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Progressive Librarians Guild: UA Chapter
La mia biblioteca
We are currently developing a Banned Books Library, which contains books which have been banned or challenged in the United States. These books are used for display purposes during Banned Books Week each fall in an exhibit at the University of Arizona Main Library. They will also be available to the public on a non-circulating basis in the UA School of Information Resources and Library Science. Please contact us at plg.ua.sirls@gmail.com if you have any questions or wish the view the collection.
Informazione su di me
As the University of Arizona Chapter of Progressive Librarians Guild, we strive to uphold and promote social responsibility and diverse points of view through participation in the LIS field. We believe that direct communication on progressive issues with LIS students and professionals, as well as the community, will provide opportunities for improving libraries and communities for all. Through cooperative discussion, projects, and direct action on myriad subjects, and from multiple viewpoints, we aspire to attain the ideals of a true democratic society.
Tucson, AZ
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