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A Dance with the Fae Prince

di Elise Kova

Serie: Married to Magic (2)

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347877,350 (3.72)1
Katria knew her hand in marriage would be sold. She had no idea a fae prince was the buyer. Katria swore she'd never fall in love. She's seen what "love" means through the cruelty of her family. So when she's married off to the mysterious Lord Fenwood for a handsome price, all Katria wants is a better life than the one she's leaving. Feelings are off the table. Surviving the fae wilds as a human is hard enough. Katria must survive as a human who accidentally pilfered the magic of ancient kings - magic a bloodthirsty king is ready to kill her for in order to keep his stolen throne - and her new husband is the rightful heir in hiding. The power to save the fae is in her hands. But who will save her from a love she vowed never to feel?… (altro)
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Updated: Reread:

I had to give this a second try, for one I loved the first book, although you do not have to read the in order, they are pretty much stand alones. I also ended up immersing myself into the audiobook while I physically read this again. I loved the story line and the worldbuilding. I think I wasn't in the mindset the first time around and had originally gave it a 3 star. I do admit some of the feels still feel the same, such as I feel in parts the story seems to skip some steps and I found myself rereading back because I thought I missed something. However; the mystery of getting betrothed and the journey Katria goes through was ultimately fun for me. I don't own a physical copy of this but I definitely need to so I can reread as much as I like.

I seen in another reviewer comment that they picked up on the Eros and Psyche vibes and I have to agree just a tad with that which is another reason I also enjoyed this. Fantasy mixed with retelling vibes is always my kind of book to read. ( )
  Enid007 | Mar 15, 2024 |
Besides the mermaid one in the series, this is one of my favorites. It is a twist on Cinderella. And I just loved it even if I did see the ending coming. Also maybe it is just because I love butterflies but if my husband had those wings... ( )
  amethystangel777 | Feb 28, 2024 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Four Stars!!!! An arranged marriage, a magical world, and a fairy tale ending, what more could I ask for?

The second book in the Married to Magic series, A Dance with the Fae Prince, was another delightful fairy tale romance that I thoroughly enjoyed. As with the predecessor, this series' predictability of a happy ending did not undermine the story; instead, it added a layer of comforting assurance, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the adventure. That's not to say the narrative lacked surprises – indeed, there were moments of suspense, intrigue, and mystery that made this an excellent read.

Katria's story is reminiscent of the Cinderella story. She was an inspiring character despite her abusive past, her strength and optimism were a beacon of hope. Davien had a less-than-ideal upbringing filled with isolation, utter loneliness, and an unbearable weight of responsibility. Yet, he was charming and kind. He handled the pressures bestowed upon him with strength and patience, even when Katria unwittingly complicated his quest.

"Love is the closest thing we have to meaning in this world. The love of a mother for her children, the love between friends, the love of a husband and wife, love for who we are and all those who strove before us to hand us the world we have now—love is why we live, why we fight, why we carry on when things get tough…it is not always easy. But it is our reprieve from true hardship, not the hardship itself."
― Elise Kova ( )
  Bookwoman0212 | Aug 12, 2023 |
Sabía que venderían su mano en matrimonio. Pero no podía imaginar que el príncipe de los fae sería el comprador.
Katria juró que nunca se enamoraría. Ya sabe lo que significa el «amor» gracias a la crueldad de su familia. Por ello, cuando la entregan en matrimonio al misterioso Lord Fenwood por un buen precio, lo único que desea es tener una vida mejor que la que deja atrás. Los sentimientos quedan descartados.

Pero su nuevo marido hace que no enamorarse de él sea muy difícil… A medida que la atracción entre ellos crece, también aumentan las rarezas de su nueva vida: reglas extrañas, gritos en mitad de la noche y ataques de fae que Katria nunca pensó que fueran reales. Y cuando es testigo de un ritual que los humanos tienen prohibido presenciar, la arrastran a la tierra de Midscape.
Sobrevivir en las tierras salvajes de los fae siendo humana es muy duro, sobre todo porque Katria se ha apropiado involuntariamente de la magia de los reyes ancestrales; una magia por la que un sanguinario rey está dispuesto a matarla con tal de mantener su trono usurpado. Trono que, en realidad, pertenece legítimamente al marido de Katria. El poder para salvar a los fae está en sus manos. Pero ¿quién la salvará a ella de un amor que prometió no sentir nunca? ( )
  AmicanaLibrary | May 11, 2023 |
I'm going to review this later ( )
  Tratiezone | Nov 8, 2022 |
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Katria knew her hand in marriage would be sold. She had no idea a fae prince was the buyer. Katria swore she'd never fall in love. She's seen what "love" means through the cruelty of her family. So when she's married off to the mysterious Lord Fenwood for a handsome price, all Katria wants is a better life than the one she's leaving. Feelings are off the table. Surviving the fae wilds as a human is hard enough. Katria must survive as a human who accidentally pilfered the magic of ancient kings - magic a bloodthirsty king is ready to kill her for in order to keep his stolen throne - and her new husband is the rightful heir in hiding. The power to save the fae is in her hands. But who will save her from a love she vowed never to feel?

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Media: (3.72)
2 5
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4 14
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5 8

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