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Peter Frankopan is a historian based at Oxford University. He is a senior research fellow at Worcester College, Oxford, and the director of the Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research at Oxford University. He is the author of The First Crusade: The Call from the East and The Silk Roads: A New History mostra altro of the World. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno

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An enlightening perspective on history that focuses on connections that expand the definition of value, usually to the detriment of the new colonised cultures but driving a sort of distruptive transformation which leads to new social structures, not better but more complex, perhaps...
yates9 | 58 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2024 |
More unstructured and flip flopping between views of the politics and economics that underlie changes in current “silk roads”. Connections that bring strategic benefit to multiple interests and shape a development direction.

Overall the book is fact filled, heavily tuned to the Trupist disruptive factors and light on abstractions and overviews that were more central in the previous book. This makes the book not as useful, and harder to draw conclusions from.

I would venture the author should have used a different title and written his true sequel a bit later with more of an integrated abstract view.… (altro)
yates9 | 7 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2024 |
Just a note that for me, at age 74, this book provides a context for everything I've experienced & read (& hope to experience & read in the time left to me). I read it on a Kindle device, so the complaints in some of the reviews regarding the separation of the (staggering) bibliographic sources did not apply. I'm sure I comprehended only a small percentage of what I read intellectually, but even that was hair-raising. and at a different level, the amount of suffering & destruction implied was, to be honest, incomprehensible.… (altro)
featherbear | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 20, 2024 |
Первая книга этой серии «Шелковый путь. Дорога тканей, рабов, идей и религий» оксфордского профессора Питера Франкопана вышла у нас в прошлом году. На самом деле это скорее история всего мира, нежели стран, связанных Великим шелковым путем. Cиквел этого года более сосредоточен на Евразии и вдвое короче, но точно не вдвое хуже. Более того, эта книга крайне важна для понимания текущего момента. Cкорее всего, всей этой ценной информации вы не найдете, если только вы не из МГИМО. Новая книга Франкопана рассказывает как раз о том, что происходит. Ну, правда, вы же не следите за тайскими бизнесменами, китайскими инвесторами с партбилетами, шейхами Залива и аятоллами Ирана? Прочтете и не будете больше удивляться тому, что в РФ не хватает пилотов: XiamenAir предлагает летчикам $400 000 в год.… (altro)
Den85 | 7 altre recensioni | Jan 3, 2024 |


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