Nuvola degli autori per sigridsmith

Karen Aabye(1) Mikkel Aaland(1) Edward Abbey(1) Gene Able(1) James Truslow Adams(1) Joy Adamson(1) Mortimer J. Adler(2) U.S. Department of Agriculture(1) George D. Aiken(1) Edward Albee(1) Greg Albert(2) Leon Battista Alberti(1) William Foxwell Albright(1) Paul Albury(1) Alfred Alcorn(1) Cyril Aldred(1) Gregory Alexander(1) James B. Alexander(1) Ayaan Hirsi Ali(1) Isabel Allende(1) E. Allen(1) Phyllis S. Allfrey(2) Dorothy Allison(1) Jay Allison(1) Eric Alterman(1) Jorge Amado(1) Per Amann(1) Daniel G. Amen(1) Jim Ames(1) Martin Amis(1) Bernhard W. Anderson(1) James Anderson(1) Jon Lee Anderson(1) Virginia DeJohn Anderson(1) Tor Andræ(1) Philip Andrews(1) Douglas Angus(1) Kevin Annett(1) Ellen Anon(1) Anonymous(1) Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(1) Marian Appelhof(1) Ariane Archambault(1) Jules Archer(1) Archimedes(1) Robert Ardrey(1) Aristophanes(1) Karen Armstrong(2) Rudolf Arnheim(2) Abraham Ascher(1) Isaac Asimov(1) Collins-Longman Atlases(1) Margaret Atwood(1) Baedekers(1) Joe Bageant(1) Patrick D. Baird(1) Robin Baker(1) Phyllis A. Balch(1) James Baldwin(1) Deirdre Ball(1) Jeff Ball(1) Philip Ball(1) David W. Balsiger(1) Rhoda Barkan(1) Sy Barlowe(1) Julian Barnes(2) Molly Barnes(1) Willis Barnstone(1) Andrea Barrett(2) John D. Barrow(1) Judith Barter(1) John Barth(1) J. G. Bartholomew(1) John C. Bartholomew(1) Willard Bascom(1) Navajo School of Indian Basketry(1) Marston Bates(2) Martin Baxendale(1) David Bayles(1) Alan R. Beals(1) John Beattie(1) Simone de Beauvoir(1) Marcelo D. Beccaceci(2) Samuel J Beckett(1) Anna K. Behrensmeyer(1) Edward Bellamy(2) Frank Chapman Bellrose(1) John Berger(1) Rene Bergh(1) Barton J. Bernstein(1) Tim M. Berra(1) N. J. Berrill(1) Simon Berthon(1) Pierre Berton(1) Alexandra Mayes Birnbaum(1) J. D. Bisignani(1) Peter Blood(1) Allan Bloom(1) Harold Bloom(2) Catherine Blyth(1) Franz Boas(3) Paul Bohannan(1) Sissela Bok(2) Pascal Bonafoux(1) N. B. Bonarjee(1) James Bond(1) Michael P. Bonner(1) Stackpole Books(1) Daniel Boorstin(2) Bet Borgeson(1) James Boswell(1) Cicely Mary Botley(1) Catherine Drinker Bowen(1) Eleanor Page Bowen(1) Ezra Bowen(1) William Bradford(1) Nancy L. Braganti(1) Rick Bragg(1) H. W. Brands(1) Warwick Bray(1) Mark A. Breiner(1) Tom Brennan(1) Carl Bridenbaugh(1) Janet Brill(1) Crane Brinton(2) Fawn Brodie(1) Gerald F. Brommer(2) Johannes Brønsted(1) Jacob Bronowski(1) Tom Brosnahan(1) Dan Brown(1) Dee Brown(1) Elizabeth Mills Brown(1) James Robert Brown(1) Lester R. Brown(5) Susan E. Brown(1) Vinson Brown(1) William Robinson Brown(1) Odd Børretzen(1) Gene Brucker(1) Giordano Bruno(1) Lucy McTeer Brusic(1) Mike Bryan(1) Ralph Buchsbaum(1) Shelia Buff(1) Katharina Buss(1) Charles Cahier(1) Susan Cahill(1) Martin Caidin(1) Bill Caldwell(1) Bill Camarda(1) Camerapix(1) Robert Cantwell(1) Giovanni Carandente(1) Ron Carlson(1) Jean Carper(1) John le Carré(1) Rachel Carson(1) Jimmy Carter(1) Ernst Cassirer(2) Willa Cather(4) Bruce Catton(2) C. S. Ceram(1) Bernard Chaet(1) Jack Challem(1) Harvey Chalmers(1) Whittaker Chambers(1) Ann Chandonnet(1) William Ellery Channing(1) Howard Irving Chapelle(1) Robert L. Chapman(1) Charles F. Chapman(1) Bruce Chatwin(1) Jean-Marie Chauvet(1) Tracy Chevalier(1) M.E. Chevreul(1) Edward Chiera(1) Julia Child(1) Floyd H. Chilton(1) Gabriel J Christian(1) Winston Churchill(9) Winston S. Churchill(1) Carolyn Chute(1) Joan Clark(1) Kenneth Clark(1) Manning Clark(1) The World's popular Classics(1) Charles B. Clayman(1) Agnes Morley Cleaveland(1) Chas S. Clifton(1) Moira Clinch(1) Juliet Clough(1) J. M. Coetzee(2) Jay S. Cohen(1) Margaret L. Coit(1) Donald B. Cole(1) Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1) Linda Collins(1) Ann T. Colson(1) Laurie Colwin(1) James P. Comer(1) Saxe Commins(1) Roger Conant(1) Joe Conason(1) Beach Conger(1) Philip W. Conkling(1) Joseph Conrad(1) George Constantz(1) Edward Conze(1) Captain James Cook(1) Susan D. Cooley(1) Loren Cordain(1) E. J. H. Corner(1) John Cornwell(1) Denis Cosgrove(1) National Research Council(1) Jacques-Yves Cousteau(3) Jack Cowart(1) Jon Cox(1) Roscoe Creed(1) Claire Criscuolo(2) William Cronon(1) Bob Crowder(1) Norman Crowe(1) Tom Cunliffe(1) Richard Currey(1) Jane Curtis(1) C. P. Dadant(1) Anna Maria Damigella(1) Arne Damm(1) Richard Henry Dana(1) George Dangerfield(1) Glyn Daniel(1) Birger Dannevig(1) Edwidge Danticat(1) Charles Darwin(2) James West Davidson(1) Nigel Davies(1) Adelle Davis(1) Wade Davis(1) William Davis(1) Richard Dawkins(3) N. J. Dawood(1) Vera Micheles Dean(1) Edmund T. Delaney(1) DeLorme Publishing(2) Daniel C. Dennett(1) John V. Dennis(1) Maria Dermoût(1) Andrew E. Dessler(1) Vincent G Dethier(1) Leo Deuel(1) Isaac Deutscher(1) David Dewey(1) John Dewey(2) Pete Dexter(1) Editors of * Dictionaries(1) Denis Diderot(1) Reader's Digest(1) Annie Dillard(4) Don Dimond(1) Jeanne Dobie(1) Ljelja Dobronic(1) Bert Dodson(1) Karl Dönitz(1) Jean Dorst(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(1) Marjory Stoneman Douglas(1) James David Drake(1) Harold Edson Driver(1) Kenneth Druse(1) Alan Duff(1) Roger F. Duncan(1) Barrows Dunham(1) Storm Dunlop(1) Will Durant(3) Will and Ariel Durant(3) Marguerite Duras(2) Eaglemoss Collections(1) Dorothy Harley Eber(1) Maxwell Eden(1) Franklin Edgerton(1) Editors(1) Threads Editors(1) Betty Edwards(2) David Edwards(1) Einhard(1) Albert Einstein(1) Jonathan Eisen(1) Robert H. Eisenman(1) George Eliot(1) Joseph J. Ellis(1) Margaret Elphinstone(1) Ralph Waldo Emerson(2) Joseph et al Enright(1) Jacqueline Enthoven(1) Odysseus Makridis Epictetus(1) Greg M. Epstein(1) Desiderius Erasmus(2) Louise Erdrich(3) Kjell Eriksson(1) James P. Espy(1) Jeffrey Eugenides(1) Bergen Evans(1) Jane Evans(1) Ray Evans(1) Ann Fabian(1) Anne Fadiman(1) Brian M. Fagan(1) Sally Fallon(1) Kaffe Fassett(1) Howard Fast(1) William Faulkner(2) Bernard Faÿ(1) Edith Anderson Feisner(1) David Feldman(1) Derek Fell(1) Amor Fenn(1) Nicola Ferguson(1) Judi N. Fernandez(1) Lloyd Fernando(1) Timothy Ferris(1) Edward Field(1) Louis Filler(1) Christopher Finch(1) Margaretha Finseth(1) Ron Fisher(1) Stanley Fish(1) F. Scott Fitzgerald(1) Gustave Flaubert(1) Rudolf Flesch(1) Antony Flew(1) Fodor's(4) G. E. Fogg(1) Henry Wilder Foote(1) C. S. Forester(1) E. M. Forster(1) Thomas C. Foster(1) Walter Foster(1) Connecticut Mental Health Center Foundation(1) H. Ramsey Fowler(1) H.W. Fowler(1) Rene J. Francillon(1) Benjamin Franklin(1) Antonia Fraser(1) Tom Fraser(1) James George Frazer(1) Charles Frazier(1) Julian Freeman(1) Michael Freeman(1) Barbara Freese(1) Peter Freuchen(2) Carl J. Friedrich(1) Jean Froissart(1) Lee Frost(1) Carlos Fuentes(1) J. C. Furnas(1) John Gage(1) Ernest J. Gaines(1) Eduardo Galeano(1) Galileo Galilei(1) Mahatma Gandhi(1) Ernest K. Gann(1) Augusto Garau(1) Pat Garber(1) Martin Gardner(1) Joseph E. Garland(1) Paul Garrison(1) Stephen Gaukroger(1) Michael J. Gelb(1) Ethel Todd George(1) Peter Gethers(1) H. A. R. Gibb(1) Edward Gibbon(2) Priscilla Gibson-Roberts(1) Ulric P. Gibson(1) Robert W. Gill(2) Françoise Gilot(1) Nikolai Vassilievitx Gogol(1) Arthur Golden(1) Lawrence C. Goldsmith(1) Robert Goldwater(1) Adam Gopnik(1) Nadine Gordimer(4) Louise Gordon(1) Mary Gordon(1) Maxim Gorky(1) Stephen Jay Gould(1) Nina Gourfinkel(1) Pierre Gourou(1) Judith Gradwohl(1) Bill Gray(1) A. C. Grayling(1) Gary Greene(1) Linda Greenlaw(1) Marshall Green(1) Rex Grizell(1) Will Grohmann(1) Doris Grumbach(1) Philip Guedalla(1) Insight Guides(1) Alan Gurney(1) Nathan Cabot Hale(1) Robert Hale(2) Sam Hall(1) Helen Hamann(1) Charles P. Hamblen(1) Edith Hamilton(1) Peter B. Hammond(1) Helene Hanff(1) Brooks Hansen(1) James Hansen(1) Robert Harbin(1) Thomas Hardy(3) Pamela J. Harper(1) Hazel Harrison(2) Peter Harrison(1) Reg Harris(1) Sam Harris(1) Jan de Hartog(1) Louis Hartz(1) Joseph Sturge; Thomas Harvey(1) J. B. Hatcher(1) Einar Haugen(1) Roar Hauglid(1) Eric Hawkesworth(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1) John Haywood(4) Lesley Hazleton(1) William Least Heat-Moon(1) Jennifer Michael Hecht(1) Ursula Hegi(2) translated into English by Ralph Ma Konrad Heiden(1) Ray Hendershot(1) Marie de Hennezel(1) Fritz Henning(1) William Henry Herndon(1) William Lewis Herndon(1) John Hersey(1) Ruth Hertzberg(1) John Hibbard(1) Charles Henry Hitchcock(1) Christopher Hitchens(2) Odd Hølaas(1) Elaine R. S. Hodges(1) Larry Hodgson(1) Donald D. Hoffman(1) Per Hohle(1) Stewart H. Holbrook(1) Frank Hole(1) Philip Holmes(1) Homer(1) Isao Honda(1) Lennox Honychurch(2) James K. Hosmer(1) John Andrew Hostetler(1) Richard Hough(1) Romeyn Beck Hough(1) Albert Hourani(1) Random House(1) James A. Houston(2) Mark Houston(1) W. W. Howells(1) F. A. Hoyos(1) Helen Hudson(1) Robert Hughes(2) Keri Hulme(1) Alexander von Humboldt(2) Andrew Humphreys(1) James H. Hutson(1) Aldous Huxley(1) Thomas Henry Huxley(1) Arthur Hyman(1) Mark Hyman(3) Susan Hyman(1) John Imbrie(1) Hammond Incorporated(2) Rachel Ingalls(2) Helge Ingstad(1) Sue Irwin(1) Marianne Isager(1) Arturo Islas(1) Johannes Itten(1) Paul C. Jackson(1) Kate Jacobs(1) Susan Jacoby(3) William James(2) Nick Jans(1) Colin Jarman(1) Caroline Furness Jayne(1) Dilwyn Jenkins(1) Henrik S. Jensen(1) Edward Joesting(1) Marie-Elena John(1) Cathy Johnson(2) Charles Johnson(1) Donald S. Johnson(1) Douglas W. J. Johnson(1) Haynes Johnson(1) Hugh Johnson(1) J. E. Johnson(1) Randolph Wardell Johnston(1) John Oliver Jones(1) Owen Carter Jones(1) William Herbert Sidney Jones(1) Neil Jorgensen(1) Mary A. Judge(1) Peter H. Juviler(1) Wolf Kahn(1) Wassily Kandinsky(1) Robert Kanigel(1) Robert Kaplan(1) Robert D. Kaplan(1) Torill Karijord(1) Karma-glin-pa(1) Kunihiko Kasahara(1) Ron Kasprisin(1) Joseph Kastner(1) Carole Katchen(1) Janet Kauffman(1) Walter Kaufmann(1) Robert Kaupelis(1) Patrick Kavanagh(1) Harvey J. Kaye(1) Garrison Keillor(1) Scott Kelby(1) Helen Keller(1) Werner Keller(2) Kenneth L. Kelly(1) Martin Kemp(1) George F. Kennan(1) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.(1) Paul Kennedy(1) Robert F. Kennedy(1) William Kennedy(1) Jack Kerouac(1) Sue Monk Kidd(1) Jamaica Kincaid(4) Gary Kinder(1) Hermann Kinder(1) Coretta Scott King(1) Judi Kingry(1) Barbara Kingsolver(4) Maxine Hong Kingston(1) Joni Kinsey(1) Rudyard Kipling(1) Paul Klee(1) Robert Klein(1) Christopher McGrory Klyza(1) Dom David Knowles(1) Katharine Knowles(1) Iwao Kobori(1) Kodak(1) Halvdan Koht(1) Kurt Kolar(1) Tadeusz Konwicki(1) Robert E. Kowalski(1) Alexandre Koyré(1) Jonathan Kozol(1) Donald B. Kraybill(1) John C. Kricher(2) James Kritzeck(1) Jeffrey R. M. Kunz(1) Mark Kurlansky(1) Laurence Lafore(1) Pär Lagerkvist(1) Jhumpa Lahiri(2) Corliss Lamont(2) Algot Lange(1) Dorothea Lange(1) William L. Langer(1) Eric Larsen(1) Elsebeth Lavold(1) Karen Lawrence(1) William B. Lawrence(1) Robert Laxalt(1) Halldór Laxness(3) John Leather(1) John D. Lee(1) Georges Lefebvre(1) Eric D. Lehman(1) William A. Leising(1) Nita Leland(2) David L. Lendt(1) Aldo Leopold(1) Odette Leroux(1) William A. Lessa(1) Doris Lessing(6) Lois Leveen(1) Jerry Levitin(1) Bernard Lewis(1) David Lewis(1) Sinclair Lewis(1) Willy Ley(1) Kenneth Libbrecht(1) New American Library(1) Life(1) Linda C. Ligon(1) C. Eric Lincoln(1) Anne Morrow Lindbergh(3) Charles A. Lindbergh(2) Guy Lipscomb(1) John Lister-Kaye(1) Ian Littlewood(1) Gertrude Litto(1) Jane Livingston(1) Mario Livio(1) Titus Livius(2) Mario Vargas Llosa(2) selected from his journals and edited by Christoph(1) John Locke(2) Kenneth A. Lockridge(1) David Lodge(1) John W. Loftus(1) Jack London(1) Barry Lopez(1) Isabel Ely Lord(1) Walter Lord(1) John A. Love(1) Jr. Ron Lutsko(1) Patrick J. Lynch(1) J C Wollin R P MacFall(1) Kenneth Macgowan(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) Donald MacKay(1) Paul MacKendrick(1) Norman MacLean(1) Alistair MacLeod(2) Southern Living Magazine(1) Sigurður A. Magnússon(1) A. T. Mahan(1) Naguib Mahfouz(1) Ettore Maiotti(1) Lucy Philip Mair(1) Andreï Makine(1) Thomas J Maloney(1) Stanley Maltzman(1) William Manchester(1) A. M. 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Meeks(1) Geoff Meggs(1) Nick Meglin(1) Marguerite Fellows Melcher(1) Herman Melville(1) H. L. Mencken(1) Mihajlo Mesarovic(1) Jean Meslier(1) Earl Schenck Miers(1) Johann August Miertsching(1) Jeremiah. [from old catalog] Milbank(1) Merle Miller(1) John Stuart Mill(1) Lorus Johnson Milne(1) John Milton(1) M. Minnaert(1) Mary Hewitt Mitchell(1) Jessica Mitford(1) Charles S. Moffett(1) David Mondey(1) D. C. Money(1) Nicholas Monsarrat(1) Ashley Montagu(1) M. R. Montgomery(1) Chris Mooney(1) Clark D. Moore(1) D. M. Moore(1) Alan Moorehead(2) Kathleen Dean Moore(1) Patrick Moore(1) Raymond C. Moore(1) Ruth Moore(1) Thomas More(1) Edmund S. Morgan(1) Samuel Eliot Morison(3) Campbell Morris(1) Mary McGarry Morris(1) Toni Morrison(3) Mike Morrissey(1) William Morris(1) Sabatino Moscati(1) Richard R. Moser(1) Howard Frank Mosher(1) Jeffrey F. 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