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Elise KovaRecensioni

Autore di Air Awakens

41 opere 4,344 membri 157 recensioni 1 preferito


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I loved the first 60% of this book. I overlooked some things at the beginning because I really liked the story. I enjoyed the chemistry and banter between Luella & Eldas. The side characters were good and the world was interesting.

Shortly after the 60% mark, I couldn't overlook the bad anymore. The writing was clunky. Luella's thoughts droned on and become so repetitive that I started to skim over a lot of her inner dialog. The story felt like it was stuck in the same spot for 30 percent of the book. Even the chemistry between Luella & Eldas fell flat.

Ultimately. this book disappointed me.
zeronetwo | 30 altre recensioni | May 14, 2024 |
I forgot how good the world-building was. (I rarely say that for fantasy.)


Skipped a chapter, but overall, not bad. I’ll be reading more of Kova’s books.
libraryofemma | 30 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
Updated: Reread:

I had to give this a second try, for one I loved the first book, although you do not have to read the in order, they are pretty much stand alones. I also ended up immersing myself into the audiobook while I physically read this again. I loved the story line and the worldbuilding. I think I wasn't in the mindset the first time around and had originally gave it a 3 star. I do admit some of the feels still feel the same, such as I feel in parts the story seems to skip some steps and I found myself rereading back because I thought I missed something. However; the mystery of getting betrothed and the journey Katria goes through was ultimately fun for me. I don't own a physical copy of this but I definitely need to so I can reread as much as I like.

I seen in another reviewer comment that they picked up on the Eros and Psyche vibes and I have to agree just a tad with that which is another reason I also enjoyed this. Fantasy mixed with retelling vibes is always my kind of book to read.
Enid007 | 7 altre recensioni | Mar 15, 2024 |
I loved this book. You have Fairies and love and a captivating story at least for me. I own the audible as well as the physical book because I just loved the story so much. Sure it can be a bit cheesy but discovery this fae world and the characters was just so much fun.
It is a slow burn but it worth while and it being a stand alone you don't get that cliffhanger frustration of having to pick up in a sequel.

I agree with other reviews that noted this with vibes of Beauty and the Beast and Hades and Persephone, if you like those types of vibes in a book than this one is for you. :)

- Happy reading!
Enid007 | 30 altre recensioni | Feb 29, 2024 |
It's like a reverse little mermaid with pirates and Gods. I absolutely loved it. One of my favorites of the series!
amethystangel777 | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2024 |
I wasn't quite into this one as much as the others. It was supposed to be a snow-white twist but I didn't get that. As someone who did all the big vampire phases, I guess I was a little over them and didn't care for this one as much as the others. But it was good writing and a good overall plotline.
amethystangel777 | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2024 |
Besides the mermaid one in the series, this is one of my favorites. It is a twist on Cinderella. And I just loved it even if I did see the ending coming. Also maybe it is just because I love butterflies but if my husband had those wings...
amethystangel777 | 7 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2024 |
Very good. A twist on Beauty and the Beast. If you continue this series make sure to download all the little bonus chapters they do connect but can be read separately.
amethystangel777 | 30 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2024 |
Luella has devoted her whole life to becoming her village's healer, until Eldas, the Elf King, arrives and she learns that she's the Human Queen, our world's payment for peace with the elves. Now, with none of the preparation that Human Queens usually receive, Luella must go with Eldas to his lands, which need her life force in order to live and bloom. Her only hope of freedom and returning to her family and village is to find a way to end the cycle of the Human Queens before it's too late.

A couple things attracted me to this book: the gorgeous cover art (Eldas looks very much like Hades in Linda Sejic's Punderworld) and a line I read somewhere in an ad or a review that said this had elements of the Hades and Persephone myth. "Elements of" is definitely more appropriate than saying this is an adaptation of the myth - the only thing the two really have in common is that Eldas, whose powers are linked to death, is essentially king of a dead land (Hades-like) and that Luella's powers are linked to life and growing things (Persephone-like). The seasons in Eldas' land are dependent upon Luella's presence or absence.

I expected to enjoy the romance more than I did. It didn't feel entirely organic, and Luella was a bit of an idiot at times. For example, she wouldn't say that she loved Eldas because she wasn't sure if she really loved him or if that was just a part of her resigning herself to being his Human Queen. By that point, though, it was pretty obvious she loved him. The bigger worry should have been how and whether they could still be together if they managed to break the cycle.

Eldas "smirked" way too much, and the solution to Luella's quest to break the cycle was fairly obvious, or at least the elements involved in the solution were. That said, despite this book's issues, it was still somehow very bingeable.

I wish the romance had been a bit stronger and that the author had spent a bit more time showcasing Eldas' powers and how they worked. Also, I had many unanswered questions about how this world was supposed to work after Luella and Eldas accomplished what they did. Still, this was an enjoyable read, and I plan on trying more by this author at some point.

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)½
Familiar_Diversions | 30 altre recensioni | Feb 26, 2024 |
This was a great grown-up fairy tale. I like the author's writing style snd I love that the heroine figured out how to save herself. This is a complete story, but I will continue on with the series. I'm looking forward to other stories set in this world.
Woodardja | 30 altre recensioni | Jan 30, 2024 |
I think this was a great starting book to the series! I also really liked the world bulding and just the elemental world. It was a super quick read and i thought it was a fun read, i don't thnk the plot was that unique but i really do want to read book 2!!
lmauro123 | 33 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2023 |
I think this was a great starting book to the series! I also really liked the world bulding and just the elemental world. It was a super quick read and i thought it was a fun read, i don't thnk the plot was that unique but i really do want to read book 2!!
lmauro123 | 33 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2023 |
1st reading: I hardly know where to start. I think this may be the author's most inspired, best written work so far. Victoria's background and experiences with her (ex-)husband and her duty to her family interweave with the main plot as she learns to let go of her past and accept that she is deserving of happiness and love, that she is worth more than just a sacrifice for the well-being of others. And yet her ultimate fate, and that of her lover, Ilryth, whose own history resonates with Victoria's, is a self-sacrifice that saves the world.
Such a beautiful story.
sooze55 | 4 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
1st reading: I knew almost immediately that Romulin and Andru were lovers. Maybe we were supposed to figure that out quickly? Pretty freakin' sure Jayme is Daniel's daughter. Curious about the Le'Dan involvement in the illegal(?) trade with the Crescent Continent, and how Erion might be involved. Is the mystery woman from previous installments Dia? What caused Raspian's tomb to open? Was it the Crystal Cavern? Was it the freeing of achel? (I think the former.) I think the reason why the "Main Continent" is called the Dark Isle and is shunned by the rest of the world (as well as explain why magic doesn't work the same way there as everywhere else) is because it's where Raspian was entombed.
And no, Aldrick's not dead. The author wouldn't have such a pivotal figure from her previous series die off camera.
sooze55 | 3 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
1st reading: I hardly know where to start. I think this may be the author's most inspired, best written work so far. Victoria's background and experiences with her (ex-)husband and her duty to her family interweave with the main plot as she learns to let go of her past and accept that she is deserving of happiness and love, that she is worth more than just a sacrifice for the well-being of others. And yet her ultimate fate, and that of her lover, Ilryth, whose own history resonates with Victoria's, is a self-sacrifice that saves the world.
Such a beautiful story.
sooze55 | 4 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
1st reading: Excellent conclusion. All the remaining important characters survived, thank goodness, though some of them not so intact. Daniel. Erion. Was glad to finally have Jax's story told, and what a story. I'll definitely have to read about the Golden Guard... plus I wonder if he and Elecia will end up together (though I'm not sure I think they suit each other). Was not surprised, though, by the "surprise" ending.
sooze55 | 4 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
1st reading: I figured out quickly (actually in the previous book) that Ferro was Ulvarth's son. I also figured out fairly soon (though not immediately) that Ferro still didn't trust Eira - or he trusted her to try to kill him. I think he *was* surprised that she'd tricked him about the piece of plaster. I knew Harrott was his mother. I also knew that Cullen would end up engaged - that was bloody obvious, both from his father's ambitions (like, where else have we seen that before, duh), but also because it was simply an obvious plot "twist." (Is it a twist when you can see it 100 miles off?) Glad that Noelle has turned out decent - and she cracks me up. There's more to her story, I'm sure. VERY disappointed in Deneya, Vi, and Taavin. They should know better - or be less blinded by how much they think they know. Almost feel like there's some character assassination going on with the three of them, much like there was with Fritz and Grahm in the previous book.
sooze55 | Dec 22, 2023 |
1st reading: All the feels. Although I *did* see the twist at the end about 10 miles off - it was the only conclusion that made sense based on the circumstances. Just gotta wonder if the woman is the archer - the one who shot at her. Curious to know if we'll find out who the spy was, or if it even matters now. Also wondering exactly why it is that the Emperor hates her so much - or does he even need a reason? So glad she refused to allow Daniel to come with her - I would have LOST. IT. if he had.
sooze55 | 9 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
1st reading: Interesting world building. I love the dynamic between Aldrick and Vhalla, and I'm eager to see where it goes. And I'm curious about Aldrick's relationship with both his brother Baldair and with Larel. There was a "throwaway" comment at one point - "Has he finally taken another lover?" - which obviously implies he's had at least one at some point in the past. Who was it and how did it end? What state did it leave him in?
sooze55 | 33 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
1st reading: First, I was massively pissed off that she'd killed off Jax by the end of the 4th chapter, but thinking on it, I felt that couldn't be right - she'd made too big of a deal of his having secrets for him to be gone. What really got me was the death of Baldair - like, wtf, but yeah, I get it. Also, I figured out pretty quickly that Victor was going to be the big bad (I mean, I've been suspicious of him since the first book, but upon seeing him again in this one, I knew pretty quickly something wasn't right). Thinking - hoping - that the watch will have a role in the final book. We know it's a vessel. Is some of Vhalla's Channel in there?
sooze55 | 9 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
A bit more convoluted than her first two Married to Magic books, but still good.
sooze55 | 3 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
Hello Fellow Readers,

I had this in my Kindle library for a long time and I finally decided that I wanted to read my TBR. I've read Kova's other works and enjoyed them so when I saw the cover and read the synopsis for Air Awakens I was intrigued. At first, I liked it, although I found Vhalla to be a bit whiney, and then she was thrown off a roof to make her wind powers manifest. It wasn't just a light shove and oh look, she's flying.

No, she hit roofs and broke ribs, scratched at buildings until her fingernails ripped off and she broke them, she smashed her head into walls. Her injuries were so severe that was in a coma for 3 days and had to be healed over the week with magic, but the prince who did it (her love interest be precise, one of three!) called her a worm because she was traumatized and didn't want to thank him.

I wanted to vomit.

Yes, He eventually reveals he is remorseful but still, TOXIC! No wonder people are afraid of sorcerers if they go throwing people off buildings! I know this is a young adult book, but should we really be teaching young minds that it's okay to be abused? Also, let us talk about Vhalla. I love books, I mean I have a blog and Instagram dedicated to them, but I also do other things. Vhalla has no personality besides books, if there is a hint of one in the vicinity then that is all Vhalla focuses on.

Also, remember how I mentioned that she seems a bit whiney? It gets worse. I understand that she doesn't want to be the last 'Airbender' or whatever but eventually, you need to make a decision and accept things. I don't often give books 1 star but everything in this one just screamed problematic.

Overall, Stay away.
latteslipsticklit | 33 altre recensioni | Nov 22, 2023 |

Full review to come shortly.

Maybe less. Soooo disappointed. I really liked the book at the beginning, then it was just boring.

The ending pissed me off so much. Eldas is the one who said all those cruel things to Luella- why is she the one responsible for making up w him???
telamy | 30 altre recensioni | Nov 6, 2023 |
I thought the story was good, but it was a slow start.

Luella is a strong female lead and doesn't take crap from anyone. I thought the characters to be well developed, and had a tension and tenderness that builds the relationship between of Luella and Eldas.
wallace2012 | 30 altre recensioni | Nov 4, 2023 |
For the first time, this book didn't leave me with a heavy, painful heart, needing time to recover before even contemplating reading the next instalment. That said... of course it was gooooooooooooood!

Worldbuilding was flawless as ever, all scenes and environments were clear and well described. The world that the author created just amazes me every time again. So full of lovely details and intricacies, I love it!

Character development was great, we actually dove very deep into the thoughts, feelings, dreams and nightmares of our beloved Alarik and Vhalla. We got to know them on an even deeper level and yeah, there was some laughter, but a lot of introspection and crying too. All characters within these books just keep on growing and finding their paths. They all feel so real and believable.

Pacing and flow were great. This instalment wasn't as heavy on the action as the previous ones were, but the balance between said action and all the conversations to keep the story moving forward was great. A slower pace, but damn those last few chapters!

All in all... oh boy... I really want to read the next book asap, but also not ever since it would mean the story has ended (yes, yes, I know there is also the Vortex series, but still!!!!)
Ah well, there is only one thing to say: Long live Solaris!
Nemerith | 9 altre recensioni | Oct 30, 2023 |