Premi per i libri di JohnAllenB

Premi assegnati ai libri nella biblioteca di JohnAllenB

Riassunto: 25 Premi e riconoscimenti

100 Essential New England Books

55 Nonfiction Books to Read in a Lifetime

ALA Outstanding Books for the College Bound Best Books

Audie Award

Besides the Bible: 100 Books That Have, Should, or Will Create Christian Culture

A Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan

Christian Book Award

Christianity Today Book Awards

Christianity Today's Books of the Century

Christianity Today's Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals

Dartmouth Medal

Eliot Rosewater Indiana High School Book Award

The Guardian's 100 Best Nonfiction Books of All-Time

Harenberg Buch der 1000 Bücher

KIB - Non Fiction books everyone should read

The Modern Library's 100 Best Nonfiction: The Board's List

The Modern Library's 100 Best Nonfiction: The Readers' List

National Review's 100 Best Nonfiction Books of the Century

New York Times bestseller

Notable Books List

Publishers Weekly Bestseller

Read Aloud Indiana Book Award

UC Berkeley Summer Reading List

Virginia Readers' Choice