Breitbart Watch

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Breitbart Watch

Feb 7, 2017, 10:21 am

Good grief.

Feb 7, 2017, 11:52 am

Could someone summarise the story? I'm loath to give them a click.

Feb 7, 2017, 12:05 pm

Sorry, yes.

It starts out with paired photos of the Women's March and a brownshirts rally.

"I have another news flash for people worried about the “potential rise of fascism in the United States”: it is already here, and its name was ObamaCare. The leftist mobs assaulting Trump rallies are real fascists, not the men and women they’re beating up."


"In reality, fascism is a political theory with some specific attributes, not an all-purpose synonym for tyranny.

For example, fascism retains private ownership of capital, unlike communism, but (like with socialism) the fascist State controls this nominally private industry from behind the scenes.

The fascist State requires a firm grip of the public mind to nourish the power it needs to maintain total control. So the private owners of capital and property must be made to accept the absolute authority of the government’s planners. Happily for fascists, by leaving property in the hand of private people, the captains of industry can be given the blame for everything that goes wrong, along with whatever other scapegoats the fascist government finds useful.

These two attributes — state control of private property and of private minds — are present in ObamaCare, a program in which private industry still theoretically runs the health insurance industry for a profit, but which complies with a detailed agenda designed by government planners. ObamaCare is the most obnoxious American example of such a fascist arrangement, but they’re popping up with disturbing frequency across the Western world."

"Fascism tends to produce a lot of street theater, because mob actions are useful for terrorizing the populace into compliance. The mob action in the United States comes entirely from the political Left. Infrequent populist movements from the Right – the Perotistas, the Buchanan Brigades, the Tea Party – have been remarkably polite, to the point of meticulously cleaning up their own garbage after big rallies. Donald Trump’s supporters aren’t violent, but some of the people protesting outside his rallies are."


"It’s not the Right that shoved a pile of issues clean off the edge of the political table, and told Americans they’re no longer allowed to vote against the judgment of the elites, or even question it. It’s not the Right that decided the U.S. government doesn’t need budgets any more (although, sadly, quite a few Republicans were complicit in that.)

It’s not the Right that turned agencies like the IRS and EPA into weapons against the people. It’s not the Right currently toying with the idea of Soviet-style show trials for “climate change deniers.” And it’s not the Right getting cozy with the worst totalitarian instincts of militant political Islam."


"Now we’re watching violent mobs of Clinton and Sanders supporters – with a heavy infusion of illegal alien muscle – attacking people at Trump rallies, and their media auxiliaries are blaming the victims, including brutalized women, because they supposedly had it coming. The Democrat mayor of San Jose, a stalwart Hillary Clinton supporter, is making that argument. Major left-wing websites are telling their readers to launch violent attacks on more Trump rallies.

That’s pure, straight-up brownshirt fascism, folks. That’s what it looks like. The thugs always claim they’re justified because their victims are awful. Obama’s “Church of the State” politics help these mobs, and their enablers, assume the posture of righteous crusaders. Underneath the sanctimony lies the same demand totalitarian thugs always make, from fascist Europe to militant Islam: Submit, do what we demand, and you won’t get hurt. If you keep resisting, everything that happens is your fault."

Feb 7, 2017, 12:19 pm

Thanks--I guess! ;))

They have only one recipe: lie, lie, then lie some more. It's not at all accomplished, as agitation goes, but then it needn't be, for their target audience. I mean, anyone who can read Trump's tweets, listen to him speak, and not feel mortally embarrassed for supporting him can't be suffering from too much intelligence, or adherence to truth and reality in the first place.

Feb 7, 2017, 1:20 pm

Not Breitbart, but definitely connected to lies...

We've just been watching BBC news. They show Trump claiming that the media is deliberately failing to report Islamist terrorist attacks. He has apparently published a list showing about 70 or so attacks he claimed went unreported. BBC has checked back and has provided links to their coverage of all the attacks - except the ones that never actually happened in the first place.

Modificato: Feb 7, 2017, 3:33 pm

Media over here seems to think that media failure to report terrorist attacks is a diversion from hearing at 3 PM PST, which we can watch/listen to within 24 hrs, if not live: and . (Neat that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is so transparent!)

Maybe WH's list of under-reported attacks also meant to protect Kellyanne Conway from ridicule over her "Bowling Green Massacre" lie, not just a one-time slip of the tongue?

Like BBC, media here is also making note of the attacks on Muslims, so Trump's list of under-reported attacks probably undercuts his argument (once again) that he has no animus against Muslims. "Sad!"

ETA: documents are being posted by 9th Circuity Court of Appeals for case tonight:

Modificato: Feb 7, 2017, 11:01 pm

Of course, the Breitbart brigade would have everyone remember that Andrew Breitbart died a Pizzagate martyr...

And yes, I can attest that that one was making the rounds in a major way shortly after the election. Bannonian strategy at work: gotta shore up the true believers.

This is a very healthy thread, in a know-your-enemy respect.

Modificato: Feb 9, 2017, 12:29 am

Some more background reading.

The guy Bannon is definitely not talking to...

"In short, Moldbug reads like an overconfident autodidact’s imitation of a Lewis Lapham essay—if Lewis Lapham were a fascist teenage Dungeon Master."

I've been peripherally aware of Herr Mencius Moldbug for a while (Urbit is sort of interesting, in its way). But this is worrisome.

ETA: See also,
East Lansing, Michigan—Lounging at the back of his tour bus in a parking lot behind the Springhill Suites, Milo Yiannopoulos, the flamboyant right-wing British provocateur known for his bleach-blond frosted tips and relentless campaign against Islam, munched on a whole cucumber protruding from a paper bowl of raw vegetables and made plans for a party. He had just been asked to host “DeploraBall,” an unofficial celebration planned for the presidential inauguration weekend. Yiannopoulos described his vision for the event: As guests entered the National Press Club, shirtless Mexican laborers would be building a physical wall around them. Instead of doves, Yiannopoulos would release 500 live frogs in honor of Pepe, the cartoon mascot of pro-Donald Trump internet trolls. The room would be lined with oil portraits in gilt frames, each depicting a celebrity who had vowed to leave the country in the event of Trump’s election. At the end of the night, the portraits would be thrown into a bonfire and burned. Yiannopoulos would send a bill for the party to the Mexican Embassy.

The party is unlikely to proceed in exactly that way, or really anything like it. But the ball is real—a month ahead of the inauguration, the organizers had already booked the room and sold all 1,000 tickets—and it marks a kind of gala debut of a new clique in Washington.
This might seem a disorienting new politics and aesthetic for Washington, but the patron behind both events is a figure already in D.C.: Jeff Giesea, a little-known entrepreneur. The 41-year-old Giesea exudes the air of a West Coast investor; on workdays, he haunts the hip environs of Logan Circle, and he asked to meet me at a coffee house off 14th Street that is very much part of blue, Obama-era Washington. Giesea graduated from Stanford in 1997, a year after Rebekah Mercer, though he said he does not know her. He does know fellow Stanford alumnus Thiel, according to a person familiar with their relationship, and Thiel talked him out of attending law school. Instead, Giesea went to work for Thiel Capital Management, the magnate’s pre-PayPal investment venture, and then for Koch Industries’ public affairs office.

In recent years, Giesea says, he has become less of a libertarian and more concerned with the fortunes of Middle America. He says his travels in Europe and his homosexuality have made him concerned about Islamic incursions in the West. In February, he published a paper titled “It’s Time to Embrace Memetic Warfare” in a NATO-sponsored journal, calling for using the tactics of internet trolls to thwart the Islamic State’s online propaganda; the ISIS tactics he studied have informed his own virtual pro-Trump insurgency, which he conducted in conjunction with the likes of Cernovich and Johnson, supplementing the uncoordinated efforts of thousands of anonymous pro-Trump Internet trolls.
It will no longer do to remain ignorant of the concept of "memetic warfare," which can be far more baroquely elaborated than one might think.

Study the following (keeping in mind the falseness of the presenter's tone of detached neutrality):

https:// pepethefrogfaith .wordpress .com/
https:// pepethefrogfaith .wordpress .com/smug-pepe-sure-makes-a-lot-of-sense-now-that-trump-has-won/
https:// pepethefrogfaith .wordpress .com/shadilay-the-sacred-word-that-founded-a-new-meme-faith/
and the one that entirely gives away the falseness of the purported neutrality:
https:// pepethefrogfaith .wordpress .com/the-outrageously-triggering-moon-man-is-to-thoth-as-pepe-is-to-kek-theory/
or, "How An Obscure McDonald’s Mascot Came To Be An Equally Obscure Hate Symbol On The Internet"
(Embedded Youtube video not suitable for viewing by anyone. For the strong-stomached, a bit of research reveals this "in-joke":
http://www .breitbart .com/tech/2015/12/22/ben-garrison-how-the-internet-made-a-fake-white-supremacist/).
ETA And cf.
The Moon Man phenomenon is also likely spreading because its white nationalist message is wrapped inside visual and audio packaging that is inherently absurd and idiotic — catnip to younger adults raised in a pop-culture environment where profane sarcasm has become the lingua franca.

The songs’ adoption and inversion of imagery and lyrical methods used by leftist rappers admired by music industry elites almost certainly adds to its appeal for the young right-wingers who are reinventing Dadaism. An iconic photo of the legendary ’80s rap act N.W.A., for instance, has been altered to depict Moon Man accompanied by three hooded Klansmen.

The fact that anyone can produce or archive Moon Man clips also makes it almost impossible to suppress Mac Tonight’s unauthorized alter ego and discern the motives of his legions of anonymous creators. Some undoubtedly embrace the message of all-purpose hate in Moon Man’s lyrics; still others are most likely in it for the lulz.
(ETA: Links intentionally broken. Copy and paste and remove the spaces)
Some journalist needs to look into this "A.T.L. Carver" fellow. I doubt he's in this just to sell his shitty book...

Feb 8, 2017, 4:42 pm

The rule of thumb for Breitbart: Every article they publish is a lie.

Modificato: Feb 8, 2017, 8:30 pm

>10 davidgn: Updated, and see:

Trump’s Occult Online Supporters Believe ‘Meme Magic’ Got Him Elected
(which cites, among others, https:// pepethefrogfaith .wordpress .com/ from >10 davidgn:)
Is America Prepared for Meme Warfare?
Memes, as any alt-right Pepe sorcerer will tell you, are not just frivolous entertainment. They are magic, the stuff by which reality is made and manipulated. What's perhaps surprising is that this view is not so far off from one within the US defense establishment, where a growing body of research explores how memes can be used to win wars.
This, as they say, is now a "thing."

ETA >11 StormRaven: I won't say you're wrong. I will say, however, that we can no longer afford to dismiss them.

Feb 9, 2017, 12:01 am

>10 davidgn: Milo Yiannopoulos, the flamboyant right-wing British provocateur known for his bleach-blond frosted tips and relentless campaign against Islam

Known by whom, I wonder? I'm one Briton who has never heard of him, although I have to confess I have difficulty keeping up with the current trend of instant and usually short-lived celebrities.

Modificato: Feb 9, 2017, 12:16 am

>13 John5918: He's the ostensible reason UC-Berkeley has been on fire of late. Also the subject of publisher boycotts related to his forthcoming book.

Sundry UK press links:
(I would question how much of the violence actually came from the student body and how much from provocateurs, but that's another question altogether).

Feb 9, 2017, 12:16 am


And here's another rght-wing organ which has been caught telling porkies:

Wikipedia bans Daily Mail as 'unreliable' source

Feb 9, 2017, 12:31 pm

Report: Republicans Fear for Their Safety as Obamacare Protests Grow Violent

oddly, the photo they chose to lead the article is three female protestors lounging on the green

Feb 9, 2017, 12:59 pm

16: To Breitbart, women doing anything other than being good submissive housewives is inherently violent.

Feb 9, 2017, 1:07 pm

I don't get it.

Modificato: Feb 9, 2017, 2:49 pm

Yeah, the article had me scratching my head. I think the actual meeting was fairly mild, but Breitbart used it to create the screaming headline.

"Republican lawmakers held a closed-door meeting Tuesday to discuss protective measures and emergency exit strategies to safeguard them from growing violence and protests from progressives over their attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare.
According to Politico, Rep. David Reichert (R-WA), a former county sheriff, presented lawmakers with protective measures they should have in place. These included such things as an exit strategy at town halls, backdoor exits in congressional offices, local police monitoring town halls, and replacing glass office doors with heavy doors and deadbolts.

“It is toxic out there right now,” Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker (R-NC) reportedly said. “Even some of the guys who have been around here a lot longer than I have, have never seen it to this level.” Walker reportedly reiterated the importance of honoring the First Amendment rights granted to all citizens, remaining engaged and being “nice,” but he warned the Republicans who gathered to “watch your back. And two, be receptive.”

According to Politico, Walker later added, “For those of us who have children in grade school and that kind of thing, there’s a factor in all of this, saying: How far will the progressive movement go to try to intimidate us?”

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was reportedly also present at Saturday’s meeting and expressed hope that demonstrations remain civilized. “Peaceful protests are something we honor in this country,” he said, according to Politico. “I just hope people keep it peaceful.”

On Saturday, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) was escorted out of a town hall meeting in Roseville. He told the Los Angeles Times an “anarchist” group caused security concerns and the crowd turned angry against him.

However, some Democrats have reportedly downplayed and even dismissed violence targeting Republicans. “I think what you’re seeing is Republicans trying to use security to try to hide themselves from their constituents because they have no plan for a replacement and very little support from Donald Trump,” Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) told Politico. “They’re going to use so-called security to keep people away.”

(this is me again)

Possibly these Repubs have never had to confront earnest protesters.

David Frum offers some good advice: "You want to scare Trump? Be orderly, polite, and visibly patriotic."

Modificato: Feb 9, 2017, 3:03 pm

>16 2wonderY: Those women are Republican, anti-Obamacare protestors. Ostensibly, the poor defenseless women who need protecting from the anarchist hordes. Google their signs if you must...

"OMG! Those nice, proper ladies don't stand a chance against the black bloc. Look how vulnerable they are!"

This is why we need this thread. We're Breitbart-illiterate.

Feb 9, 2017, 3:04 pm

Ha! I missed that!

Modificato: Feb 10, 2017, 8:04 pm

Very interesting.
Scroll down to the bottom to look at the audience demographics. Breitbart has an overweighted female readership relative to other Internet sites.

Betcha wouldn't have guessed that one. Especially not >17 StormRaven:.

Feb 10, 2017, 9:49 pm

22: That isn't actually contradictory.

Feb 15, 2017, 7:59 am

Fox News
Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team

Relax, Trump is stone cold sane

Feb 15, 2017, 12:08 pm

>22 davidgn:

I have no opinion on the Breitbart's demographics, but I know Alexa. And Alexa stats of this sort are not reliable.

Feb 15, 2017, 12:24 pm

>24 2wonderY: Is that an Onion-esque site or something? His arguments seemed to be along the lines of: Trump is successful, therefore he must be sane. Does he really think " I own several of his ties — all of them of the highest quality." is evidence of mental health?

Feb 16, 2017, 3:05 am

>25 timspalding: Thanks for the heads-up.

Feb 23, 2017, 12:17 pm

Who is Nancy Salem?

Breitbart News reports a Palestinian-American pre-school teacher who has been tweeting anti-Jewish trash (“kill some Jews.”) for several years until reported by a watchdog group. She was fired from her job.

BN just repeated the same wordage from the local paper Dallas News. But the readers get to chew it up and make generalizations:

"This gal is just a typical hate filled democrat liberal."
"This is the face of the left"
etc. etc.

Checking for other confirmation, I see Fox News, Washington Times and NY Daily News have picked it up; but none of the other major news media have done so.

She needs to be denounced from all sides.

Feb 23, 2017, 1:24 pm

I can see why a national news outlet wouldn't want to waste airtime denouncing every single anti-semite in America. There wouldn't be time for any other news.

Modificato: Feb 23, 2017, 3:23 pm

>28 2wonderY:

She was a care worker at a private day care center, not a school teacher. I think this explains a lot. These days people get fired for tweets all the time.

The larger issue is simply that we don't have a good way of handling the scale and immediacy of the world. The United States is a nation of 320 million people. Everything happens. We could publish a true story or a tweet that reflects terribly on any ethnic or religious group ever day, five times a day. "Gay person molests someone!" "White person doesn't leave tip!" "Muslim hates Jews!"

Social media has made the issue far worse. Suddenly we get what everyone thinks about everything, a click away. Stories are now written that amount to "Look at what some jerks said on Twitter!" or "Look at this Facebook post!" There are 3.1 million public school teachers in the United States, and Ms. Salem doesn't even count in their number. (She figures instead among the 1.2 million child care workers.) Does she really deserve a national story in a country so large. More than 3k people will die in car accidents today, thousands more will be sexually abused—whatever bad thing you can think of, someone somewhere is probably doing it and, these days, it's making its way online. How do we deal with that? And if a media source like Breitbart seems obsessed with finding individual Muslims or immigrants who do a bad thing, maybe that's a problem--a problem of scale and attention that amounts to bigotry.

Anyway, it's a problem. At some point, we need to figure out how to filter this all out--to understand how attention and scale intersect.

Feb 23, 2017, 6:01 pm

>30 timspalding: At what point do we just run out of outrage? Or are we addicted to outrage, do you think? Does clicking on a nonstory like this and sharing it on Facebook amp up the serotonin?

It is a problem, though, because they are selling a worldview, hard. It will end in violence. It has already inspired violence.

Anyway, on a personal level, filter it out by not reading fringe news sources, unfollow people who circulate these stories. And yes, I see it on both sides of the political spectrum and have unfollowed accordingly. Ask yourself, is this too outrageous/convenient? What part of the story am I not getting?

Also, cultivate your critical thinking skills. Read long-form nonfiction. Find some good news analysts and read them. Be skeptical, especially when you see stories that seem to be right on the nose. I follow a lot of journalists across the political spectrum, and many of them are quick to jump on a nonstory that's making the rounds and point out its flaws.

Feb 23, 2017, 7:00 pm

>31 sturlington: And yes, I see it on both sides of the political spectrum and have unfollowed accordingly.

Sadly, some of my RL lefty friends are as prone to this sort of thing as any alt-right tweeter. They're always up for protesting and they are awesome about drumming up funds and support for friends in need and they spend more time volunteering than vacuuming, bless 'em. But they also often want to be agreed with more than they want to have a discussion. I'm persona non grata with a few of them at the moment because I dismissed their concerns about chemtrails.

Feb 23, 2017, 7:37 pm

they spend more time volunteering than vacuuming

I think I do too. Although, in truth, there are two sides to that equation that one can manipulate.

Feb 23, 2017, 8:01 pm

>32 southernbooklady: Contrails, wow. That's far into tin foil hat territory.

Feb 24, 2017, 6:53 am

>34 sturlington: CHEMTRAILS! not contrails. You need to spend more time on facebook, apparently. I saw one photo posted that showed 'chemtrails' during hurricane Sandy and my response to the friend who sent it was that the planes that shed them or whatever had to have been wider than Chile. They were enormous, some truly longer and wider than Chile, even Argentina...So I think the best response to an avid believer in the existence of chemtrails is to agree that we are doomed.

Feb 24, 2017, 11:35 am

Reality Check: Is Malmo the 'rape capital' of Europe?

The Beeb doing some fact-checking on a claim that has appeared in some far right circles.

Feb 26, 2017, 5:14 pm

Bannon's CPAC speech as interpreted by someone who has made a study of Breitbart.

Mar 2, 2017, 10:59 pm

Africa: Fake News, False Info Stokes Xenophobia (

Sound familiar?

Mar 3, 2017, 1:42 am

>39 John5918: Shit! Those Rooskies really are everywhere! (Or should we blame the Chinese instead?) ;-)

Mar 4, 2017, 11:24 pm

>40 davidgn: Good job using an irrelevancy to push your particular conspiracy theory.

Mar 13, 2017, 12:30 am

Trump Knows the Feds Are Closing In on Him (Foreign Policy)

It appears that Trump had gotten his information not from a top-secret briefing but from a Breitbart article long on innuendo and short on verifiable facts...

Modificato: Mar 14, 2017, 4:00 pm

Fox News reports on the Trump accusation of Obama wiretapping :

On "Fox & Friends" this morning, Judge Andrew Napolitano said that even if the Obama administration did spy on Trump, there may never be a way to prove it.
"Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command," Napolitano said. "He didn't use the NSA, he didn't use the CIA, he didn't use the FBI, and he didn't use the Department of Justice."

Instead, Napolitano said, Obama used GCHQ, a British intelligence and security organization that has 24-7 access to the NSA database.

"There's no American fingerprints on this," Napolitano said. "What happened to the guy who ordered this? Resigned three days after Donald Trump was inaugurated."

But the article doesn't go any further.

Judge Nap: Obama 'Went Outside Chain of Command,' Used British Spy Agency to Surveil Trump

and Breitbart is echoing the story.

I can find only one other news site, The Daily Banter, picking up on the story, a rebuttal:
Fox News 'Expert' Andrew Napolitano Continues Pathetic Attempt to Prove Trump's Wiretap Charge

Raw Story:
Fox News analyst uncorks wild new theory about Obama using UK intel services to spy on Trump

Mar 15, 2017, 8:55 am

>45 2wonderY:
This is hilarious......I can not for the life of me think of anyone who is less of a "spying" type person than Obama. I don't know him personally but come on !! Every single one of the people complaining about this could be type cast in the biggest spy movie ever. Obama ? I highly doubt he would make the cut. Just doesn't seem to be his nature at all. We would have had 8 highly interesting years if he had been inclined to tap phones and install cameras into microwaves. Just imagine.

Mar 15, 2017, 10:05 am

Unfortunately, Fox News watchers have got to be convinced of the truth of Trump's claim. Isn't that half the country?

And there are microwave based cameras:

Mar 15, 2017, 10:11 am

Another response to Napolitano's allegations

The president of the United States using a foreign intelligence agency to spy on the other party’s presidential candidate, for the obviously illicit purpose of erasing any domestic paper trail of his actions? “Scandal of the decade” material. And yet it falls not to the Fox News investigative team to break the story but to legal commentator Andrew Napolitano — and not on one of Fox’s marquee shows like O’Reilly or Tucker but on Fox & Friends and Martha MacCallum’s program. You’d think a scoop like this would be in 50-point font on the Fox website, but as I write this at around 4:45 ET, they’re leading with a story about a probe of IT staffers who work for House Democrats. How come?

Mar 15, 2017, 1:29 pm

>46 faceinbook: I can not for the life of me think of anyone who is less of a "spying" type person than Obama

Obama's record for transparency is not all that great. It's one of the major ethical flaws of his administration:

His administration wasn't as blatantly corrupt as Trump's is shaping up to be, but Obama tended towards opaqueness and retaining control of information, rather than accountability when possible.

Mar 15, 2017, 2:48 pm

Slick Willie, Slick...well we need to work on the nickname, but Obama was the smoothest of killers

Mar 15, 2017, 2:51 pm

Representatives Nunes and Schiff have pretty much dismissed the wiretapping claim and all the news services are covering the story except - you guessed it - Breitbart. (at least that I can find.)
Fox News runs the video, but in a story about Roger Stone.

Apr 10, 2017, 3:32 pm

Today James Delingpole leads with a climate change denial:
Only Gullible Fools Believe that the Great Barrier Reef Is Dying

He weighs his expertise, as a journalist, and biology instructor, Jim Steele, against marine biologist, Terry Hughes (with career citations exceeding 33,000).

Jim Steele's credentials

Terry Hughes credentials

Modificato: Mag 27, 2017, 11:09 am

As Trumps rpoblems mount, Breitbart's numbers are cratering.

A media business based on attack has been much less successful when forced to defend.

Giu 15, 2017, 3:30 pm

The site’s gravest problem may be the wholesale flight of advertisers, who have been pressured by anti-Trump forces to disassociate themselves from any outlet friendly to his administration. "Breitbart ads plummet nearly 90 percent in three months as Trump’s troubles mount," read the headline of a Digiday story by Lucia Moses that detailed the site's deepening financial woes.

Stranahan’s greater point is that access journalism is not real journalism, that playing publicist to the president ultimately does the president little good while squandering long-sought journalistic credibility.

“They’re failing to grapple with news of the day,” says The Hill ’s Sommer. “Eventually, your audience starts to get disillusioned.”

Modificato: Giu 19, 2017, 5:45 pm

WOW! A site that's even worse

How about this headline?

Deranged Bernie Sanders supporter attempts mass political executions of Republicans at softball game… has civil war begun?

Ah! I heard something identical to this one on a religious radio station last Thursday in KY:

Has Trump already been indicted? Civil war could follow if Deep State takes out duly elected president

Giu 22, 2017, 12:13 am

>57 2wonderY:

Reminds me of some of the language of the pro-Brexit camp in UK whenever the rest of the country tries to say, "OK, yes, we accept that Brexit will go ahead but let's talk about how it will happen smoothly, let's make sure it is done constitutionally, let's make sure that there are certain safeguards, let's make sure there is credible parliamentary oversight of the process, etc, etc". Theresa May called a snap election to try and increase her majority precisely so that she would be able to race ahead without having those conversations with the rest of us. Fortunately the electorate delivered her a stinging slap in the face, and now that she has lost her majority, Brexit will have to be done more a bit more openly and collaboratively. It seems the far right is beginning to be reigned in in several European countries now.

Modificato: Giu 22, 2017, 7:36 am

>7 margd: Sean Hannity

Hannity is crying "Fire!" in a packed theater of suggestible and armed folks. If people of either persuasion are hurt as a result, wonder if he's capable of losing a night's sleep?

(On lighter note, why do they call it a "witch hunt"? "Warlock hunt" is more like it. I don't recall one woman among those being investigated(?))

Lug 12, 2017, 10:11 am

Pro-Trump media scrambles to react to bombshell emails

Raheem Kassam, editor-in-chief of Breitbart London, reacted to the story of Donald Trump Jr.'s newly-released emails in a way that wouldn't typically be expected from someone at the far-right outfit, which is a reliable supporter of President Trump.

"So like, this is straight up collusion," he wrote in the news outlet's internal Slack, according to a transcript of the conversation obtained by CNN. "Right?"

Some staffers were seemingly left astonished. Writing in the company Slack, senior editor Rebecca Mansour reacted with only one word: "Wow." Amanda House, the outlet's deputy politics editor, wrote only, "???????"

But Matthew Boyle, Breitbart's Washington editor, who has been fervently pro-Trump, was less than convinced of the severity of the situation.

"I mean I don't take this as a smoking gun at all. This is silly," he wrote.

Modificato: Lug 26, 2017, 2:26 pm

Matt Drudge is firing warning shots at Trump, and that should worry the president

and Trump’s Tweets About Sessions Alienating Even Supporters Like Breitbart

“President Trump’s decision Tuesday to attack Attorney General Jeff Sessions over Sessions’ position on Hillary Clinton’s various scandals only serves to highlight Trump’s own hypocrisy on the issue—and is likely to fuel concerns from his base, who see Sessions as the best hope to fulfill Trump’s immigration policies,” Breitbart wrote.

Ago 2, 2017, 6:04 pm

The pro-Trump news bubble hasn’t burst, but it is losing air

Limbaugh, Drudge, Breitbart all criticizing the administration.

Ago 14, 2017, 4:43 pm

Thought I'd check in at the Breit

Chelsea Handler Calls for Military Coup to Overthrow Trump

Alt-Right Activists Condemn Violence, Dispute Mainstream Account

“We initiated, from what I saw, literally none of the violence. I would say, of the violence initated 98 percent Antifa, two percent ours, and that’s just out of margin of error.”

The first reader comment on that page is interesting:

In 1933 Germany they burned books.
In 2001 Afghanistan they blew up cultural heritage sites.
In 2014 Syria and Iraq they blew up cultural heritage sites.
In 2017 Charlottesville they tore down statues.

Ago 16, 2017, 7:25 am

“Potus Comes Roaring Back With Press Smackdown at Trump Tower,” cheered one Breitbart News headline.

Ago 16, 2017, 11:01 am

Long (long!) NYT article on Breitbart

Down the Breitbart Hole

"To the extent that there is a coherent ideology behind Breitbart, we’ve also done a crummy job of figuring out what it is."
"The last thing Yochai Benkler noted before I left his office at Harvard was that his team had performed a textual analysis of all the stories in their database, and they found a surprising result. ‘‘One thing that came out very clearly from our study is that Breitbart is not talking about these issues in the same way you would find on the extreme right,’’ he said. ‘‘They don’t use the same language you find on sites like VDARE and The Daily Stormer’’ — two sites connected to the white-nationalist alt-right movement. He paused for a moment, then added: ‘‘Breitbart is not the alt-right.’’ Yet precisely because articles on the site were often less extreme than their own worst headlines, Breitbart functioned as a legitimizing tether for the most abhorrent currents of the right wing. Benkler referred to this as a ‘‘bridge’’ phenomenon, in which extremist websites linked to Breitbart for validation and those same fanatics could then gather in Breitbart’s comment section to hurl invectives."

Set 14, 2017, 4:50 pm

CNN reports Pro-Trump media incensed over reports he struck deal with Dems on Dreamers

"Breitbart, which has grown increasingly critical of the White House since Bannon's recent departure from it, published several stories skewering Trump for softening on immigration. Those visiting Breitbart were greeted with a homepage packed with a slew of articles critical of the president. One sharply-worded story said Trump had finally "admitted he wasn't actually going to build a great new wall on the southern border," contrasting his new rhetoric with the language he used to win over voters in 2016. "

Set 20, 2017, 9:40 am

A surprising story, posted at Fox News (today?)

Trump's Phoenix rally to cost taxpayers $450G

That's costs to local government. The story goes on to mention federal government costs for other Trump trips.

Modificato: Set 21, 2017, 2:34 pm

Goodness! Why, now, I wonder: how did it happen that no one here has posted anything on this story which broke Sept. 19th?--two days ago!

"Exclusive: US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman"

By Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz and Pamela Brown, CNN
Updated 1821 GMT (0221 HKT) September 19, 2017

and this,

"It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me" (opinion column)

By Sharyl Attkisson, opinion contributor — 09/20/17 08:30 AM EDT
(5,352 reader comments)
The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill


Ott 31, 2017, 10:30 am

Will Richter reports far right discussions on a supposed Nov. 4 antifa uprising:

Dic 14, 2017, 1:07 pm

Fox News is campaigning to villianize the FBI. And Republican lawmakers are echoing this. Truly frightening.

However, apparently, Fans of Trump’s friendliest news network are turning on him

In March, Fox viewers were 40 points more likely to view Trump positively than were voters overall. By December, they were only 24 points more likely to do so — even though the numbers for Republicans — with which Fox viewership overlaps to some extent — remained fairly high.

Dic 26, 2017, 12:30 pm

Breitbart editor now says he believed Leigh Corfman and thought Roy Moore was ‘terrible’

"If we're talking about cold calculations, Breitbart's strategy made some sense. But it was just that — a strategy. Marlow's interview with Darcy is one of the clearest indications that Breitbart, at its core, is more of an advocacy organization than a news outlet.

The site's coverage of Moore was not about evaluating his actions or fitness for office but about helping Trump. The goal was to keep the bar for elected officials' conduct low enough for Trump to clear. Breitbart also positioned itself to defend the president against the “past or future accusations” Marlow referenced; after all, it would appear hypocritical to stand by Trump after abandoning Moore."

Gen 4, 2018, 1:51 pm

Within the first two hours of publication, the Breitbart article on Bannon’s remarks received over 5,000 comments. Breitbart declined to reveal the author of its report on Bannon, instead choosing to make the story anonymous.

Mag 17, 2018, 11:08 am

Wondering how Trump's far right base is reacting to his ZTE move?

Breitbart is sticking to factual reporting. The commenters opinions vary:

"Hold off, let's see his genius plan unfold."
"America first? Bull."
"Donny sold his soul to China."
"Herr Trump"
"Trump caved to the deep state, again."

Lug 16, 2018, 4:30 pm

Curious as to how Breitbart and Fox News are reacting to Helsinki. No editorializing yet from Breitbart (at least that I could find.

Fox News is disappointed:

Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

It ends - "Trump, and our country for that matter, can only win against Putin if we are assertive about American goals and our values. President Trump failed to accomplish that on Monday.

Instead of standing up to Putin, Trump offered to cooperate with Russia on some of the very issues that Russia is causing.

As some very wise analysts have noted, this strategy is like allowing a criminal to investigate his own crimes. It is foolish and naive and President Trump must simply do better going forward. "

Lug 16, 2018, 4:52 pm


Fox Hosts Offer Rare Criticism Of Trump After Russian Summit

Kilmeade - "ridiculous"
Cavuto - "disgusting"
Huntsman - "No negotiation is worth throwing your own people and country under the bus."

Lug 17, 2018, 12:17 am

>75 2wonderY:

Huntsman, the Ambassador to Russia, must be feeling the pressure. Today:

1. His daughter described Trump as throwing his country under the bus.
2. His former head campaign strategist tweeted him "Resign, if you have any honor."
3. His home-town newspaper, owned and run by his brother, called on him to resign as "you work for a pawn, not a president."

No word yet on his dog, but I'm guessing he's got some choice words too.

Lug 17, 2018, 4:43 pm

>76 timspalding: If you're a good ambassador, wouldn't you be doing a better service to the nation by staying in place?

Modificato: Lug 17, 2018, 11:56 pm

>77 prosfilaes:

Huntsman said publicly that Russia would be held to account for its actions during the summit. Trump made a liar of him. And Trump conducts Russian diplomacy without him and against him—refusing to allow others into his meetings and reversing State department policies. Whether Putin has something on Trump or not—and at some point that just becomes the Okham's Razor explanation—he's acting like he does. At some point you just resign.

Lug 18, 2018, 12:58 am

Until now I was skeptical, for lack of concrete evidence, of the idea that Putin "had something" on Trump. I thought it much more likely that a calculating authoritarian was playing an undisciplined narcissist to his own advantage.

But Trump's recent "performance" makes the hypothesis of kompromat seem more plausible.

Ago 3, 2018, 10:12 am

Side by side comparison of Shawn Hannity and Shep Smith reporting:

Ago 17, 2018, 2:38 pm

A little bit of snark directed at Trump in the headline?

Ago 22, 2018, 9:10 am

Fox News opinion piece:
President Trump, Manafort is guilty – please don't abuse the pardon power

But Hannity is calling it a two-tiered justice system.
Sean Hannity Melts Down About Hillary Clinton On Day Manafort, Cohen Become Felons

But her emails, the Fox News host lamented.

Breitbart is reporting it straight but quoting Chuck Schumer's warning to Trump (“He better not talk about pardons for Michael Cohen or Paul Manafort tonight, or any time in the future.” ) and celebrities who are jubilant about the day's events.

Nov 1, 2018, 9:12 am

Since Steve Bannon is again in the news, I thought I'd use this thread to track any stories. Didn't want to honor him with his own LT thread.

Why Is Steve Bannon Giving a Keynote Speech About Nationalism at an Academic Tech Conference?

Bannon is attending the conference at the invitation of Adrian Cheok, … founder of ACE conference. Cheok told Motherboard that Bannon’s nationalism is the whole reason he invited him to speak at ACE.

The Weird Saga of the Gaming Conference Hosting Steve Bannon

as an aside, the article ends with:
Pricing for tickets to a recent Republican fundraiser with Bannon reportedly dropped from $20,000 for ten seats to free. At a political rally in Kansas Tuesday, just 17 people showed up to see Bannon speak.

Nov 22, 2018, 3:03 pm

You get a two-fer today ~ Breitbart and Ann Coulter. She’s on a rant against prison reform.

Nov 26, 2018, 9:50 pm

>85 2wonderY: Why bother? Anyone who is so vocally contemptuous about other's ideas is probably ill-informed about them.

Nov 26, 2018, 10:51 pm

I think it’s useful to keep some tabs on what that audience is hearing. Sometimes there is even some entertainment value.

Dic 6, 2018, 6:08 pm

This surprises me:

Tucker Carlson says Trump is ‘not capable’ and hasn’t kept his promises

Urs Gehriger jump-started the conversation by asking what Carlson thought of Trump’s first two years in office.

Carlson said he cannot stand Trump’s self-aggrandizement and boasting. Then, when asked whether Trump has kept his promises, the usually quick-witted and long-winded Carlson had just one word: “No.”

“His chief promises were that he would build the wall, defund Planned Parenthood and repeal Obamacare, and he hasn’t done any of those things,” Carlson said, adding that those goals were probably lost causes. Trump, he said, doesn’t understand the system, and his own agencies don’t support him.

“He knows very little about the legislative process, hasn’t learned anything, hasn’t surrounded himself with people that can get it done, hasn’t done all the things you need to do, so it’s mostly his fault that he hasn’t achieved those things,” he added.

Carlson has been “a fervent advocate for Trump’s hard-right position on immigration.”

For starters, he called Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her socialist group “the future.” He also criticized the Republican Party, suggesting that it “will die” if it doesn’t begin to fairly represent middle-class American voters.

Gen 7, 2019, 4:10 pm

The Daily Beast blogged this exchange on Fox & Friends:

Fox & Friends hosts offer detailed critique of Vice, which none of them have actually seen

“By the way, Christian Bale did make Dick Cheney seem like Satan, by reports,” Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade said on Monday morning’s show. “Also made Rumsfeld seem extremely evil, President Bush look like a doofus. Condoleezza Rice totally was ignored, as was Karl Rove, they didn’t say a word, evidently, in the entire movie. And Colin Powell was duped.”

Then came the punchline: “So nothing accurate about this movie,” Kilmeade continued. “But it was good enough for Christian Bale to play it and get an award for it. I don’t really know anyone who saw it, do you?”

“I didn’t see it,” Steve Doocy admitted.

“I didn’t see it,” Ainsley Earhardt repeated. “I’ve seen the commercials for it, but I’ve never watched it.”

Modificato: Mag 4, 2019, 7:09 am

Stumbled upon a podcast that's very relevant to this thread. For anyone who wants the sort of intelligence on the far-right that requires getting one's boots mucky, without putting in the effort...

Mag 6, 2019, 8:42 am

A twisting and turning legalistic argument from the National Review today:

The Big Lie That Barr Lied

Giu 10, 2019, 5:18 pm

A surprising headline from Fox News, the story itself is just a re-hash of the basic story everyone else reported:

Trump raises specter of imposing 'very profitable' new tariffs on Mexico despite deal breakthrough

Giu 13, 2019, 10:17 am

Again Fox network: Brian Kilmeade on Fox & Friends this morning

Kilmeade: President Trump 'opened himself up to attacks,' must clarify remarks on getting dirt on 2020 rivals

Responding before a live studio audience Thursday morning, Kilmeade said he's looking forward to asking Trump about the remarks in an interview with the president Friday morning at 8 a.m. ET on "Fox & Friends."

"He opened himself wide to attacks," said Kilmeade, adding that Trump knows if a foreign government like Russia or China handed over such information, they would expect something in return down the line.

"There is no free lunch," he added.

Steve Doocy pointed out that the unverified Steele dossier on Trump's ties to Russia was based on foreign sources and turned out to be "dirt from Hillary Clinton and the DNC" in 2016.

Kilmeade responded by saying that was "wrong" and Americans should agree that information from foreigners should be kept out of American elections on all sides.

Modificato: Giu 13, 2019, 10:48 am

David Frum @davidfrum | 6/13/2019
41m41 minutes ago

As the president plunges into a sea of what-aboutism, pulling Fox News talking heads after him, let's recall what it is actually about ... (1)

... a crime was committed, a very serious crime: a computer hack. It's no less a burglary for stealing digital rather than physical property. Same crime as Watergate. (2)

All the way back in the summer of 2016, everybody knew who committed this crime: Russian military intelligence. Claims that maybe it was an "inside job" etc. were floated in bad faith by untruthful people - but everybody knew, the Trump campaign very much included. (3)

When Donald Trump Jr. accepted his famous Trump Tower meeting, he was hoping to receive the proceeds of a crime. He was disappointed in that hope, but that's what he hoped. (4)

And when the proceeds of the crime did begin to be posted on the WikiLeaks site later in the summer of 2016 and -devastatingly - less than 1 hour after the reporting of the "Access Hollywood" tape in October 2016, everybody understand that this was Putin acting to help Trump (5)

None of this bears any resemblance to "oppo research" - information obtained lawfully by asking questions, reading archives, etc. It was crime, no less criminal for being outsourced to foreigners beyond the reach of US prosectors (6)

The Mueller report found insufficient evidence to convict anyone on the Trump campaign of culpability in the crime. But it stressed: the crime was committed by Russian military intelligence to help Trump, and the Trump campaign knowingly welcomed that help (7)

If the Trump campaign had flown a private investigator to Moscow to interview people about the (bogus) Uranium One Clinton story ... nobody would object. That is oppo research. If they trawled old Arkansas police records in search of something discrediting ... again, research (8)

What fellow Republicans first and then Democrats later hired Christopher Steele to do - interview people, collect rumors, sift through them - falls into this former category. The quality of Steele's work you can dispute. He committed no crimes in course of doing it. (9)

Trump Jr's visitors in June 2016 purported to deliver - and Trump's actual helpers later in the year did actually deliver - the proceeds of crimes. In full light of day, and with Trump on video urging them onward. (10)

The Trump campaign was absolved of criminal culpability by Mueller in large part on issue o intent. Did they truly understand they were being invited to participate in a crime? Did they truly wish to participate? And could that be proven beyond reasonable doubt? (11)

That's why President Trump's words to ABC were so important. He was asked, now that you have full knowledge of all that was at issue - including the crime committed by the Putin regime by hacking Americans - would you receive that information again? Trump answered YES. (12)

Trump confessed the thing Mueller could not prove. (END)

Anyway, all this explains why even though I still doubt the wisdom of starting impeachment proceedings in the House, my own personal Defcon* just jumped a level


Wikipedia: The defense readiness condition (DEFCON) is an alert state used by the United States Armed Forces...It prescribes five graduated levels of readiness (or states of alert) for the U.S. military...increas(ing) in severity from DEFCON 5 (least severe) to DEFCON 1 (most severe) to match varying military situations.

Modificato: Lug 11, 2019, 10:20 am

Fox News headline:

Trump rails against ‘Fake News’ in bizarre tirade, warns industry will fold when he leaves office

and Howard Kurtz compares Trump to "every other politician."

Ott 1, 2019, 7:52 am

Fox News story

GOP lawmaker digs up audio of Schiff telling prank callers he would accept Trump dirt from Ukraine

Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz has dug up a nearly two-year-old prank call in which House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff told two Russian radio hosts posing as a Ukranian politician that he would be willing to accept damaging anti-Trump information.

Gaetz on Sunday tweeted an edited clip from the eight-minute-long phone call.
buried at the bottom of the story is this fact:

While Schiff does not appear to question the veracity of the prank callers' assumed identity on the January 2018 call, his office said they did not simply take the pranksters at their word.

"Before agreeing to take the call, and immediately following it, the committee informed appropriate law enforcement and security personnel of the conversation, and of our belief that it was probably bogus," a Schiff spokesman told The Atlantic.

Modificato: Ott 1, 2019, 9:53 am

>98 2wonderY: ...the committee informed appropriate law enforcement and security personnel...

That's probably the most important part of the article, plus the fact that Schiff wasn't actively coercing anyone into coming up with the "evidence".

Ott 1, 2019, 10:09 am

>99 jjwilson61: Yes, Gaetz was misleading; and though the Fox article is factual, the structure of it and the headline are questionable.

Modificato: Ott 1, 2019, 9:00 pm

Questo messaggio è stato cancellato dall'autore.

Modificato: Gen 3, 2022, 4:02 am

We may need a new thread with a new title, but it becomes increasingly urgent to keep an eye on the Waffentwerpen. (corrected link)

I happened to have reason to watch two of these speeches (Cawley and McEnany), and I suggest everyone who can take a long-form look. Rep. Cawley ( is the more overtly terrifying of the two, but McEnany ( is the more insidious. For those wondering who is waiting in the wings, you will have your answer. These people have a bona fide belief that their time is about to come, and I can't definitively say they're mistaken.

ETA: cf. US could be under rightwing dictator by 2030, Canadian professor warns
Canadian political scientist warns in op ed of Trumpist threat to American democracy and possible effect on northern neighbor

Ott 21, 2023, 10:48 am

CBS News:
Judge fines Trump $5,000 after threatening prison for gag order violation

National Review:
Elected Democrat in a Robe Fines Trump as Pretext to Promoting Democrats’ Incitement Narrative