La mia biblioteca
For escapism I love to read hard core science fiction, cyberpunk, space operas, mystical fiction, dystopian fiction, post-apocalyptic fiction, humorous fiction, scientific non-fiction, and anything thought provoking. I especially enjoy any of the above with a feminist bent to it. (Philip K. Dick, Aldus Huxley, Robert L. Forward, Octavia E. Butler, David Brin, George R. R. Martin, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Anne McCaffrey)

For personal growth I read whatever catches my attention, which, lately, have been books about spirituality, health, and psychology. (Harriet Lerner, Christine Northrup, Phyllis Balch)

For my health quest I love to read anything that will expose me to new ways of positively enhancing my life or way of thinking. (Eckhart Tolle, Sark)
Informazione su di me
In lettura ora

Connessioni ad altri utenti
