)
5. Aliens of Extraordinary Ability by Maeve Higgins (audio) (4 stars)
4. I Loved You First by Various Authors (audio) (3 stars)
3. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness by Peter Kuper (4 stars)
2. Gun Street Girl by Adrian McKinty (4 stars)
1. Henrietta's War by Joyce Dennys (3.5 stars)

Modificato: Feb 8, 2022, 10:50 am

Around the Year in 52 Books:

A book with a language or nationality in the title
A book with a time-related word in the title
- A book that uses all five vowels in the title and/or author's name - Passion on Park Avenue by Lauren Layne
2 books with the same word in the title
2 books with the same word in the title
- A book with 22 or more letters in the title - Aliens of Extraordinary Ability by Maeve Higgins

- A book with an image of a source of light on the cover - Mr. Flood's Last Resort by Jess Kidd
- A book with one of the Monopoly tokens on the cover - Henrietta's War by Joyce Dennys
- A book without a person on the cover - I Loved You First by Various Authors
A book with handwriting on the cover

A book that features loving LGBTQIA+ relationship
A book related to mythology
A book with a theme of food or drink
A book related to a game
A book related to Earth Day
- A book related to psychology, neuroscience or the mind - Mindful Drinking by Rosamund Dean

- 3 books set on three different continents - Ghachar Ghochar by Vivek Shanbhag (Asia)
3 books set on three different continents
3 books set on three different continents
A book set in a small town or rural area
- A fiction or nonfiction book that is set during 1900 -1950 - Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen
A book set on or near a body of water
A book with an academic setting or with a teacher that plays an important role

A book where the main character is a female detective or police officer
A book that involves aging, or a character in their golden years
A book with a non-human as one of the main characters
A book about a woman in STEM
- A book with a main character whose name starts with A, T, or Y - If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin (Tish)

A book that involves alternate reality, alternate worlds, or alternate history
A book with gothic elements
A book from the historical fiction genre

A book published in 2022
A book published at least 10 years ago
A book by a Latin American author
A book by an Asian or Pacific Islander author
A book with a Jewish character or author
A book by an author with two sets of double letters in their name

A book posted in the 2021 or 2022 ATY Best Book of the Month threads
- A book connected to a book you read in 2021 - Gun Street Girl by Adrian McKinty
- A book that fits your favorite prompt that did not make the list - The Last Bookshop in London by Madeline Martin (Book with a character who loves books)
- A book with fewer than 5000 ratings on Goodreads - The Fell by Sarah Moss

A book that won an award from Powell's list of book awards
A book from NPR's Book Concierge
A book from the TIME list of 100 Best YA Books of All Time

A book connected to the phrase "Here (There) Be Dragons"
2 books related to flora and fauna
2 books related to flora and fauna
The next book in a series
A book related to one of the 22 Tarot Major Arcana cards
A book related to glass
A book related to inclement weather
- A book less than 220 pages OR more than 440 pages - Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness by Peter Kuper

Modificato: Feb 8, 2022, 10:50 am

My Ratings (revised, once again, as I continue the fruitless search for the perfect scale...)

2 stars = Whyyyyyy?
3 stars = Eh, ok.
4 stars = Definitely worth the time.
5 stars = Perfect *for me*

(Anything below 2 stars is unlikely to be finished)


Gen 29, 2022, 12:31 pm

4/4 means you're done, right? Happy new one

Gen 29, 2022, 12:33 pm

>5 RebaRelishesReading: - Correct! Thanks, Reba :)

Gen 29, 2022, 12:34 pm

Happily, I have arrived prior to the End of Days being prophesied on News12.

Modificato: Gen 29, 2022, 12:36 pm

>7 richardderus: - I'm so pleased you made it before The Snowpocalypse claims us all.... xx

Gen 29, 2022, 12:43 pm

Gen 29, 2022, 12:43 pm

Happy new thread Katie. Just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear TW's family has been hit with the bug. May it be over with quickly!

Hope your snowy day is peaceful.

Gen 29, 2022, 12:58 pm

Happy new one!

Gen 29, 2022, 12:58 pm

>9 richardderus: - Snort. I just took Nuala out for a quick pee and she nearly dragged me off my feet and down the front steps face first...

>10 lauralkeet: - Thanks, Laura!

Gen 29, 2022, 12:59 pm

>11 figsfromthistle: - Thank you, Anita!

Gen 29, 2022, 1:31 pm

Hi Katie and happy snow day! We have about 8 inches so far but it's too windy to shovel. So an unusual day at home for me. Hope you stay warm and enjoy the Keegan - great idea to read it in one sitting.

Gen 29, 2022, 1:35 pm

>14 vivians: - Hi Vivian! I"m having trouble telling how much snow we have because of the wind - the wind's not too bad but it is causing drifting...

I'm about to start putting my pot roast together and will then adjourn to my nook with the Keegan :)

Gen 29, 2022, 2:50 pm

>15 katiekrug: Happy nooking Katie :)

Gen 29, 2022, 3:16 pm

>16 RebaRelishesReading: - Thanks, Reba! Off to read now. After the pot roast went in the oven, we went out to shovel/snow blow since it had stopped coming down.

Gen 29, 2022, 8:16 pm

Happy new one!

Gen 30, 2022, 8:14 am

>18 drneutron: - Thanks, Jim!

Gen 30, 2022, 8:18 am

Happy New Thread, Katie. How are you enjoying Small Things Like These? It is definitely one to be savored.

Gen 30, 2022, 8:19 am

Morning, Katie! The gif in >4 katiekrug: made me smile.

Gen 30, 2022, 8:22 am

Good frigid morning, friends! It's 11F here. When I went to bed last night, the chill factor was -3F. Yikes. I was worried about pipes freezing because our ground floor is still not finished, but all seems to be well.

The pot roast I made last night turned out very well. My two biggest concerns were (1) getting the meat to that perfect fork-tender state, and (2) the gravy not being too thin. Happily, it turned out exactly as I remembered my mom's. It needs more seasoning (story of my life!), but the mechanics of the recipe (https://allthehealthythings.com/best-dutch-oven-pot-roast/) are spot-on. Any pot roast people out there? What do you season yours with?

After dinner, we watched 'The Jungle Cruise' because The Wayne was curious about it. I not-so gracefully acceded but it ended up being mildly entertaining and I did laugh in parts. Plus, Emily Blunt is just lovely in everything she does. After that, we watched an episode of Somebody Somewhere (so good!) and one of Schmigadoon! (not sure about this one yet).

I did manage some reading in my nook yesterday, though I didn't finish Small Things Like These - hopefully I will today. On audio, I started Her Royal Spyness which is delightful.

Not much on the agenda for today - some paperwork sorting, maybe some laundry, football, reading, etc. The Wayne said he'd take care of dinner, so....

Gen 30, 2022, 8:23 am

>20 msf59: - Hiya, Mark! I didn't get very far into it yesterday, but it's very good.

>21 Crazymamie: - Morning, Mamie! I decided to change up the graphic in #4. I like that gif but I kind of miss my wine flight-fancy pic :)

Gen 30, 2022, 8:36 am

I like the wine one better, too, because it never fails to crack me up.

I'm going to check out that pot roast recipe because I want a different way to cook it - mine cooks on the stovetop. I have made it in the slow cooker a few times, and the roast comes out brilliant but I can never get the veggies just right. Obviously, I need more practice. Here's the spices I use (for a 2.5 - 3 lb roast):

Better Than Bouillon (beef) - 2 tsp
Worcestershire sauce - 2 T
dried basil - 2 tsp
1 clove minced garlic - I use the Spice World brand that you just keep in your fridge

Gen 30, 2022, 8:48 am

>24 Crazymamie: - Thanks for that, Mamie. I am definitely adding Worcestershire sauce next time. I wouldn't have thought of basil because I usually only associate it with Italian food (dumb, I know). I use the same jarred garlic :)

A word about the veggies - I like mine to still have some bite to them, and these didn't much. The carrots were okay but I would have liked them a bit crisper. The onions practically disintegrated even though I cut them pretty thick, and the celery was a hot mess (mushy and stringy - it's good for flavor, though). And we served over mashed potatoes rather than cooking potatoes in the pot. Next time, I might add the veg a bit after the meat has started in the oven...

Gen 30, 2022, 9:02 am

Happy new thread, Katie. We had -20 air temps here one day last week, so your temps don't sound so bad. :)

Gen 30, 2022, 9:03 am

‘Morning, Katie! Happy Sunday and happy new thread to you.

>1 katiekrug: I have As You Wish and Mr. Flood’s Last Resort on my shelves – the first courtesy of my daughter, the last a BB from you that just arrived yesterday.

>4 katiekrug: I like the gif and feel exactly the same.

>22 katiekrug: Yikes for sure. Glad your pipes did not freeze – on top of everything you and TW have gone through you don’t need frozen pipes, too.

How is reading in your nook? I know you want to refine it, but generally, is it nice and quiet and relaxing?

Gen 30, 2022, 9:28 am

>26 BLBera: - It's all relative, Beth :)

>27 karenmarie: - Morning, Karen! It was nice to finally sit and read in my nook. I definitely need a better light, though, as I had to hold the book at a weird angle to get good light on it...

Gen 30, 2022, 9:51 am

>25 katiekrug: This is exactly my problem - the veggies come out mushy when I don't do them on the stovetop. On top of the stove, I can get the veggies right every time, and the meat is a little tough or dry, which is why I want a different method. In the slow cooker, the meat is perfect but the veggies are mush. I'm going to have to practice and take notes on timing, I guess. Heh.

Gen 30, 2022, 10:25 am

>29 Crazymamie: - I think the only way to get the right balance is to put them in at separate times. If you crack the code, be sure to let me know!

Gen 30, 2022, 10:38 am

Put the chopped veg INCLUDING taters 45min into cooking. Never fails for moi...though I used to use an electric skillet and timed the veg-inputting to the moment I went out to the grocery store.

MY spice blend was always Knorr's caldo de res, 2 sprigs fresh tarragon, 2 stems rosemary OR one longer woody stem, and the three longest legs of marjoram (preferably ones about to flower, they got the most OOOMPH). Tie some twine around the base end and put 'em in the bottom of the pot after searing the meat. Neither plastic nor wire should be used. This is important.

Given that I *adore* garlic, I double that quantity but don't chop. (I also snaffle the cooked cloves for myself.)

Gen 30, 2022, 10:41 am

>31 richardderus: - Thanks, RD! Yes, I always increase the garlic in recipes, no matter how much it calls for :) I think the rosemary and thyme I had were not very strong - stupid supermarket winter crap... Honestly, I might just try the dried stuff next time if I can't find fresher herbs.

I am hurt that you think I would be dumb enough to use wire or plastic in the pot :-P

Gen 30, 2022, 10:45 am

The Last Bookshop in London by Madeline Miller

This would have been a very charming book in the hands of a better writer. The premise is good - country girl moves to London on the eve of World War II and gets a job in a bookshop owned by a cranky old man; she matures and learns important things about herself; finds romance; experiences loss; etc etc etc. So nothing extraordinary here but the kind of story I especially enjoy on audio. Unfortunately, Miller forgot she was writing a novel and nearly turned in an 8th grade history report in which she managed to stuff Every. Single. Fact. She. Learned. While. Doing. Research. Don't get me wrong, I like detail in my historical fiction, but talented writers weave it into the story - they show, rather than tell. This novel was full of telling, and it was awkward and off-putting.

3 stars (the audio narration was good)

Gen 30, 2022, 10:48 am

As You Wish by Cary Elwes

I don't have much to say about this one, other than it was entertaining. If you've not seen the film, or don't like it, you'll get nothing out of the book, so don't bother. The audio is well read by Elwes himself.

3.5 stars

Gen 30, 2022, 10:48 am

>32 katiekrug: ...one never knows..."oh crap I need to tie these no string eek okayokay I can use these shoelaces" and they have plastic aiglettes or metal crimps. Meal ruined.

Or so I'm told.

Also? Free time-travel romance, Intertwine, took me an hour and a half to read (but it was 1a--2.30a). Free. https://smile.amazon.com/Intertwine-House-Oak-Book-1-ebook/dp/B00IPZ59W6/

Gen 30, 2022, 12:42 pm

>35 richardderus: - Snagged it!

Gen 30, 2022, 12:59 pm

My go-to pot roast recipe was in a promotional issue of Cooks Illustrated, years ago (side note: this is what I should have made the other night, instead of that annoying curry). I'm slightly panicking because I *know* I've seen the recipe since we moved, but I went looking for it just now and can't find it. I think it may involve red wine, but I might have it confused with boeuf bourgignon.

Gen 30, 2022, 1:05 pm

>37 lauralkeet: - I was thinking red wine but then I thought beer might be more in keeping with the less refined (vis a vis boeuf bourgignon) pot roast :)

Gen 30, 2022, 1:20 pm

I have a couple of stock recipes. Delia Smith's beef in beer is a winner every time. When running out of food options with isolation, I tried it with some venison I found in the freezer. I swapped beer for red wine and it turned out delicious, although could have done with a little less cooking.

I had a look at the recipe. I prefer to cube the beef, seer each side of the cubes, and then cook for 2.5 to 3 hours. 3-4 hours is a long time to cook veggies.

Gen 30, 2022, 2:02 pm

Beer gets my vote, esp. if there are carrots involved.

Gen 30, 2022, 2:26 pm

Happy new thread, Katie!

>4 katiekrug: I can completely relate to this! Right now my library stack is full of books I'm excited to read, and it's hard to choose what to pick next as a result...

Your pot roast dinner sounds most excellent.

Gen 31, 2022, 1:03 am

Now I'm craving pot roast. Happy new thread, Katie. Best of luck with your writing adventures.

Gen 31, 2022, 9:21 am

>39 Helenliz: - The idea of cutting the meat into smaller pieces is a good one. Plus, more to sear so more flavor! Thanks, Helen.

>40 richardderus: - I think a nice brown ale would do well, don't you? Does the beer help tame the sweetness of the carrots?

>41 bell7: - Thanks, Mary! The gif speaks to a lot of us, I thing :)

>42 Familyhistorian: - Get you some, Meg! And thanks re: the writing. It's nice to have time for it.

Gen 31, 2022, 9:32 am

Blerg. I have a full blown head cold. So. Much. Snot. (sorry). The Wayne is picking me up some medicine after his gym session (I bailed because I can't breathe :-P), along with eucalyptus steam shower tablets which are the only good things about getting a head cold... I am 99% sure it is just a cold, as it's like every single head cold I've ever gotten and I have no other symptoms. I'm just going to take it easy today. Once I am vertical, I feel much better, so I think I'll live.

We had a nice, quiet day yesterday with football, reading, and cooking. TW made his quick red sauce with Italian sausage over pasta for dinner. Not the healthiest thing in the world, but warm and comforting. Happily, I got some decent reading time in, so I am hoping my super funk is over.

To Do:
- take it easy so I don't die - heh

- Breakfast: brownie (I made double chocolate brownies with chocolate and peanut butter chips yesterday and they are DELISH)
- Lunch: chicken and rice soup
- Dinner: leftover pot roast and mashed potatoes

- I finished Small Things Like These yesterday and started The Fell
- Continuing to enjoy Her Royal Spyness on audio
- Really need to read the latest issue of The Atlantic before the new one arrives

- Just football

Gen 31, 2022, 9:36 am

For some reason, Wordle was more fun before everyone and their brother started playing it, so maybe I'll retire from it on the high of today's result :)

Wordle 226 2/6


Gen 31, 2022, 9:38 am

Morning, Katie! I am very sorry about the excess of snot. This is most sad making. Please feel better soon.

Good thinking with the brownie for breakfast - dessert for breakfast is the one of the best things ever.

Gen 31, 2022, 9:41 am

>46 Crazymamie: - I appreciate the sympathy and good wishes, Mamie!

Thankfully, The Wayne has today off from work, so I won't feel guilty if I take a nap later...

Gen 31, 2022, 9:49 am

Napping is full of fabulous.

Gen 31, 2022, 9:57 am

Ugh. I'm sorry you have a bad cold, but you're are so right about those shower tablets. Amazing.

Gen 31, 2022, 10:04 am

Hi Katie!

>32 katiekrug: Small herb garden? Rosemary is a perennial and might just be fun to have outside, but all the annuals are fun, too. Unfortunately, my kitty Zoe has eaten pretty much every indoor plant I have, even chewing on the sanseveria, so I’m reluctant to have an herb garden. However, I just might try to find a covered mini-herb garden and place it to catch morning sun on the breakfast table.

>33 katiekrug: Okay, pass. *smile* Sometimes I discover books on my shelves I’ve forgotten about, but I’m glad to see that I have none by Ms. Martin.

>44 katiekrug: Sorry about the cold, and especially the snot. (daughter Jenna, recovering from Covid, reported copious amounts of snot on Saturday and we then had fun talking about Mrs. Weasley and Ginny calling Fleur “Phlegm” in HP book 6). I hope you recover quickly. Eucalyptus steam shower tablets… never heard of them and they sound wonderful. After a bit of online research I may have to compromise with Vicks Vaporub tablets, because they're FSA and I have BCBS OTC money and I'm cheap, but still. Shower steam tablets. 👍

>45 katiekrug: Impressive. I’m still chuffed at being able to display my results, so will continue for a few more days. It took me four tries today.

Gen 31, 2022, 10:12 am

>48 Crazymamie: - Agreed!

>49 scaifea: - Thanks Amber. They are the best, aren't they?

>50 karenmarie: - Morning, Karen! We actually have an Aerogarden we could re-start - I just keep forgetting about it. But we use so little of things like thyme (and I mostly hate rosemary), I'd hate to take up the room. I'd rather double up on cilantro and basil, which we use lots of... The Wayne normally grows herbs outside but everything got flooded in September.

Your mention of Jenna's snot makes me think I should take one of our at-home Covid tests. Omnicrom is so similar to regular colds, I could be being fooled, and I'd hate to assume it was just a cold and go out and infect someone.

The steam tablets in any form are delightful. I actually bought some citrus and lavendar ones for my SIL and MIL for Christmas. I only use them when I'm sick, though, because it's like a special treat when I'm feeling crummy.

Gen 31, 2022, 11:23 am

Your brownies sound wonderful -- hope they tasted good even through your nasal issue :) You reminded me that daughter #1 made some shower tablets and put them in our Christmas stockings. I must remember to try one because they do sound lovely.

Feel better soon!!

Gen 31, 2022, 11:26 am

>52 RebaRelishesReading: - Morning, Reba! I could taste the brownies, thank goodness.

Do try the shower tablets. They are a treat. And thanks for the good wishes.

See below.

Gen 31, 2022, 11:29 am

Welp, my rapid test came in positive so I have been struck. Thankfully, I feel okay except for the heavy head and copious amounts of snot. And maybe a little tired. I am freaking out a bit inside, but what can you do?

The Wayne just took a test and I can't see how he'd escape it, so....

I'm glad I tested because now I don't have to wonder or worry (much).

Gen 31, 2022, 11:33 am

Sorry you've been struck but hope it's relatively mild and quick. Good news is that there are studies which suggest you'll have "super immunity" when you're through it. As to The Wayne, we have friends where he just got over it and she still hasn't tested positive so it isn't a given. Rest, read a lot and get well soon.

Gen 31, 2022, 11:33 am

>54 katiekrug: My 8 year old got covid a few weeks ago. He is fully vaccinated - had a stuffy nose and mild cough for 3-4 days before it was entirely cleared. No fever or fatigue. And shockingly no one else in our household got it from him, despite repeated testing (both rapid and PCR) to check. And we did not isolate from him at all. I felt like - yay! the vaccine and boosters worked!

I hope it's an easy recovery for you - I know it hits everyone differently!

Gen 31, 2022, 11:43 am

>55 RebaRelishesReading: - TW's test was positive, too. We both just feel like we have colds, so hopefully it stays that way. Interesting about the super immunity - I read something a little while ago that new studies of omicron indicate that "natural" immunity (i.e. those who had COVID previously) wasn't nearly as affective as vax/booster. Thankfully, we've both been boostered so barring something awful, we should be fine.

>56 japaul22: - That's good to hear, Jennifer! I did just take my temperature, more out of curiosity than anything else as I didn't feel feverish, and it was normal. I'm glad the rest of your household managed to avoid the Vid!

Gen 31, 2022, 11:47 am

Poop! Sorry to hear you've been struck down by 'Rona. Hope the coldy symptoms clear soon and you feel better.

I had to scurry away and search t'internet as to what these shower steamers might be. Now I want them - all of them... I've had a stuffy head, snot the consistency of glue (yes, you did need to know that), so have been going to bed with a Vick laden handkerchief to try and persuade it to leave.

Gen 31, 2022, 11:58 am

>54 katiekrug: Sorry you've both been struck but glad to hear that it's mild. Seems impossible to avoid at this point but thank goodness for the booster. Hope you can just hunker down and get through it quickly.

Gen 31, 2022, 12:03 pm

>58 Helenliz: - Thanks, Helen! The shower steamers are great. I hope you can find them easily to purchase. Sorry about the snot. I feel ya.

>59 vivians: - Thanks, Vivian. I hope it doesn't get any worse. Any change will freak me out (unless it's change in the positive direction of course). As it is now, I can deal with it.

Gen 31, 2022, 12:06 pm

Dammit Katie, I'm sorry you and Wayne both have the virus! I hope today's symptoms are the worst of it. I was a bit snarky to you over on my thread, but I didn't know you weren't feeling well so please accept my apology.

I hope you are well stocked with comfort food and books.

Modificato: Gen 31, 2022, 12:09 pm

>61 lauralkeet: - Ha! That wasn't snarky. No apology necessary.

I actually need to look for a grocery delivery slot because we are not very well stocked at all. The annoying part is that I feel perfectly well enough to take care of things but can't. Very frustrating!

Gen 31, 2022, 12:17 pm

Oof, Katie! Sorry about the positive tests, but good for you both for checking.

Gen 31, 2022, 12:23 pm

Oh dang. Welp, I'm glad the symptoms are fairly mild and I hope it moves out quickly for you both!

Gen 31, 2022, 12:27 pm

OH GROSS. I'm so sorry! I was reading the Times newsletter this morning and they showed the chart of hospitalizations from COVID among the triply-jabbed: 0.1%

You'll both be fine in a week or so. Like a cold. Go to bed, sleep a lot whenever the urge hits, do not power through, avoid anything not do-able in ten minutes or less, and eat out if you can. This is not the moment to fuss about your diets.

Depletion of energy reserves is a serious issue, and you don't want to court it. Do everything *now* to keep it safe for when you'll need it in the future (he said, draggily, after an eleven-hour sleep because that's what his body demanded).

Gen 31, 2022, 1:06 pm

>63 Crazymamie: - Yes, I'm so glad we tested. But I feel terrible that The Wayne went to his training session with Julian this morning. We've let Julian know and he isn't mad, so that's good :)

>64 scaifea: - Thanks, Amber!

>65 richardderus: - As if I need a reason to be lazy and avoid responsibilities! I am not one of those people who powers through - I wallow. I will have to hold TW in check a bit, though...

Gen 31, 2022, 1:56 pm

Oh Katie - so sorry about the COVID result. Here’s hoping you’re better soon and your symptoms aren’t too bad.

Gen 31, 2022, 3:18 pm

Oh dang. Sorry to hear both you and the Wayne have picked up the bug. Wishing you plenty of comfort reading and viewing while you recuperate.

Gen 31, 2022, 3:56 pm

>54 katiekrug: I’m sorry the tests came back positive, but so glad you and TW took the tests and are both vaccinated and boosted. Jenna only had sniffles two Saturdays ago, then felt awful over the weekend with many of the Omicron symptoms, acquired a test a week ago today, and tested positive. I hope your symptoms are no worse than you have now. 🤞

Jenna will be going back to work tomorrow, but is staying home today because she's still fatigued and snotty.

Gen 31, 2022, 4:18 pm

Sorry to hear about the positive COVID tests and hope your symptoms clear up quickly.

>33 katiekrug: I don't disagree with a single comment you make about Last Bookshop in London, but I confess I really enjoyed it.

Now I'm contemplating pot roast.

Gen 31, 2022, 6:54 pm

Katie, so sorry to hear you and Wayne got COVID, and here's hoping it stays mild. Like Richard said, the numbers for the triple-jabbed are very good. Feel better soon!

Gen 31, 2022, 9:36 pm

I hope your symptoms stay mild!

Gen 31, 2022, 9:53 pm

Sorry to read that the Covid bug has hit you and The Wayne, Katie. Take care of yourselves, and feel better soon!

Feb 1, 2022, 8:55 am

Thanks so much, Rhian, Micky, Karen, Anne, Mary, Jim and Judy!

I still feel mostly okay, just some head congestion. And sneezing! So. Much. Sneezing.

I've lost my sense of taste for the most part, but that often happens to me with a head cold, so I think it's the congestion rather than the virus itself, if that makes sense.

I took it easy yesterday because I was mildly fatigued. We had leftovers for dinner and then watched a bunch of episodes of 'Next Level Chef' because I love cooking shows, even bad ones.

I feel better this morning than I did yesterday morning, so I'm taking that as a positive. The Wayne also doesn't feel too poorly, though tired and a bit foggy. He's going to attempt work but let his team know he may be in and out for the next few days.

The only thing on my Must Do list is to pick up my grocery order (contactless) at 8:30 tonight. I was so glad to get a slot so soon! I'll be playing the rest of the day by ear.

Feb 1, 2022, 8:56 am

Wordle 227 3/6


Modificato: Feb 1, 2022, 9:01 am

'Morning, Katie!

I'm glad you're taking it easy, sorry about the sneezing. Jenna reported that too, but I think her last sneezing fit was Saturday. Sorry about TW's tiredness and being a bit foggy, too.

Glad you've got a contactless grocery order for tonight.


edited to add: >75 katiekrug: harrumph. I had an epic fail, my first.

Feb 1, 2022, 9:14 am

>76 karenmarie: - Morning, Karen!

I sort of love sneezing, so I don't mind it much. I'm weird...

I've failed several times at Wordle because I get impatient and feel like there is a clock ticking. The last couple of days, I have been slowing down and trying to take my time.

Modificato: Feb 1, 2022, 12:07 pm

Monthly Stats:


Completed: 11
Mine: 6
Library: 5
Print: 3
Ebook: 3
Audio: 5
Pub Year
- 2022/2021: 2
- 2010-2020: 8
- 2000-2009: 0
- 1980-1999: 1
- 1950-1979: 0
- 1900-1949: 0
- 19th c.: 0
- Contemporary Fiction: 3
- Historical Fiction: 2
- Romance: 2
- Crime/Suspense/Thriller: 1
- Speculative: 0
- Juvenile/YA: 0
- Classics: 1
- Nonfiction: 2

(DNFs: 1)

Male: 3
Female: 10
Multiple Authors: 1 (3 female)
US/UK: 9
Other Country: 2 (Ireland - 2)
New-To-Me Author: 12
Own Voices: 0

I felt like I was in a bit of a reading funk much of the month, but the audios (and jigsaw puzzles!) kept my numbers reasonably high. I didn't really hate anything I read, not even the one DNF I had. I only abandoned that one because I was stuck in a rut and needed a re-set. I am disappointed I didn't have any "own voices" books, but I'll do better with that in February.

Feb 1, 2022, 11:46 am

>75 katiekrug: I see you didn't give up Wordle after your smashing performance ... gotta do SOMETHIN' while you're vanquishing the virus, right? I do hope it gives you both a fairly quick and easy time of it. I think the latest consensus is that "natural immunity" from the virus itself, on top of vaccine immunity, is a bit stronger than either alone, and therefore you'll be the best anyone can be once you've fought this off. So take that, COVID.

Feb 1, 2022, 11:49 am

>78 katiekrug: Those're some darn fine stats! And that DNF was *perfectly*justified* IMnever-humbleO

>75 katiekrug: I got it in three, too:
Wordle 227 3/6


Feb 1, 2022, 12:09 pm

>79 laytonwoman3rd: - Resistance was futile, Linda :)

I also got Queen Bee on the Spelling Bee again today so am feeling quite smug...

I hope you're right about the immunity! I was worried when I had barely any reaction to any of the three shots, but I guess they did their job...

>80 richardderus: - Thanks re: the stats. And yeah, I don't feel bad about the DNF at all. But then, I never do...

Nice Wordle-ing!

Feb 1, 2022, 4:28 pm

Three for me on the Wordle today too, which felt nice after a couple days of 5.

Glad to hear you and TW are doing ok so far. Hope the rest and relaxation continues to see you on the mend swiftly.

Feb 1, 2022, 5:53 pm

>82 MickyFine: - Anything better than 4 feels like a real win.

Thanks for the good wishes. I'm still feeling pretty good, as is The Wayne.

Feb 1, 2022, 6:54 pm

Glad you're keeping those bugs under control! Hope you're over even the mildest symptoms in just a day or two.

Modificato: Feb 1, 2022, 7:48 pm

Sorry to hear you are both down with the crud. My nephew's family has had it--last one succumbed on Sunday, so hopefully that will do it for them. Yes, all vaccinated and boostered but, like you, a nasty cold.

I thought I would pick up on some Australian Open conversation here, and thought I remembered you being a Rafa fan. Sunday's match was the only one I saw in its entirety, and it was one for the ages. I was very happy I already knew the results before I saw the match--it made it just that much more incredible.

Feel better soon.

Feb 1, 2022, 7:50 pm

>84 RebaRelishesReading: - Thanks, Reba!

>85 ronincats: - Hi Roni! I can't even say our version is like a "nasty" cold. It really just feels like a regular cold!

I am a tennis fan but the time difference puts me off the Australian Open. I'm not a Rafa fan, though I like him more now given what an ass Djokovich is. But of the Big 3, my heart belongs to Federer :)

Feb 1, 2022, 8:37 pm

My heart belongs to Federer, too, Katie. Never a Rafa fan, never a Djokovic fan.

Feb 1, 2022, 11:17 pm

Yay for #TeamFed! I do think Rafa has become more likable to me over the years, but then im also #TeamAnyoneButDjokovic

Feb 2, 2022, 1:42 am

Sorry to hear you're sick, Katie. Hopefully it continues on its current just-a-cold trajectory.

Big 3 - I have always been a Rafa fan. I liked Djokovic when he was first entering the Big 3, before he became an unstoppable winning and wacko science machine. Federer I could never stand at all ... until he got old.

Feb 2, 2022, 3:08 am

Happy new-ish thread, Katie!

Sorry to hear that you and The Wayne are sick. I hope you recover quickly!

Feb 2, 2022, 7:30 am

I am quite behind with your thread. All caught up now.

>33 katiekrug: I believe I gave that book a three star rating as well. I did enjoy the description of the actual bookshop though.

Sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully, it does not last long.

Feb 2, 2022, 8:24 am

>87 karenmarie: - Rafa has grown on me a bit over the years, but I'll never be a huge fan. And Djokovich is just --no.

>88 rosalita: - Exactly! I didn't always hate Djokovich - when he was always dismissed by Rafa and Federer fans, I felt kind of bad for him. But no longer!

>89 ursula: - Thanks, Ursula. I had a great night's sleep last night and except for a bit of snotty nose and sneezing (and not being able to smell or taste), I'm fine.

Interesting about Federer. I can understand liking Rafa or someone else more, but to hate Federer? He seems like such a gentle soul. But I wasn't as aware of him when he first came on the scene so maybe he was a big jerk?

>90 alcottacre: - Thanks, Stasia. We are mostly fine. We seem to have been luckier than you and Kerry.

>91 figsfromthistle: - Oh, yes! The bookshop bits were great, and I did love the character of the owner (whose name I've already forgotten...).

Thanks re: the Sickness. It's not been bad for us, and I feel better every day :)

Feb 2, 2022, 8:37 am

'Morning, Katy!

I have never liked Rafa's admittedly-impressive power style, the grunting, the slam-bam stuff. I've always liked Roger's finesse and him pretty much reintroducing the drop shot and mixing it up on court was always fun to watch. Djokovic was cute to watch in the early days as he imitated players, but he was always arrogant. Federer's arrogant, Nadal's arrogant - you have to be to play at that level - but they disguised it better. Roger was a big jerk in some of the early clips of him I've seen - smashing racquets and displaying anger, but he mastered that on-court anger pretty quickly, which I admired. I didn't watch any of the Aussie Open, even in re-runs.

I'm sorry about the loss of taste and smell on top of snot central, glad you're feeling better every day!

Feb 2, 2022, 8:39 am

Morning, all! I slept straight through the night, which was lovely. I pretty much can't smell or taste anything but as I think I mentioned, that often happens to me at the tail end of head colds, so... *shrug* I expect it'll come back in a day or two. My energy was pretty good yesterday and I expect the same will be true today. The current guidance says after 5 days of isolating (Day 0 is first onset of symptoms or day of positive result if asymptomatic), as long as my symptoms have improved, I can go out into the world as long as I have a good mask. Day 5 would be Thursday for me, so I think I'll go get tested on Friday (I want a "real" test not a rapid one which often gives false negatives). Anyway, I'm feeling good - not that I ever felt all that bad.

To Do:
- writing class in the morning
- email fence guy (estimate was good, just need to confirm they handle the red tape with the town)
- tidy up kitchen

- Breakfast: yogurt
- Lunch: tuna salad
- Dinner: jambalaya

- none yesterday

- finished Her Royal Spyness and started If Beale Street Could Talk on audio
- read a chunk of The Fell last night; may finish it today

Feb 2, 2022, 8:41 am

>93 karenmarie: - Morning, Karen! Good summary of the Big 3. The start of that "era" was during one of my hiatuses from following tennis, so that's interesting about Federer's early days. I'm glad he learned to control himself; he's so gracious now. I loved his message to Rafa after Rafa won the AO.

Feb 2, 2022, 8:51 am

I'm so glad you're starting to feel better, Katie, and yay for a good night's sleep!

Jambalaya sounds amazing.

Feb 2, 2022, 8:59 am

>96 scaifea: - Thanks, Amber!

Don't be impressed about the jambalaya - it's a box of rice and seasoning mix and a link of kielbasa :)

Feb 2, 2022, 9:08 am

Wordle 228 2/6



Feb 2, 2022, 9:23 am

>97 katiekrug: I love those box jambalaya mixes, though, so it still sounds amazing to me!

Feb 2, 2022, 9:29 am

>99 scaifea: - It's one of our favorite lazy-ass dinners.

Feb 2, 2022, 9:38 am

>98 katiekrug: Impressive!

Feb 2, 2022, 10:07 am

Morning, Katie!

>98 katiekrug: I also got it in two! Usually takes me four.

Feb 2, 2022, 10:55 am

>98 katiekrug: Took me one more try than you, but I bet I got it for the same reason!
Wordle 228 3/6


Feb 2, 2022, 11:16 am

>98 katiekrug: I admit to a fail this morning. I got the last 4 letters right, then tried h and j before running out of tries. >:-(

Feb 2, 2022, 12:17 pm

>98 katiekrug: It was one of my starter words today, so I should have got it in ONE! It took me 3.

Feb 2, 2022, 12:23 pm

>101 karenmarie: - And rare for me!

>102 Crazymamie: - Yep, I'm most often a 4/6 girl myself...

>103 richardderus: - Did you use yesterday's word as your starter?

>104 Helenliz: - I consider it a moral victory when one gets the last 4 letters of a word that has a million possibilities for the first letter... :)

>105 laytonwoman3rd: - I could never use that as a starter word because it makes me shudder just typing it...

Modificato: Feb 2, 2022, 12:24 pm

>106 katiekrug: But it's a GREAT starter word...even though I totally get what you're saying.

Feb 2, 2022, 12:25 pm

>106 katiekrug: I always start with that same word because it's so efficient at getting the important information!

Feb 2, 2022, 12:28 pm

>107 laytonwoman3rd: - I get that, but... *shudder*

>108 richardderus: - My starter word is usually ADIEU to flush out the vowels. After that, if I don't have a lot to go on, I use NORTH. Though the last few days, I've just been choosing a random word and I've been doing better so I might just stick with that no-strategy strategy...

Feb 2, 2022, 12:35 pm

>109 katiekrug: NORTH is a good follow-up...I myownself use MIRTH after AEONS if I get crap from it. wordlegame.org is a goddess-send for developing strategies because it's unlimited, though not as pretty as Wardle's Wordle.

Feb 2, 2022, 12:37 pm

>109 katiekrug: Mine is AUDIO, for similar reasons, followed by THENS.

Feb 2, 2022, 1:11 pm

>109 katiekrug: Katie, I'm making mental note of "ADIEU'. That's a really good one to start with. I usually try for a word with at least two vowels and one or two common consonants. Example: STARE. But today, just to mix things up I started with RAISE and got it in 2, only the second time that's happened.

I'm glad you are still feeling okay and in fact, better!

Feb 2, 2022, 1:14 pm

I love all the wordle starting word options!

Feb 2, 2022, 2:07 pm

I hope you're feeling better. And go Rafa! I've always been a Rafa fan.

Feb 2, 2022, 2:27 pm

I'll never get wordle in two because I almost always have to use two starter words to get enough info to even begin to guess. earth, noisy -- using the nine most common letters in English words + y

Feb 2, 2022, 2:31 pm

Just dropping in and glad to hear you're feeling better. Thank goodness for vaccines. I'm eagerly awaiting the 6 months - 5 year old versions and it finally seems progress is being made.

Feb 2, 2022, 3:19 pm

>110 richardderus:, >111 Helenliz:, >112 lauralkeet:, and >113 karenmarie: - I love hearing everyone's starter words! Today I started with yesterday's word which served me well.

>114 BLBera: - Thanks, Beth. Almost totally back to normal. I can even taste a little bit now.

I know Rafa has a lot of fans in this group - you and Kim may be the most vocal!

>115 ELiz_M: - That is usually the same for me, Liz. ADIEU and NORTH and I work it from there, most often getting it in 4.

>116 vivians: - Hi Vivian! Yes, I saw that emergency authorization request for the little kiddos' vaccine. Fingers crossed you'll get to cuddle all those grandchildren soon!!!

Feb 2, 2022, 3:23 pm

I just spent a little over an hour with my jigsaw puzzle while listening to If Beale Street Could Talk. Wow - just wow. Fantastic so far!

And in other news, my best friend sent me a Galentine's Day gift of gourmet pretzels and Belgian waffles with assorted dips and sprinkles and other toppings. Can't wait to sample them...

What a good day so far :)

Feb 2, 2022, 3:51 pm

Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan

A beautifully spare novella about a good man who understands what true grace is.

4.25 stars

Feb 2, 2022, 3:54 pm

Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen

The first in a cozy mystery series about a minor British royal making her way in the world in the 1930s. A fun premise and sharp dialogue are made even better by the excellent narration of the late Katherine Kellgren. I can't wait to listen to the next one.

4 stars

Feb 2, 2022, 4:57 pm

>120 katiekrug: Oh this looks so good! I've always wanted to read Rhys Bowen but she's so prolific I didn't know where to start. Glad the audio worked. Adding to my series list!

Feb 2, 2022, 8:27 pm

>120 katiekrug: Thanks for that review. I always see Rhys Bowen books in Kindle sales and am tempted but not sure where to start the series. Now I know!

I already have Small Things Like These on my radar. Glad you liked it!

My starter word is ATONE. If that hits, which it usually does, I figure out my second guess accordingly (RILES, ROILS, or RAILS, for example). But if it's a total miss, my followup word is SKIRL.

Feb 2, 2022, 9:54 pm

I'm glad you're recovering nicely from COVID Katie. At this point I know lots of people who have gotten it so I'm sure at some point I will too. BTW I DNF many, many books. Usually within the first dozen pages because at my age I can't waste time. I don't usually make note of them in any way. Why read books you don't love? I did enjoy the audio of The Last Bookshop in London more than you.

Feb 3, 2022, 8:05 am

>121 vivians: - It's really delightful on audio, Vivian. I think it would be just ho-hum in print. And it's not too long, which I always appreciate in my audiobooks :)

>122 AnneDC: - Hi Anne - I'm not sure I would have liked the BOwen as much in print, though there is a lot of humor so that would help. I'll be interested to hear what you think of it, if you read the first one.

Oooh, SKIRL is a great word!

>123 brenzi: - Thanks, Bonnie! Still trying to get my sense of of taste/smell back - it sort of wanders in and then wanders out again. It seems to depend on the amount of snot (you're welcome) :)

I only "officially" count a DNF if I read at least 25 pages or so of it. I often will pick up a book, read a few pages and decide not to continue right then and I don't count those. I consider that just part of the process of picking a new book.

Feb 3, 2022, 8:18 am

Morning, all! It's grey and foggy out, and we are supposed to get some rain. Gross.

I spent some quality time in my reading nook yesterday on two separate occasions. It gets a little crowded because the dog and cat tend to also come up there with me; Leonard sits on the arm of the chair and Nuala tries to make herself comfortable on the ottoman, which is too small for her...

The writing group was okay yesterday. We did two different prompts, one I just couldn't connect with and one which got me going. I did share the latter and people seemed to respond genuinely positively to it (rather than struggling to find something to say, like I do with a lot of what is shared). I was also pleased that the session leader had taken my recommendation of Last Night at the Lobster from the first class to heart and had read it and shared an excerpt as part of our pre-reading. And she kept referencing the work. I love spreading that O'Nan love :)

Today should be pretty quiet. I have virtual happy hour tonight and am looking forward to that. My former co-workers experienced their first Board meetings sans me last week, and I can't wait to hear all about it. Heh.

To Do:
- paperwork sorting
- work on reading nook

- Breakfast: fancy waffle from yesterday's gift box
- Lunch: turkey sandwich (yawn)
- Dinner: takeout of some kind

- I finished The Fell last night - might be my first 5-starrer of the year...
- Loving the audio of If Beale Street Could Talk
- Will read an essay or two in This is the Story of a Happy Marriage before starting my next book

- one episode of 'Next Level Chef' last night

Feb 3, 2022, 8:21 am

>125 katiekrug: I finished The Fell last night - might be my first 5-starrer of the year...

Woo hoo! I gave it 4 stars but also loved it, so now I'm eager to read more of your thoughts.

Feb 3, 2022, 8:57 am

‘Morning, Katie! I hope you and TW are feeling even better today than you did yesterday.

Gratifying about the leader reading O’Nan at your suggestion and incorporating it into a writing group session.

Boring old turkey sandwich… I actively dislike pretty much all store-bought sliced turkey (remember that we do not have good deli options out here),and even though it would be a great low-sodium sandwich, just can’t seem to get excited about eating it.

Feb 3, 2022, 9:37 am

Glad to hear you loved the Sarah Moss.

Have you seen "The Detectorists" - short British TV series? I'm loving it, although I think I'm late to the party (original release was in 2014).

Feb 3, 2022, 9:38 am

>126 lauralkeet: - I'll try to type up my thoughts today, Laura. I think I'm going to settle at 4.75 stars. 5 star reads usually have to make me cry to earn that rating :)

>127 karenmarie: - Morning, Karen! Yup, still feeling pretty good. The Wayne can leave isolation today, per the CDC guidance so he may go pick up some rapid tests to be on the safe side. The ones we ordered through the PO haven't arrived yet. I'll take one and if it comes up positive, I'll know to stay put. If it's negative, then I'll go for a PCR test tomorrow, I think. I am going stir crazy and would very much like to leave the house :)

I try to jazz up my turkey with a slice of provolone and an interesting mustard, but it does get boring. But it's an easy thing to keep in the fridge for lunches, and TW likes it.

Feb 3, 2022, 9:39 am

>128 vivians: - Cross-posted!

The Fell was great - Ellen is up next with it. I need to check in with her again because I know she's going out of town soon and I don't want the book to get lost in a pile of held mail or anything...

I haven't seen (or heard) of The Detectorists. I will check it out. What service?

Feb 3, 2022, 9:44 am

For anyone interested in trying the "Her Royal Spyness" series in print, the e-book of the first, which I reviewed in >120 katiekrug: is on sale for $1.99 right now :)

Disclaimer: I loved the audio. I cannot vouch for the experience in print!

Feb 3, 2022, 10:59 am

>130 katiekrug: I'm watching it on Amazon Prime

Feb 3, 2022, 11:13 am

>132 vivians: - Thanks! I've added it to my watch list. And I love that they are 30 minute episodes. So much of what is on my watch lists on various platforms are hour long episodes and sometimes I just want something fun and quick!

Feb 3, 2022, 11:28 am

Chiming in about The Detectorists. We absolutely love that show. We first watched it in 2020 (it was on Britbox back then), and have since re-watched a lot, maybe all, of it. We recently stumbled on a "making of..." program that was fun, too. As Vivian mentioned, it's on Prime. You definitely want to start at the beginning. When I look at Prime Video, Seasons 1 & 2 say "included with IMDB tv" and it appears that comes with ads, whereas Season 3 just says "Prime." But AcornTV appears to have all three seasons, and you can subscribe to Acorn thru Prime if you want.

Feb 3, 2022, 11:43 am

>125 katiekrug: I love that Nuala and Leonard follow you up to your reading nook! Too funny. That's what happens with the Big Bed, which is what we call our king-sized bed in the master bedroom. Craig and I upsized from a queen many years ago because the kids would want to all pile in with me to read books together. The same thing is still happening all these years later - last night we had a full bed to watch Columbo. Craig was in the chair, but the girls and the cats all piled in with me.

Very cool about the writing instructor reading Last Night at the Lobster and even reading from it in class!

I agree with you about the Royal Spyness being awesome on audio - I don't think I would make it through the books in print, but they are delightful on audio.

Feb 3, 2022, 11:50 am

>134 lauralkeet: - Thanks, Laura! I might watch it at my desk, in which case I don't mind ads because I can do something else while they run. I do not need to sign up for another streaming service (famous last words)!

>135 Crazymamie: - Morning (just), Mamie! Nuala would love to crowd us in bed, but it's too high for her to jump onto and I refuse to help her up because she hogs all the good spots and kicks The Wayne in the kidneys all night. Leonard is allowed up, as he sleeps in a tidy little circle way down at the end.

It was your comments about HRS that got me to finally give it a whirl. I have the first 3 on Audible and can see myself getting more as I need them - though I guess I should check my libraries for them, too...

Feb 3, 2022, 11:53 am

I can't wait to get my hands on the Keegan, Katie. I just read a novella by her, and the language was just lovely.

Feb 3, 2022, 11:56 am

>137 BLBera: - Beth, I think Stasia is supposed to get The Fell once Ellen is finished with it, so check in with her to see if someone has claimed it after her. It's kind of fun passing it around - Vivian put a note in it to Laura, who added a message to me, so I'll add one for Ellen.... makes it fun :)

Modificato: Feb 3, 2022, 11:57 am

>134 lauralkeet: woohoo so glad to find a fellow enthusiast, Laura! I'm just at the beginning of series 3 and will be very sorry when I'm done. Now just waiting for affirmation from Katie :).

Feb 3, 2022, 12:06 pm

>134 lauralkeet: I've been looking for another series, so I will try this out.

I have The Fell, Katie. I was referring to Small Things Like These. :) I love that everyone is adding a note.

Modificato: Feb 3, 2022, 12:19 pm

>135 Crazymamie:, >136 katiekrug: Dogs are not allowed on beds here. Alys likes to sleep with Kate when she visits, and she (Alys, not Kate LOL) is a total bed hog so despite having a King bed we've said nope nope nope. It's one of those things that would be hard to undo once a precedent is set.

>136 katiekrug: I do not need to sign up for another streaming service

And we really *should* cancel our Acorn subscription. We signed up a couple months ago to watch a couple of really old series, and thought we'd exhausted all we were interested in. And then we noticed they had The Detectorists, and watched some episodes again ... sigh. Remind me again why we no longer have a DVD player?

>139 vivians: Honestly Vivian, if Katie doesn't like The Detectorists, she's just ... wrong. 😀

Feb 3, 2022, 12:28 pm

>139 vivians: - I was going to watch the first episode with my lunch but came here instead!

>140 BLBera: - Oh, duh. My brain went on a temporary vacation... :)

>141 lauralkeet: - Our previous dog, Louis, slept on our bed but he was better about staying at the foot of it. If Nuala could do that, she'd probably be allowed up but as it is, NOPE. She can jump onto the bed in the guest room we use at my in-laws, so much of our Christmas visit was spent tired from poor sleep.

Feb 3, 2022, 12:34 pm

>130 katiekrug: The Detectorists is Mr SandDune's favourite programme. It's a lovely quiet programme.

Feb 3, 2022, 12:40 pm

Aching from the weather. Grouchy because the damned fog is uccchhhy.

Just a beaming beacon of joy, me.

Have a good VHH tonight, and I hope the gossip is juicy.

Feb 3, 2022, 1:12 pm

>141 lauralkeet: No dogs on the bed. We don't have any dogs anymore, but we did used to let our toy poodles on the bed - it's high, so someone had to put them up, they could not just jump up on their own. And they each slept on their own person's bed at night, so Craig and I had the Big Bed to ourselves. Griffin (Daniel and Kaitlyn's golden retriever) is not even allowed in the master bedroom - he is huge and we are still adjusting to the tons of hair shedding. We do have three cats, and they are allowed on the bed, but their hair is nothing compared to Griffin's. But again they (the cats) each sleep with their own person at night. Mercy is the only one allowed to rule the roost at night, and she almost always sleeps with Abby. Luckily, Griffin is very cute and has most excellent puppy dog eyes. At his house, he sleeps in his kennel at night. I am told he is a very loud snorer.

Modificato: Feb 3, 2022, 1:37 pm

>143 SandDune: - I just watched the first episode and loved it :)

>144 richardderus: - Yes, it is quite "uccchhhy" out. I'm sorry it's making you achy :(

Thanks re: VHH. The wine is laid in, so it should be a good time...

>145 Crazymamie: - Nuala snores occasionally, but Leonard is the worst offender. You can hear him from two rooms away sometimes.

Feb 3, 2022, 1:31 pm


*fist bump* to my LT buddies for never leading me astray. I just watched the first episode of The Detectorists (no ads!) and loved it. I think The Wayne might enjoy it, too, so I'll probably be re-watching episode 1 in short order :)

Feb 3, 2022, 1:36 pm

>146 katiekrug: Too funny!

Sounds like I need to watch The Detectorists!

Feb 3, 2022, 1:36 pm

Yay! And it gets better!

Feb 3, 2022, 1:37 pm

>148 Crazymamie: - I think you'll like the show, too, Mamie!

>149 vivians: - I was laughing out loud a few times. Buttons!

Feb 3, 2022, 2:15 pm

>147 katiekrug: Katie, I don't know if you remember me recommending the University Challenge quiz show which you can find on YouTube. I think you were binge-ing other quiz shows at the time. Anyway, The Detectorists is what got us started watching University Challenge.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the first episode! And no ads: huzzah!

Feb 3, 2022, 2:28 pm

>151 lauralkeet: - Oh, absolutely I remember, as I did start watching it. When I heard the reference in The Detectorists, I wondered if that's what led you to it!

Feb 3, 2022, 3:15 pm

>120 katiekrug: Ah, another convert. I just love that series. I've only "read" them in audio version and I think they're very well done.

We had an Irish Setter (mostly) years ago who wasn't allowed on our bed. One morning she got into our room and was mid-leap over the foot board when she saw that we were in the bed. We nearly died laughing from the look on her face and her attempts to swim backward in the air and undo what she did.

Feb 3, 2022, 3:21 pm

Oh, sorry you and TW got the bug in spite of all. At least it didn't keep you down for long. I hope you and TW fully recover post haste.

I really can't let your thread get too far ahead of me. I miss all the news.

Feb 3, 2022, 5:19 pm

>153 RebaRelishesReading: - Reba, I think between you and Mamie, you convinced me to try the series!

That is too funny about your Irish setter. Sweet, silly doggos...

>154 ffortsa: - Thanks, Judy! It didn't keep us down at all, to be honest. The Wayne worked every day and I didn't totally fink out on my responsibilities. We were lucky to get "just like a cold" version, I guess.

Feb 3, 2022, 6:18 pm

>147 katiekrug: I'm chiming in, too, as a fan of the The Detectorists. Lovely, funny show.

Karen O.

Feb 4, 2022, 3:23 am

Our cat used to sleep on the foot of my bed. When I went to university, she'd gradually moved her sleeping place up to the middle of the bed, then take great umbrage when I returned and wanted more than half of my own bed again!

Are you allowed out again yet? Freedom tastes really good after a week of isolation *fist bump*

Feb 4, 2022, 8:23 am

>156 klobrien2: - I'm excited to introduce The Wayne to it and see what he thinks. Maybe tonight...

>157 Helenliz: - Ha! Cats can be such assholes...

I am allowed out again, per the CDC guidelines, as long as I wear a good mask. I am also going to test - can't find anywhere to get a PCR test without a ridiculous wait, both to take the test and to get results, so I am going to take multiple rapid ones, I think.

Feb 4, 2022, 8:30 am

It's gross here - grey and rainy and will turn to freezing rain as the morning wears on. I wouldn't care so much but I just remembered I need to pick up a prescription so must venture out. *sigh*

Virtual happy hour was fun last night and ended at a reasonable hour. The Wayne wanted to try a new place for dinner (shocker - he is very much a creature of habit), so we got Mexican and it was quite good for around here. And large. I'll have the leftovers of my chicken enchiladas with tomatilla sauce for lunch.

To Do:
- p/u prescription
- track down missing invoice for flood work
- organize bins on 4th floor

- Breakfast: yogurt or a waffle
- Lunch: leftover Mexican
- Dinner: frozen pizza and salad cuz it's Friday

- listened to some more of If Beale Street Could Talk which is just so good
- read another essay in This is the Story of a Happy Marriage

- One episode of The Detectorists
- Olympics (curling and figure skating)

Feb 4, 2022, 8:36 am

Morning, Katie! It's pouring here - just coming straight down with no end in sight. We had quite the lightning show in the early hours of the morning, but now it's all rain.

Feb 4, 2022, 8:56 am

>160 Crazymamie: - Oooh, lightning. I like a good lightning show as long as it's not close enough to make me nervous.

Feb 4, 2022, 9:11 am

‘Morning, Katie!

>158 katiekrug: Congrats on being able to go out again. We can’t seem to get N95 masks locally, but Bill bought some on Amazon for us and then for Jenna. I’m happy that I can survive rehab wearing one.

>159 katiekrug: Yum to leftover Mexican.

Feb 4, 2022, 9:42 am

>162 karenmarie: - Welp, I spoke too soon. I took a rapid test and it's still showing positive, though not as adamantly as on Monday. So while I may be allowed to go out, I am not comfortable doing so even all masked up. I will go get my prescription since I can use the drive-through for that...


Feb 4, 2022, 10:02 am

Hi, Katie. I’m glad you and TW got the mild version and that you can venture out again.

We’re going to fly to Pittsburgh soon to see grandkids and their (less interesting) parents, and will wear the N95 masks for that. In town we use cloth ones that take filters.

Feb 4, 2022, 10:15 am

>164 jnwelch: - Hi Joe. Nope - can't venture out again. See >163 katiekrug: :( It's not the end of the world, just annoying.

We switched to KN95s a few months ago, with the rise of omicron (sounds like a Marvel movie), even before the CDC recommended them over cloth versions. I actually like how they don't lay against my face :)

Feb 4, 2022, 10:18 am

>119 katiekrug: I have that one on tap to read this month. I hope I enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to have done.

Glad to see you are feeling better!

Feb 4, 2022, 10:20 am

>166 alcottacre: - I hope you like it, Stasia!

I've been feeling fine for a while. Didn't even feel all that bad when I took the test on Monday!

Modificato: Feb 4, 2022, 10:38 am

So interesting that you're still testing positive. I guess that's one reason this variant is so dangerous - you're feling fine and wouldn't know you had it without a test.

Feb 4, 2022, 10:48 am

>168 vivians: - Yeah. And I almost didn't test in the first place on Monday because it just felt like a cold. And weirdly, as far as I can tell, I didn't even have to test today - I could just take the 5 days of isolation and be done with it. But that seemed irresponsible...

Feb 4, 2022, 10:50 am

>163 katiekrug: The Omicron's a sneaky bastard, ain't it, you feelin' fine but still shedding virus would get it into a lot more people.

*sigh* Well, luckily contactless delivery is a thing.

*smooch* for a better weekend.

Feb 4, 2022, 11:29 am

>170 richardderus: - Yes, very sneaky. And of course, I'm a responsible person so re-tested and won't go out. And it's annoying to know that lots of people aren't - and some can't - do the same thing. *sigh*

Feb 4, 2022, 12:44 pm

>171 katiekrug: The Iowa governor declared yesterday that the public health emergency is over in Iowa, so I'm sorry for those of you who are still suffering through it. Everything here is just sunshine and roses, apparently!

Feb 4, 2022, 12:49 pm

>172 rosalita: - UGH. I'm sorry, Julia...

Modificato: Feb 4, 2022, 2:12 pm

>165 katiekrug: We've had KN95's for a while now. I like them because I can fit them tightly enough to the bridge of my nose to prevent my glasses fogging up. Hope you get all of your bugs killed off, have a negative test and feel free to rejoin the world soon.

Feb 4, 2022, 5:28 pm

>174 RebaRelishesReading: - Yep, that's another benefit. My glasses don't fog nearly as much (though they still do on occasion).

Feb 4, 2022, 6:18 pm

Catching up and glad to hear you are feeling better, Katie! Thank goodness for vaccines.

I wonder how many people think they have a cold, don’t test, and spread their nasty killer bugs...

I’ve also been wearing kn95 masks since Omicron. Mask mandates are expiring here - today I think - which means masks will be even fewer and far between.

Feb 4, 2022, 6:44 pm

>176 Copperskye: - Hi Joanne! I hate to think how many people are assuming they just have a cold. I can be smug about not being one of them ;-)

I am glad to be where I am, as most people continue to wear masks indoors, whether required or not.

Feb 4, 2022, 7:04 pm

Well boo on still getting a positive result, but glad you're feeling better. I'm with you - I'd be reluctant to go out as per CDC guidance after 5 days while still testing positive.

Feb 5, 2022, 8:34 am

>178 bell7: - Thanks, Mary! It's merely an inconvenience so I will try not to complain too much :)

Feb 5, 2022, 8:42 am

Good morning, friends! Sunny and cold here, but I'm grateful for the lack of gloom. Not much to report, and no major plans for the day. Same old, same old...

To Do:
- paperwork stuff with The Wayne
- reorganize some things and put them int he attic

- Breakfast: yogurt
- Lunch: sandwich of some sort
- Dinner: no idea

- I finished If Beale Street Could Talk on audio - it was excellent. And I started a shortie - Ghachar Ghochar.
- I am making little progress in This is the Story of a Happy Marriage, so I am going to set it aside for now. I think I'm more in the mood for compelling fiction than reflective essays.

- I made The Wayne watch the first episode of 'Detectorists', and he loved it. I'm so glad he has good taste.
- And we watch The Commuter with Liam Neeson because I felt like something mindless. It should have been called 'Swiss Cheese' because it was so full of holes...

Feb 5, 2022, 9:32 am

‘Morning, Katie!

>162 karenmarie: Boo, hiss. Sorry you’ve still got The Vid, as you wrote on RD’s thread. Glad you got tested and that you’re Being Responsible.

I got an email on the email address I use for President of our Friends of the Library stuff yesterday about 10 a.m., from 5 p.m. Thursday, stating that the Library was giving away boxes of 20 NIOSH-certified N95 masks. I immediately called, confirmed that they had lots left, and was there within 20 minutes. No ID needed, no Library card needed, just walk up, get handed a box and a flyer with tips for wearing them.

>165 katiekrug: I like that they don’t lay flat, too. I can do rehab in one with no more huffing and puffing than with a surgical-type or cloth mask, so I started doing that last week with some Bill had bought. Now we’ve got reserves.

>172 rosalita: Fortunately my uncle and his wife are super cautious, and are ignoring the governor of Iowa. (they live in Cedar Rapids).

>180 katiekrug: Sounds like a reasonable kind of day, even with paperwork.

Feb 5, 2022, 9:41 am

>181 karenmarie: - Morning, Karen! Good catch up :) I know there are pharmacies giving away N95 masks, too, but I don't mind buying them. I figure there are plenty of people who can't, and I have a new box of 50 sitting unopened on the kitchen counter.

I'm super annoyed about The Vid not being gone but it is what it is. Sadly, my symptoms have regressed slightly - congestion has increased and the mucus is thicker (sorry, TMI). No fever, no breathing issues, no body aches, etc. so I really shouldn't complain. But I can't help myself - ha!

Feb 5, 2022, 10:05 am

Morning, Katie!
I'm sorry you're having more symptoms but still glad that it's not even close to serious for you. Sounds like the perfect excuse for books and blankets and tea...

Feb 5, 2022, 10:08 am

>183 scaifea: - Thanks, Amber! I like the way you think. I've informed The Wayne not to expect much from me today :)

Feb 5, 2022, 10:12 am

>184 katiekrug: *fist bump*

Feb 5, 2022, 10:22 am

The Fell by Sarah Moss

Such a good read! It fell just short of 5 stars for me, but I've already purchased a copy for my personal library.

Kate and her son Matt are in quarantine after someone at Kate's work comes down with covid. They are supposed to spend 14 days in isolation in their house, and it becomes too much for Kate, who sneaks out one evening to go for a walk in the hills near their home in the Peak District. And then she doesn't come back.

This isn't really a thriller, and while there is some suspense, the book is really a study of human connection, the impact of isolation, and one's responsibility to the community vs the expense to one's own well-being. Moss has shown in her last couple of books (Ghost Wall, Summerwater - both of which I loved) that she is a master at capturing a plethora of emotions and experience in the sparest of prose. The Fell is no different, and how she manages to pack in the perspectives of four fully-formed characters into less than 200 pages is a wonder. She also captures the claustrophobia and uncertainty and mental wear of lockdowns and pandemic paranoia. It's so well done that I felt uncomfortable reading it - maybe it was too much, too soon but I'm not sorry I read it.

There are a bunch of passages I flagged, but the section near the end, from the perspective of Alice ( Kate and Matt's neighbor) called "Wrong Side of the Road" is 10 pages of the most exquisite stream of consciousness writing I've encountered. Just really wonderful.

4.75 stars

"{N}o one knows what there'll be again, that's the truth, you'd just sometimes rather have dark conviction than the appalling uncertainty of hope, the risk of letting yourself believe there might be good times again, any kind of good time again, though on the other hand if you really believed this was it, all there'll ever be - well, people are born, live and die in much worse circumstances, aren't they, only not alone, that's the thing, she's not complaining about her material conditions."

Feb 5, 2022, 10:23 am

>185 scaifea: - Back at ya.

Modificato: Feb 5, 2022, 10:27 am

>186 katiekrug: The Fell is already on my TBR, or I’d be adding it based on your review. Thanks!

Have a great weekend!

Karen O

P.S. Hope you’re feeling better!

Feb 5, 2022, 10:39 am

Great comments on The Fell, Katie. I hope you can soon say good bye to COVID.

>172 rosalita: Good to know that in Iowa it's over...

Feb 5, 2022, 10:42 am

>188 klobrien2: - Thanks, Karen! I hope you like The Fell as much as I did!

>189 BLBera: - Thank you, Beth - on both counts :)

Feb 5, 2022, 11:41 am

>186 katiekrug: I'm deee-lighted with your enjoyment of Moss's latest.

It's quite, quite cold indeed. I am glad that I got my immediate supplies at the CVS close to me and ordered the month's canned goods from Ammy yesterday! Maybe it was spitting with rain but it wasn't 25°!

Feb 5, 2022, 11:44 am

>182 katiekrug: Jenna had a serious coughing fit yesterday at work, so is still experiencing congestion and her body’s attempt to get rid of it. TMI also…

Feb 5, 2022, 11:46 am

Morning, Katie! Sounds like If Beale Street Could Talk needs to be added to your Dirty Dozen. I liked Ghachar Ghochar - little books that pack a punch are favorites of mine. I am not surprised you loved The Fell as I have loved everything I have read by her and now anything she writes immediately goes onto The List. I have a lovely stack by her waiting for me on the bedroom bookcase.

Hoping your weekend is full of fabulous!

Feb 5, 2022, 11:58 am

Enjoy your tea, books, and blanket day, Katie. Hope it's the last day of nasty symptoms!

Feb 5, 2022, 11:59 am

I will add The Fell the next time I am in the bookstore (won't be long).

Sorry to see that you haven't shaken off the awful virus yet and this particular variant seems to linger even though it has generally been more benign in terms of filling ICUs. I'm sure that you'll be fine and able to be out and about very soon.

I popped by Katie to let you know, if you didn't already, that I got sad news yesterday that Nancy (lit_chick) passed away during the lock-down stage of the pandemic (un-relatedly I think). I know she was someone whose thread you often visited.

Feb 5, 2022, 12:00 pm

Wordle 231 3/6


Feb 5, 2022, 12:47 pm

Excellent review of The Fell, Katie.

Feb 5, 2022, 2:20 pm

I have Sarah Moss' back catalogue on the wish list. That one as well.

Feb 5, 2022, 11:42 pm

>175 katiekrug: True. For me it seems to make a difference whether my glasses are colder than ambient air or my breath -- maybe either or or maybe both -- but it usually clears up fairly fast

I will testify that folks in Hawaii are very good about masking up. Also, we have to show proof of vaccination + I.D. in order to be admitted to any restaurant, even when it's outdoor seating. We were advised to take a photo of our vaccination card together with our driver's license and have ready on the phone. They really look at them too, asking permission to touch the screen then enlarging the info and reading it all. I'm impressed and pleased.

Feb 6, 2022, 8:42 am

>191 richardderus: - Should be a balmy 32F today!

Have you - or will you - read the Moss?

>192 karenmarie: - Ha! That's not TMI. The thickness of my snot is TMI :) Very little coughing here at all, thank goodness. I hope Jenna is 100% tout de suite.

>193 Crazymamie: - Morning, Mamie! Yes, do add Beale Street and if you can get it in audio, it was really powerful to hear the words spoken.

I finished Ghachar Ghochar yesterday and thought it was good.

>194 MickyFine: - Thanks, Micky! The symptoms got better as the day wore on and I felt mostly normal by evening. This morning isn't too bad, so fingers crossed!

Feb 6, 2022, 8:48 am

>195 PaulCranswick: - Oh, that's so sad about Nancy. She was lovely. Thanks, Paul.

>196 richardderus: - I can't remember how I did yesterday - I think I put it on Twitter. It wasn't stellar. This morning it took me 5. I should have waited until I'd finished a cup of coffee.

>197 lauralkeet: - Thanks, Laura!

>198 Helenliz: - Helen, I have a few of her older works on my shelf/Kindle, too. My intro to her was Cold Earth several years ago, which I liked but didn't love.

>199 RebaRelishesReading: - Aloha, Reba! Yes, my glasses are doing more fogging up because it's winter so as soon as I go inside, it happens. So annoying, but you'd think I'd be used to it by now, having worn glasses since I was about 8 years old!

That is great to hear about Hawaii. Makes me want to go even more now :)

Feb 6, 2022, 9:00 am

It's a sun-soaked morning here - chilly but not too bad. We had a fairly quiet day yesterday. The Wayne tested negative so was able to run some errands, the lucky bastard. I will test again today, so send me good mojo! I need to get out of this house! I felt progressively better as the day went on, and this morning I feel pretty good - just a bit of head congestion. I watched a lot of Olympics coverage yesterday afternoon. Biathlon is my new favorite sport. I watched some figure skating last night, but no one was falling, which is the only reason I watch, so that was disappointing...

To Do:
- Nothing; it's the Lord's day.

- Breakfast: spice cake cookies I made yesterday; I like them warmed up in the microwave
- Lunch: probably leftover Chinese from dinner last night
- Dinner: unsure; if I test negative, I will probably insist on being taken out :)

- I started Breathless by Beverly Jenkins but didn't get very far. Will try to do better today.
- Finished Ghachar Ghochar on audio while completing a puzzle

- Penultimate episode of Project Runway
- Lots of Olympics

Feb 6, 2022, 9:01 am

Morning, Katie! I actually loved Cold Earth, but my first by Moss was Names for the Sea. I have a whole stack of her books just waiting for me to dive in - I need to get busy!

Feb 6, 2022, 9:04 am

>203 Crazymamie: - You and me both, Mamie, with the getting busy. So many books.... yadda yadda yadda :)

Feb 6, 2022, 9:05 am

This is the puzzle I finished yesterday - it was great fun and very colorful. And beautfiully made with crisp edges and quality materials. The one I did before this was a nightmare of sloppy cutting and peeling paper, so this was a real pleasure.

Feb 6, 2022, 9:11 am

>205 katiekrug: Oh! I love that! Sending you positive mojo for the testing - may you be negative. Your comments about figure skating made me laugh!

Feb 6, 2022, 9:11 am

I love that!!! I have a friend it would be perfect for. Where did you get it?

Feb 6, 2022, 9:15 am

>202 katiekrug:
To Do:
- Nothing; it's the Lord's day.

*snort* would you mind telling my to-do list that?! Today's list very nearly makes it onto 2 pages. Most of which seem to be writing minutes or preparing for the annual management committee meeting for the charity I'm secretary of. And I volunteer for this!?!

Liking the puzzle.

Feb 6, 2022, 9:23 am

>206 Crazymamie: - Thanks for the mojo, Mamie. I'm scared to do the test because I'll be so sad if it's still positive :-P

>207 japaul22: - Hi Jennifer! I've seen it in a lot of places but I got it from the Library of Congress gift shop when they were having a sale recently. (H/t to Karen karenmarie for alerting me to the sale!). If you can't find it there, just Google it and it will turn up somewhere. I think I've also seen it at uncommongoods.com.

>208 Helenliz: - Ugh, minutes. The #1 thing I DO NOT miss about my job. And yes, you crazy for volunteering for anything that involves being responsible for them :)

Modificato: Feb 6, 2022, 9:27 am

Hi Katie!

Sending good mojo for a negative test. Heh. The reason I can’t watch figure skating is because I am afraid someone will fall.

Jenna’s coming along nicely, although I don't think she's 100%. Congestion and the occasional coughing/sneezing fit are her only symptoms now, though. She ran errands yesterday and was animated and fun on the phone.

>205 katiekrug: I guessed LoC. What other ones did you get?

Feb 6, 2022, 9:32 am

>210 karenmarie: - Morning, Karen!

I haven't had any sneezing fits for a few days, and as I said, very little coughing. I'm thinking the congestion will be what sticks around for a bit. And I can deal with that.

Puzzles: I also got one of stamps celebrating various authors, and one of classic bedtime storybook covers. Book cover puzzles are my favorite.

Feb 6, 2022, 10:16 am

>205 katiekrug: Gorgeous puzzle!

Crossing fingers and toes for your test to be negative.

Feb 6, 2022, 10:24 am

Serious good mojo to you for your COVID test today. Dinner out where?

I'm glad you enjoyed Ghachar Ghochar! It was a good read for me, as well. 4.5 stars-worth, in fact.

>201 katiekrug: Have you - or will you - read the Moss?


Feb 6, 2022, 11:17 am

>212 MickyFine: - The puzzle is a keeper!

>213 richardderus: - Because you don't like Moss or don't want to read about the pandemic?

I have GG 3.5 stars. I think I wanted a bit more.

Feb 6, 2022, 11:18 am

Still positive :(

Off to console myself with cold pork lo mein.

Feb 6, 2022, 11:23 am

>215 katiekrug: Hey COVID!

>214 katiekrug: Re: Moss...Yes.

That's perfectly fair, it wasn't really a novel but more a novella IMO.

Feb 6, 2022, 11:28 am

>216 richardderus: - I love short works but I felt like this one wasn't fully developed enough. Still, a good listen/read.

Feb 6, 2022, 11:33 am

>209 katiekrug:. Yeah, I know.

>215 katiekrug: Boooo! How long is that now?

Feb 6, 2022, 11:36 am

>215 katiekrug: Oh what the heck?! I'm sorry. That stinks.

Feb 6, 2022, 11:37 am

Damn about the continuing positivity of the wrong sort.

"no one was falling" I HATE to see figure skaters fall. But on the other hand, my husband and I watched our neighbor kids playing on their icy sloping driveway this morning, and they were (we assume) more or less intentionally falling over and over again....we laughed a lot.

Feb 6, 2022, 11:40 am

>218 Helenliz: - My first positive test was last Monday, but onset of symptoms was Saturday evening.

>219 scaifea: - I'm feeling very sorry for myself, even though it barely impacts my life. I just really want to go eat out, and I really need to get back to the gym!

>220 laytonwoman3rd: - Thanks, Linda. I find it funny when people fall no matter what. I know, I'm a terrible person. But I think it comes from being a fall-er myself. One has to laugh... And figure skaters are so smug about being lovely and elegant and graceful. It's good to see them land on their bottoms occasionally.

Modificato: Feb 6, 2022, 11:55 am

I love the puzzle, Katie. Sorry you are still positive. Sending healthy, negative karma your way. :)

Someone once said you can tell when you're old because people don't laugh when you fall. Otherwise, people falling is pretty funny. So, I must be a terrible person.

Feb 6, 2022, 12:01 pm

>222 BLBera: Someone once said you can tell when you're old because people don't laugh when you fall.
I resemble that remark. Precovid (when I was still late 40's) I went into Waitrose for "1 or two things". Ended up with a load more shopping in my arms than I'd intended (no basket, as I'd only gone in for "1 or two things"). Picking up the last item, the newspaper, I managed to topple over on my bum and drop my shopping. At which point 3 people converged, and solicitously picked me and my shopping up. I felt about 80.

>221 katiekrug: We took a week after our first positive to test negative twice. I only had very mild symptoms and he had nothing. Hopefully you'll be allowed out soon.

Feb 6, 2022, 12:06 pm

>222 BLBera: - Thanks, Beth. I can use all the negative karma I can get! Heh.

I love that about falling. Very true.

>223 Helenliz: - When I was in college, I was walking across a cement patio, perfectly flat, perfectly smooth, and just... fell down. My friends thought it was hilarious. Ah, to be young!

I'm going to test again tomorrow, assuming I can get my hands on more tests (will send TW out to acquire more). We have one left and if I can't get another one today, I'll wait and re-test on Tuesday.

Feb 6, 2022, 12:53 pm

I was reading along, intending to send as much mojo as possible then saw your "still positive" note -- so sorry! I'm sending the mojo anyway and hoping it will help tomorrow.

Feb 6, 2022, 1:49 pm

>224 katiekrug: Sorry you tested positive again, Katie.

In my younger years I was always falling, and used to be very clumsy with feet and legs. Luckely it got better through the years.
My worst experience was at highschool. I was called from class to the director. His offfice was three steps up stairs, and I came back in class with a sprained ankle... :'(

Feb 6, 2022, 1:54 pm

Well, that stinks - still positive. I do hope your next test is negative.

Sending the proper mojo - positive mojo for your next test to be negative.

Feb 6, 2022, 1:59 pm

>224 katiekrug: If you believe in the science, you should feel comfortable following the CDC guidelines. In your case isolate for 10 days following the onset of symptoms (since you've tested positive after 5 days). It's not necessary to wait for a a negative test to end isolation, especially since some people will continue to test positive for 60 days even though they stopped being contagious after about 3-5 days.

At work they are testing three times a week and, as advised by a team of epidemiologists from Mount Sinai Hospital, if an employee test positive, s/he isolates for 5 days (and then tests negative/is cleared by a doctor) or 10 days (with a second positive test). People who tested positive are exempted from the testing protocols for 30 days after returning to work.

It's too bad you're out in NJ. NYC has done a great job during the omicron wave of setting up many many covid testing locations. Off the top of my head I can think of 4 within a ten-minute walk of my apartment and there's rarely more than a handful of people waiting on line.

Feb 6, 2022, 3:33 pm

We’ll, as far as falling goes… Junior year in high school, tripped going down the three steps out of the school building, broke my ankle. Four weeks on crutches, though I did manage to get some sympathy from a young lady I was hoping to get to know. Sympathy was about it though… 😀

Feb 6, 2022, 5:29 pm

>225 RebaRelishesReading: - Thanks, Reba!

>226 FAMeulstee: - Thank you, Anita. And oh dear! about the sprained ankle!

>227 karenmarie: - Appreciate it, Karen!

>228 ELiz_M: - Tuesday would be the 10th day after onset of symptoms, so I guess I'm allowed out then - WOOT! Because Tuesday is trivia night :)

>229 drneutron: - She didn't kiss and make it better? Dang!

Feb 7, 2022, 5:46 am

>202 katiekrug: Glad your feeling on the mend Katie. The dreaded lurgy has now hit our house too, as Mr SandDune tested positive this morning. At the moment he's feeling bad cold symptoms. I did a test as well this morning and it came back negative and so I am allowed out as I have been double vaccinated and boosted. The recommendation here is that I should do lateral flow tests daily, which I am going to do.

Feb 7, 2022, 8:11 am

>231 SandDune: - Oh, I'm sorry to hear about Mr. SandDune, Rhian! I hope his symptoms don't worsen and he feels better soon.

Feb 7, 2022, 8:22 am

It's a frosty morning, with a thin coating of ice on the ground. The Wayne didn't seem to have any trouble when he took Nuala out, so that's good. He'll be off to the gym in a bit.
Another quiet day yesterday - lots of Olympics, ordered pizza for dinner because neither of us felt like cooking, I did some puzzling and some reading. Oh! And I vacuumed, so I wasn't completely lazy :)

To Do:
- call dentist to see if I need to re-schedule my appointment later in the week
- sign and email fence contract
- work on shopping list for tomorrow
- research junk removal companies

- Breakfast: yogurt
- Lunch: soup
- Dinner: chicken taco bowls

- I started Here For It on audio yesterday. It's a collection of essays, and I am loving it.
- Read a chapter in Breathless during the boring parts of the Olympics; will dedicate some time to my reading nook today

- an episode of 'Somebody Somewhere' - why is no one talking about this show!?!?!
- alpine skiing (my favorite), figure skating (there were so many falls! It was awesome), moguls, and luge (sentimental favorite because my mom LOVED luge for some unknown reason)

Feb 7, 2022, 8:45 am

Wow! I got really behind here.

Happy Monday!

I am also watching a lot of the olympics!

Feb 7, 2022, 8:58 am

Morning, Katie! Boo to the still positive test yesterday.

Adding 'Somebody Somewhere' to my watchlist - I need to start keeping an actual list with where each title is available because the memory is not so great some days.

Feb 7, 2022, 9:01 am

>234 figsfromthistle: - Morning, Anita! The Olympics are always great fun, even if I'm just mostly watching for the slips, spills, and crashes :)

>235 Crazymamie: - Morning, Mamie! 'Somebody Somewhere' is on HBO. It airs Sunday night so is available for streaming on Mondays, I believe. It's a weird show - but really good. Funny, sad, quiet until it's not. I'm really liking it. And the episodes are only half an hour so easy to sneak in a viewing.

Feb 7, 2022, 9:03 am

You know me - I love weird, so it's all good. I'll give it a go. Thanks, Katie!

Feb 7, 2022, 9:05 am

>237 Crazymamie: - You're welcome!

Feb 7, 2022, 9:27 am

I hope your next test is negative, but still think rescheduling the dentistry is wise.

Junk removal? Do my spidey-senses detect a marital come-to-jesus resulting in compromise?

Feb 7, 2022, 9:33 am

>239 richardderus: - I have a feeling the dentist will agree with you :)

No, the junk removal is not related to any come-to-jeebus moment. We need to get rid of some of the dry wall and sheet rock The Wayne ripped out when he re-insulated the ground floor, plus we still have a pile of flood-ruined stuff in a pile in the back yard. Don't ask :)

Feb 7, 2022, 10:07 am

>240 katiekrug: OIC

Well, progress is progress, no matter the hows and whys.

Feb 7, 2022, 10:08 am

Hi Katie!

>233 katiekrug: research junk removal companies We have so much junk in the garage that I told Bill the other day we should rent a dumpster and have our do-anything-we-hire-him-for guy help us get it out of the garage.

I felt bad for the American-born-skates-for-China woman, Zhu Li, who fell twice. That was bad enough, but apparently the People of China viciously attacked her on the Internet.

Feb 7, 2022, 10:11 am

>242 karenmarie: What. The "ennobling" and "improving" realm of Sport is a playground for nationalistic, hate-spewing, ignorant fucks. My pearls, my pearls.

Feb 7, 2022, 10:12 am

If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin

This is the fourth work by Baldwin that I've read, and once again I am struck by the power of his anger, of his passion, and of his words. There is nothing easy about his work but the effort and experience is always worthwhile.

In If Beale Street Could Talk, Baldwin explores love within the Black community - romantic love and familial love - and paints a picture of youth and vibrancy embodied in Tish and Fonny, the young couple at the novel's center. Against that very personal story are arrayed the forces of racial injustice and systemic corruption. It's infuriating to read, as one knows that this is not merely fiction, and the cruelty and hardness in contrast to the tenderness and love between Tish and Fonny and the couple and Tish's family is stark. The ending of the novel is ambiguous, and while one is tempted to imbue it with a rosy glow, that does not seem to fit with Baldwin's vision or the world's reality.

I listen to this on audio, read by Bahni Turpin, and she was excellent.

4.5 stars

Feb 7, 2022, 10:18 am

>241 richardderus: - Yup! I'll take progress any way I can get it!

>242 karenmarie: - Morning, Karen! I like the companies that do all the work for you. If we went the dumpster route, which The Wayne considered, it would sit in our driveway forever because we are terrible procrastinators.

Yes, that skater was excoriated on China's version of Twitter after her short skate and I'm sure the multiple falls last night did nothing to endear her to the public. It's terrible but I guess it comes with the territory?

>243 richardderus: - Why you gotta yuck on my yum? I love sports of all kinds. And sure, I may be rooting against ALL the Russians, but I'm not a monster. Much.

Feb 7, 2022, 10:25 am

Walk the Blue Fields, a story collection by Claire Keegan, author of the recent "hit" Small Things Like These, is currently $1.99 on Kindle.

Feb 7, 2022, 10:36 am

Any testing update? I'm hoping you can get out of the house!

Feb 7, 2022, 10:46 am

>247 vivians: - I'm not going to bother testing today, since I can leave tomorrow regardless. I'll hoard our last test :)

Feb 7, 2022, 10:57 am

>248 katiekrug: Most sensible.

>245 katiekrug: Sorry to yuck yer yum. Those "fans" in the original clipped form of fanatics sense make it too easy a target for my puny resistance.

Besides, all those other fingers are pointing squarely back at me: It is not enough for me that the Mets win (on those few occasions that they do). My day is darkened and my life worsened when the Yank-mes win. Likewise any team for whom Tom Brady plays...my schadenfreude was complete and immense when he "retired" after LOSING HIS LAST SHOT AT A SUPER BOWL RING!!!!


Those awful, terrible Chinese fans.

Modificato: Feb 7, 2022, 11:24 am

>249 richardderus: - No worries. Though your feelings regarding my beloved Yankees wound me deeply ;-)

ETA: There are, of course, terrible sports fans. But there are also terrible readers/book lovers so ..... *shrug*

Modificato: Feb 7, 2022, 11:27 am

>250 katiekrug: It is incumbent on us to Loftily Ignore the, erm, cognitive errors of our friends insofar as they are not life-threatening.

ETA: Human beings can choose to be vile, vicious scum over anything that can be "Us-v-Them"'d, and will.

I think TW needs this link for your Valentine's Day celebration: https://www.bonfire.com/store/book-riot/

Feb 7, 2022, 11:29 am

Katie, I did think of you last night while watching the figure skating, as the bodies piled up like dominoes — especially the Russian pair who did a double face-plant on the lift move. I hate the falls in skating but totally don't mind seeing downhill skiers wipe out. I think it's because you can see the skaters faces and emotions and I just feel bad for them.

Feb 7, 2022, 11:35 am

>251 richardderus: - Ooooh, that link! I want it ALL. Thanks for sharing. xx

>252 rosalita: - NOOOOOO! The skiers falling freaks me out because I have deep-seated trauma from the few years I skied. The skaters are funny because they always seem so indignant about it but have to keep smiling. That Russian pair did freak me out since she almost hit head first. But then I remembered that they were Russian and I didn't care so much :-P

I kid! I kid!

Feb 7, 2022, 11:46 am

I've never skied so I have no trauma about watching Mikaela Schiffrin wipe out. :-) Watching the Russian pair fall in slow motion made it seem like a miracle they both stood up and finished the program. And the poor Chinese girl who just kept falling down. I think I'd run screaming off the ice after the second one, so good for her just finishing it out.

Feb 7, 2022, 11:51 am

>254 rosalita: - I will admit that I do begin to feel bad if there is a second fall. One is funny. Two is just mean.

Feb 7, 2022, 3:28 pm

A friend recently posted the following: "Watching the Winter Olympics…what event do you reckon you could have a go at without actually dying, either of fear or from injuring yourself?"

There have been a variety of answers, I'm holding the coats.

Feb 7, 2022, 4:00 pm

I feel like the bobsled would be fun!

I saw a Tweet the other day suggesting that before every event, they have a regular person try it so that those of us watching at home would understand how hard it really is. I thought that was brilliant...

Feb 7, 2022, 4:05 pm

Happy day, Katie! Mostly the falls make me wince, though I have to say luge always looks the worst and most dangerous to me. I don't watch ice skating for the falls, but I confess I watched the early rounds of American Idol for the people who couldn't sing.

I do like the idea of having a regular person try a sport to show how very hard it is. They actually had a guy do something like that for curling, and it was kinda fascinating watching them explain to him what to do.

Feb 7, 2022, 5:51 pm

>256 Helenliz: Thanks for waking me up out of my late afternoon slump (so I can go do something about supper). You made me laugh out loud.

Feb 8, 2022, 8:02 am

>258 bell7: - I am also guilty of watching the early rounds of AI for the bad singers :) Luge is pretty terrifying, as is skeleton. Do they still do that one (luge but head first)?

>259 laytonwoman3rd: - Morning, Linda!

Feb 8, 2022, 8:08 am

'Morning, Katie!

I just added Here For It to my wish list. I haven't heard of R. Eric Thomas, but the book sounds marvelous.

Feb 8, 2022, 8:09 am

With apologies to Bill Pullman:

Today, we celebrate my INDEPENDENCE DAY! Or my Freedom Day or whatever. The point is, I will be leaving the house. Woot! Nuala is also very excited because she is going to day care for the first time in two weeks or so.

To Do:
- reading for workshop tomorrow
- phone calls (gross)
- writing (I'm doing Jami Attenberg's 1000 Words Winter Mini Challenge this week; I only got about 650 yesterday but it was my first time so I'm calling it a win)

- Breakfast: rye toast
- Lunch: turkey sandwich
- Dinner: TBD at trivia

- read a bit in Breathless
- no audio time

- skiing, biathlon, figure skating

Feb 8, 2022, 8:10 am

>261 karenmarie: - Morning, Karen! I wasn't familiar with him either until I heard about this book. I follow him on Twitter now, and he is consistently funny and sharp.

Feb 8, 2022, 8:21 am

Happy independence day Katie!!

Feb 8, 2022, 8:24 am

>264 lauralkeet: - Thanks, Laura!

Feb 8, 2022, 8:30 am

Oooh, my starting word was a good 'un!

Wordle 234 3/6


Feb 8, 2022, 8:41 am

>266 katiekrug: *grumble*

Took me five. Oh well.

>262 katiekrug: Have a great time, Nuala! (if your eville humanwoman tells you, that is)

Feb 8, 2022, 9:07 am

>266 katiekrug: Took me four. Did you start with frack?

Happy Independence Day!!

Feb 8, 2022, 9:08 am

>267 richardderus: - Wordle is more luck than skill. People who are impressed by their own success seem to not understand that. xx

Nuala sends tail wags!

Modificato: Feb 8, 2022, 9:10 am

>268 Crazymamie: - Hi Mamie! I started with FRANK which is not a usual one in my starter rotation, so just lucked out :)

ETA: I really thought I was going to get it in two. My second line was FRAIL.

Feb 8, 2022, 9:10 am

Too funny! I started with a different word today, and if I had started with my usual, I would have been better off. Heh.

Feb 8, 2022, 9:11 am

>271 Crazymamie: - That's why it's all just dumb luck!

Feb 8, 2022, 9:20 am

Tell ya what, though, I've got a LOT more awareness of five-letter words now. I kind of collect them.

Feb 8, 2022, 9:26 am

>273 richardderus: - Oh, yes. I notice them a lot more now...

Feb 8, 2022, 9:40 am

>273 richardderus:, >274 katiekrug: Yep. I woke up in the wee small hours, which is not unusual, but I was thinking ocean, alien, radio...

Feb 8, 2022, 9:40 am

>266 katiekrug: I got it in three today as well, AND I didn't start with one of my usual words either! There's a benefit to branching out, from time to time.

Feb 8, 2022, 10:44 am

>275 Crazymamie: - LOL. Prime, north, skein...

>276 laytonwoman3rd: - *fist bump*

Modificato: Feb 8, 2022, 10:55 am

Off to start a new thread!

ETA: New thread - https://www.librarything.com/topic/339428#
Questa conversazione è stata continuata da Katie's 2022 Reading Room - Part 5.