Serie dei libri per Juha.Hulkkonen

Serie a cui appartengono i libri della biblioteca di Juha.Hulkkonen

Riepilogo: 65 Serie

Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series

Arto Ratamo

Arto Ratamo-sarja

The Belgariad

Belgariad universe

The Camel Club

Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological

Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order


The Death Gate Cycle

The Demon Wars Saga (Corona)


Deverry Cycle

Dragonlance - chronological {shared universe}

Dragonlance: Chronicles {Weis & Hickman}

Dragonlance: Kang's Regiment

Dragonlance: Lost Histories

Dragonlance: The Chaos War

Dragonlance: The Dhamon Saga

Dragonlance: The Raistlin Chronicles

Dragonlance: The War of Souls

Dragons of a New Age

The Earthsea Cycle

The Elenium

The Elenium and the Tamuli

The Farseer Trilogy

Fifth Age

Forgotten Realms Mysteries

Forgotten Realms novels

Forgotten Realms: Legacy of the Drow

Forgotten Realms: The Legend of Drizzt


The Harpers

Harry Potter

The Heirs of the Dragonlance

Helsinki Homicide

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Jussi Vares

King & Maxwell

Komisario Koskinen

Laurie Montgomery and Jack Stapleton

Leo Kara-sarja

The Lord of the Rings

The Malloreon



Murder Series

The Night of the Dragonlance

Realm of the Elderlings

The Redemption of Althalus

The Riftwar Cycle, Alternative Reading Order

The Riftwar Cycle, Chronological Order

The Riftwar Cycle, Publication Order

The Riftwar Cycle, Publication Order

Robert Langdon

Sakari Koskinen

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Serpentwar Saga

A Song of Ice and Fire

Songs and Swords

Starlight and Shadows

The Tamuli

The Tawny Man

Viktor Kärppä

The Wheel of Time