July 2019: Peter Mayle

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July 2019: Peter Mayle

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Giu 12, 2019, 11:57 am

The way June is dashing by, my birthday month will be here in a blink of an eye ;)

In July, we'll be reading works by Peter Mayle -- sounds perfect for a beach read if it's summer where you live.

Have you read anything by Mayle before? What are you planning on reading? Feel free to start sharing below! :)

Giu 12, 2019, 12:10 pm

Previously I read A Good Year, on recommendation of a family member. I enjoyed it enough that I wouldn't mind reading another book by Peter Mayle, although I'm not sure which yet.

Giu 23, 2019, 5:06 pm

I love Peter Mayle's writing. I will miss him, now that he's passed on.

Lug 7, 2019, 6:51 pm

I've never read anything by Mayle before! What would you recommend to start?

Lug 7, 2019, 9:46 pm

>4 sparemethecensor: hmm, I haven't read enough of his works to know what's a good starting point. Personally, I just began reading A Year in Provence today.

Lug 11, 2019, 7:20 am

My library only carries one book by him, A Year in Provence, but it's marked lost. Looks like I'll be out this month (maybe tackling some at-home TBR). Following the discussion though :)

Lug 11, 2019, 11:37 am

>6 sparemethecensor: Does your library participate in any sort of inter-library loan? (just curious)

About half way through A Year in Provence and it's okay. The book is basically about the culture shock of moving from England to France. I've read a lot of other books that are about expats in France, so it's not particularly unique, although this one does have the distinction of being older than most of the other titles I've read. However, because it is some 30 years old now, some of the things discussed are already obsolete, such as the use of the franc rather than the euro.

A Year in Provence is the first book in a loose series, but I don't think I'll go on to the other titles after finishing this one.

Lug 12, 2019, 2:16 pm

>7 sweetiegherkin: Yeah, we have a robust ILL, but it always takes quite a while to get your request.

Lug 12, 2019, 5:36 pm

>7 sweetiegherkin: Oh that's too bad. I had it on my list to read this month (or possibly next if I'm slow...) because it's a classic travel memoir. Hopefully having not read too many expat-in-France books will help my experience a little.

Lug 22, 2019, 10:59 am

I just finished one of his novels - a comic crime caper. Will be back with a review as soon as I get around to writing it. LOL

Lug 23, 2019, 11:15 pm

>8 sparemethecensor: Gotcha. I love the option of ILL but sometimes it take a lot longer than expected; other times I end up with 5 holds coming in at once and trying to rush through them all before they're due back.

>9 bell7: I definitely didn't think it was bad ... just wasn't like "wow!! greatest book ever!" while reading it (or now that I'm done either). Definitely wouldn't tell people to steer away, especially if you haven't read a lot of books about folks moving to France.

>10 BookConcierge: That does sound interesting! Please do come back with the review. :)

Lug 25, 2019, 3:22 pm

The Marseille Caper – Peter Mayle
Digital audio performed by Robin Sachs

This is book two in the Sam Levitt crime caper series. I haven’t read the first one yet, and this book references what happened in that book, so perhaps I should have read them in order. But, C’est la vie!

Sam Levitt is a former corporate attorney who’s been hired to help promote a development in Marseille. Think James Bond with less danger and more emphasis on enjoying life. Beautiful (and smart) girls, fantastic yachts, private jets, mansions with gorgeous sea views, political intrigue, sumptuous repasts, and good wine. Not to mention a couple of Corsicans and a multi-lingual assistant, all adept at playing a role. Stir, add a dash of spice and Voila! ... A fast, fun, romp of a comedy crime caper.

Gosh, I miss Peter Mayle!

Robin Sachs does a fine job narrating the audio. He sets a good pace and I love his French accent.

Lug 27, 2019, 10:25 am

>12 BookConcierge: I think I would have liked this book better than the one I did read! Sounds charming and like a quick read in the best sense.