Nome vero
Rick Harsch
La mia biblioteca
It is shrinking to essentials and great unreads. Nostromo perhaps tops the list, though Bleak House will be next. Will keep all of Antunes, Cendrars, Onetti.
Last Nobel Prize winner to really please me: Jelinek.
Still slowly reading Magic Prague.

My daughter, younger, likes short bits of Kafka.
Informazione su di me
I'm a writer from the US living in Izola, Slovenia

Published books include:

Now available from River Boat Books:

The Manifold Destiny of Eddie Vegas (advance reviews on Goodreads:

Walk Like a Duck, a Season of Little League Baseball in Italy

Skulls of Istria (
LT review:

Now available from Maintenance Ends, imprint of Ice Cube Press:
Voices After Evelyn

Lt review:

Arjun and the Good Snake, being an Ophidiological Account of Six Weeks in India without Alcohol, a literary memoir, the book covers all range of this writer's behavior, from snake mania, knowledge and thought of India, alcoholism, violence, and fatherhood.
Now available in Slovenia translated into Slovene as Arjun in dobra kača.

Published in English in the US and French in France: out of print in both countries:

The Driftless Trilogy:

1.The Driftless Zone


2.Billy Verite
3.The Sleep of Aborigines

Novels translated into Slovene and published in Slovenia:

Adriatica Deserta (Adriatica Deserta)
The Skulls of Istria (Istrske lobanje)
Kramberger with Monkey (Kramberger z opico)

Novel excerpt published in English and Slovene: a fragment from The Manifold Destiny of Eddie Vegas
Novel excerpt published in English and Slovene: a fragment from The Barber of Izola
Novel excerpt published in English and Slovene: Balkan Picaresque
Novel excerpt published in both English and Slovene: The Skulls of Istria

Book chapter published in the US: in Anatomy of Baseball: The Inherent Human Transgression that is Umpiring: A Slovene Case Study

Other Book Chapters

in Oil Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea (Springer, 2018)
1. Oil Spills in the Adriatic (co-author with Marko Perković)
2. Oil Pollution in Slovenian Waters: the Threat to the Slovene Coast, Possible Negative Influences of Shipping on an Environment and its Cultural Heritage (co-author with Marko Perković)

in Oil Spill Response: a Global Perspective (Springer: The Nato Science for Peace and Security Programme, 2006)

The Necessity of Applying SAR Imagery to Oil Spill Modeling in Cases of Data Obfuscation (with Perković, Delgado, David, Petelin)

in Human Resources and Crew Resource Management (Taylor & Francis, 2011)

Technological Advances and Efforts to Reduce Piracy (with Perković, Twrdy, Vidmar, Gucma)

New publications: In A Fabulous Opera by Tropic of Ideas (a library thing group. This is an extraordinary collections brimming with ideas, of astonishing and fascinating variety), I have a couple reviews and there are a couple reviews of Arjun and the Good Snake, and there are two haikus by al suzyu

Upcoming publications

June, 2019 from River Boat Books: The Manifold Destiny of Eddie Vegas
June, 2019 from River Boat Books: Walk Like a Duck, A Season of Little League Baseball in Italy

NEW: Wandering Stone, The Streets of Old Izola, Mandrač press, August 15, 2017, available in Slovene and English. Now available, not yet on Amazon. contact me at for details about the book.

Articles and reviews:


Entirely unpublished novels:

Carcass of the Known Self, or, The Stupid Persistence of Inanimate Things
Taxi Cabaret, the Adventures of a Fat Nihilist
Requiem for a Suicide:
Volume 1 or 2: Requiem for a Suicide
Volume 1 or 2: Balkan Picaresque

(descriptions available upon the unlikely event of a request)

Other non-fiction:

A Circumnavigation through Maritime History

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