Recensori in anteprimaMatthew C. Mitchell

Pagina LibraryThing dell'autore

Dicembre 2022 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 27 dicembre alle 06:00 pm EST

This book is designed to help you build the foundation for a successful career and a fulfilling life in the first 10 years of your career. During the early stages of a career, and really throughout our lives, we believe it is normal and healthy to ask, Am I Doing this Right? One of the best investments of your time is to learn from the experience of others. We believe you can use the experience, insights, and lessons others have provided for this book to accelerate your own learning and development.

The aim of this book is to channel energy toward creating your future by giving you advice, tools, and the confidence to grow. Most importantly, we also believe you don’t have to sacrifice a meaningful life to have a successful career: In fact, those two goals are complementary, not conflicting. That single lesson emerges powerfully through every hard-earned experience described within these pages as professionals examine how they have integrated their professional pursuits and personal victories.

Our ambition is that this book will serve as a “personal career desk reference” throughout the transitional time between school and professional life and then into the first years of your career. We hope you refer to these timeless lessons frequently because how you interpret their messages will change over time as your experiences evolve.

Business, Health & Wellness, Reference, Nonfiction, Sociology, Philosophy
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TonyThelen (Autore)
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