Nuvola degli autori per keffas

Richard I. Aaron(1) Richard Abanes(1) Edwin A. Abbott(1) Peter Abelard(1) Raziel Abelson(1) Nicholas Abercrombie(1) Dana Adams(1) Stewart Adam(1) Aeschylus(1) Mike Agostini(1) John N Akers(1) A. D. Aleksandrov(3) Pat Alexander(1) Abdullah Yusuf Ali(1) Ayaan Hirsi Ali(1) Dante Alighieri(1) John Allan(1) Blair K. Alldis(1) John Allegro(1) Charles Allen(1) N M de Almeida(1) Gina Amador(1) St. John Ambulance(1) Leendert Ammeraal(1) AMORC(1) Walt Anderson(1) Carol Andrews(1) Nigel Andrews(1) John Ankerberg(1) Anonymous(2) G. E. M. Anscombe(1) Tom M. Apostol(3) Richard Appignanesi(1) A. J. Arberry(1) Jeffrey Archer(1) Aristotle(1) Raymond Aron(2) Dave Arp(1) Isaac Asimov(2) Billy Graham Evangelistic Association(1) Yeda Assumpção(1) Laurence Atkinson(1) Richard C. Atkinson(1) Robert C. Atkins(1) S. Atmosumarto(1) W. H. Auden(1) Augustine(2) Jane Austen(1) Australian Women's Weekly(1) No Author(1) Frank Ayres(3) Robert Ayson(1) Reinaldo Azevedo(2) A. L. Bacharach(1) Johann Sebastian Bach(1) Robert Backhouse(1) William Backus(1) Michael Baigent(3) Raymond J. Bakke(1) Mark Balla(1) Teresa Balough(1) Honoré de Balzac(1) James Bamberg(1) Anne Bancroft(1) A. Bannister(1) Slavko Barbaric(1) Kenneth L. Barker(1) George Barna(1) Bob Barnes(1) Emilie Barnes(5) P.W. Barnett(1) Michael F. Barnsley(1) George Barrington(1) Sir John Barrow(1) William Theodore De Bary(2) A. L. Basham(1) Gary Bates(1) B. Baumslag(1) Sharman N Bawden(1) Len Beadell(1) G.K. Beale(1) Mike Beaumont(1) Mark A. Van Bebber(1) Richard Beckett(1) Glenn Beck(2) Nick Beilenson(1) Peter Beilharz(1) Albert A. Bell, Jr.(1) John Taine(1) Richard Bellsey(1) Daniel D. Benice(1) Jack Bennett(1) Peter Bennett(1) Stan Berenstain(1) Cyrano de Bergerac(1) Hector Berlioz(1) David J Bernstein(1) R. J. Berry(1) Annie Besant(1) Judith Bessant(1) Tom Bethell(1) Gavin Betts(1) John Bevere(1) Thomas Bewick(1) International Children's Bible(1) Crossway Bibles(1) Bible Society in Australia(1) Biblia(2) Bruce Bickel(1) David B. Biebel(1) Malcolm Billings(1) Kirsten Birkett(1) James Bjornstad(1) Hugh Black(1) Geoffrey Blainey(3) Harry Blamires(1) Leah Bloomfield(1) Alan Blyth(1) Kenneth Boa(1) John Boardman(1) Giovanni Boccaccio(1) Carl Bock(1) Leonardo Boff(2) Rolf Boldrewood(1) Andrew Bolt(1) Honor Books(1) Victor Borge(1) E. J. Borowski(1) E. M. Bounds(1) A.C. Bouquet(1) Stephen Bourne(1) François Bourricaud(1) Didier Boursin(1) Malcolm Bowden(1) Barbara M. Bowen(1) William E. Boyce(1) Rolfe Bradley(1) Dr. Joseph Braysich(1) L. C. L. Brenton(1) Michael Brett(1) Bill Bright(1) Rebecca J. Brimmer(1) Grant Brinkworth(1) D. Stuart Briscoe(1) Alfred J. Briton(1) Jacob Bronowski(1) Charlotte Brontë(1) Emily Brontë(1) Tal Brooke(1) J. Glenn Brookshear(1) Dan Brown(1) David Brown(1) Devin Brown(1) Edward G. Browne(1) Max Brown(1) Raymond Brown(1) Bruce(1) Arthur Bryant(1) Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai(1) E. W. Bullinger(1) Margaret Bull(1) Alan Bullock(1) John Bunyan(3) Scott Burchill(1) Anthony Burgess(2) David N. Burghes(1) Dr. Brad Burke(1) Fred Burnaby(1) Alexander Burnes(1) Andrew Burrell(1) Richard Francis Burton(2) Neil Butterworth(1) Charles Buttrose(1) Caddie(1) Frank Callaway(1) Marcelo Camacho(1) Joseph A. Camilleri(1) Joseph Campbell(1) John Canning(1) Ann Capling(1) Fritjof Capra(1) Layla Maria P. S. Cardoso(1) Renato Cardoso(1) Renato Cardoso; Cristiane Cardoso(1) Lewis Carroll(4) Raymond Carr(1) Carson(1) John Carucci(1) Olavo de Carvalho(9) Cassell(1) Robbie Castleman(1) Ruy Castro(1) Howard V. Chambers(1) Wing-tsit Chan(1) Gary Chapman(1) Gary D. Chapman(1) Pierre Teilhard de Chardin(2) Geoffrey Chaucer(4) Marilena Chauí(1) Anton Chekhov(1) Kenneth K.S. Ch'en(1) Reginald B. Cherry(1) Jean Chesneaux(1) G.K. Chesterton(1) John Chilton(2) J. P. Chilton(1) Yong-gi Cho(1) Glynn Christian(1) Agatha Christie(1) Ruel Vance Churchill(2) Marla Cilley(1) Family Circle(2) John Clanchy(1) E. De C. Clarke(2) Marcus Clarke(2) Peter Clarke(1) Gordon H. Clark(6) Sheyla Clark(1) Will Clower(1) Cláudio Moreno(1) Frank Clune(2) Arthur Yates & Co.(1) Harvey Cohn(1) Marley Cole(1) Julia Collins(1) Philip W. Comfort(1) Ray Comfort(1) Douglas Connelly(1) W. Kenneth Connolly(1) Joseph Conrad(2) Shirley Conran(1) Catriona Cook(1) Christopher Hamel Cooke(1) Graham Cooke(2) D. R. Cooper(1) Geoffrey Cooper(1) Paul Copan(2) Thomas Corbishley(1) Anthony H. Cordesman(1) Rick Cornish(1) Microsoft Corporation(3) Antonio Carlos Costa(1) Pierre Coudry(1) Robert Coughlan(1) João Pereira Coutinho(1) Lawrence J. Crabb(1) A. P. Craig(1) Herrlee Glessner Creel(1) A. B. Cribb(1) William V. Crockett(1) Ian Crofton(1) Kevin Crossley-Holland(2) John N. Crossley(1) Michael J Crotty(1) Joe Cummings(1) Peter Cundall(1) Patrick Curry(1) Dai Houying(1) Theodore Dalrymple(5) Fred Daly(1) Erich von Däniken(1) Tim Dare(1) Eleanor Dark(1) James Darmesteter(1) Joseph Darracott(1) Peter H. Davids(1) Louise Davies(1) P. C. W. Davies(3) Bryan Davis(1) Jack Davis(1) Mitchell Dean(1) Ahmed Deedat(1) Daniel Defoe(1) Frederic Delavier(2) C. J. Dennis(1) Kit Denton(1) Elvira de Oliveira(1) René Descartes(2) Vishnu Swami Devananda(1) Savitri Devi(1) Elaine Dewar(1) Donald B. DeYoung(1) Charles Dickens(6) John P. Dickson(1) Benjamin Disraeli(1) James C. Dobson(1) Kenneth Neilson Dodd(1) Mary P. Dolciani(1) Eric Dominy(1) John Donne(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(1) William Douglas(1) Tim Dowley(1) Dick Dowsett(1) Margaret Drabble(1) Andrew Draffen(2) Robert Drewe(5) Kay Dreyfus(1) Dr. Randall Price(1) Daniel T. Drubin(1) Dinesh D'Souza(1) Paul B. Du Chaillu(1) Paul DuChateau(1) Alexandre Dugin(1) Iain M. Duguid(1) Emile Durkheim(1) Geoffrey Dutton(1) Wolfram Eberhard(1) Brian Edgar(1) Ross Edgley(1) SparkNotes(1) Betty Edwards(1) C. H. Edwards(1) David L. Edwards(2) Jonathan Edwards(2) Gerard Egan(1) Sarel Eimerl(1) Mircéa Eliade(1) George Eliot(2) Roger Ellsworth(1) Helen Erickson(1) Millard J. Erickson(1) M. C. Escher(1) D. M. Etter(1) David Evans(1) David Stanley Evans(1) Lindley Evans(1) Meg Evans(1) Pete Evans(2) H. V. Evatt(1) Ken Evers(1) A. B. Facey(1) Liaw Yock Fang(1) William Faulkner(1) Gordon D. Fee(2) James Kern Feibleman(1) Sandra Felton(1) Millôr Fernandes(1) Fernando Collyer(1) Richard P. Feynman(1) Henry Fielding(1) Lee M. Fields(1) Ruth Figueiredo(1) Iara Nely Fiks(1) Stewart Firth(1) John Fisher(1) F. Scott Fitzgerald(2) Robert Fitzroy(1) Gustave Flaubert(1) Professor Ben Fletcher(1) Timothy Foote(1) Roger Forster(1) Robert Fortune(1) Michel Foucault(1) Abby Fox(1) Charles Fox(1) Dale Fradd(1) John B. Fraleigh(1) Randall L. Frame(1) Benjamin Franklin(1) Miles Franklin(2) James George Frazer(1) Claire Freedman(1) Pamela Freeman(1) Jackie French(2) Brian Friel(1) Christopher Fry(1) Alice Fryling(1) Joseph Furphy(1) Jostein Gaarder(1) Frank E. Gaebelein(2) Mark Galli(1) Martin Gardner(1) M. R. Garey(1) James Garlow(1) Greg Garrett(1) Bruno Garschagen(1) Clifford Geertz(3) Norman L. Geisler(2) Elizabeth George(1) Gene A. Getz(1) H. A. R. Gibb(1) Edward Gibbon(9) Stella Gibbons(1) Kahlil Gibran(1) Flávio Gikovate(1) Martin Gilbert(1) Gary Gilley(2) Peter E. Gillquist(1) James Gleick(1) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1) Martyn Goff(1) Mirian Goldenberg(1) Graeme Goldsworthy(1) Justo L. González(1) Virginia Goodman(1) Adam Lindsay Gordon(1) Flávio Gordon(1) Anne De Graaf(1) Benjamin Graham(1) Billy Graham(1) Gianni Granzotto(1) Dan Graves(1) Robert Graves(2) Christopher Green(2) Jay P. Green(3) Michael Green(1) Cedric Errol Gregory(1) Denise Greig(2) Marjorie Grene(1) Ralph P. Grimaldi(1) Keith Grint(1) Che Guevara(1) Alfred Guillaume(1) Nicky Gumbel(2) Ed Gungor(1) Mrs. Aeneas Gunn(1) David Guterson(1) Woody Guthrie(1) Mark Gwynn(2) American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist(1) Dave Hackett(1) Christopher Haigh(1) John Wesley Haley(1) A. S. Hall(1) Penny Hall(1) William H. Halverson(1) A. W. Hamilton(1) Ken Ham(6) John Hannah(1) Michael Hannan(1) Frank Hardy(1) Thomas Hardy(4) Dan Harmon(1) John W. Hartnett(1) Greg Haslam(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1) J. Daniel Hays(1) R. W. Haywood(1) Cynthia Heald(1) Donald Hearn(1) Anne Heazlewood(1) Heinlein(1) Marjorie Hellier(1) Paul Helman(1) William Hendriksen(2) Matthew Henry(1) O. Henry(1) Frank Herbert(2) Xavier Herbert(1) Gary Herman(1) Eugen Herrigel(1) George F. Hervey(1) David Hewetson(1) Beth Edington Hewitt(1) Joe Hewitt(1) Tony Higton(1) Ernest Ropiequet Hilgard(1) Andrew Hill(1) David Hill(1) Ernestine Hill(2) Thomas Hinde(1) John R. Hinnells(2) Lucia Hippolito(1) Diana Hirsh(1) R. J. Hirst(1) Mark Hitchcock(1) Archibald Hobson(1) John G. Hocking(1) Di Hodges(1) Anthony A. Hoekema(1) Douglas Hofstadter(2) Julia Holden(1) Billie Holiday(1) Edward Holmes(1) E. J. Holmyard(1) Homer(2) Antony Hopkins(1) Christopher C. Horner(1) INSTITUTO ANTONIO HOUAISS(1) John Howard(1) Hwei P. Hsu(1) Chungliang Al Huang(1) Evariste-Regis Huc(1) Joyce Huggett(1) Robert Don Hughes(1) David Hume(2) Fergus Hume(1) D. Russell Humphreys(1) Robert J. Hutchinson(1) Roger Hutty(1) Aldous Huxley(3) Ross Hyams(1) Bill Hybels(2) Henrik Ibsen(1) Ion L. Idriess(1) Word Ministries Inc.(1) Karen Inge(1) K. S. Inglis(1) Christopher Isherwood(1) J.Abbot(1) Jack Jackson(1) Kevin Jackson(1) Douglas A. Jacoby(1) Silva Jacqueline(1) Rumi(1) Henry James(1) M. R. James(1) Ronda Jamieson(1) Eric G. Jay(1) David Jeremiah(2) Steve Edwards Joan E. Curren(1) John(1) Nicholas John(1) Keith Johnson(1) Lee W. Johnson(1) Richard A. Johnson(1) Spencer Johnson(1) Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible(1) Alexander Jones(1) Marla Jones(1) Melanie Jongsma(1) Flavius Josephus(1) James Joyce(2) R.C. Sproul, Jr.(1) Franz Kafka(1) Walter C. Kaiser(1) David Kalakaua, King of Hawaii(1) Isidor Kalisch(1) Roger Kamien(1) Immanuel Kant(1) Wilfred Kaplan(1) Stanley Karnow(1) Werner KASCHEL(1) Norman Katkov(1) Patrick Kavanaugh(1) Adam Kealley(1) K. Keay(1) Allan Kellehear(1) Karen Keller(1) J. N. D. Kelly(1) Thomas a Kempis(1) Henry Kendall(1) R. T. Kendall(1) Thomas Keneally(1) Michael Kennedy(1) Anthony John Patrick Kenny(1) Susan Kenny(1) Hugh T. Kerr(1) Omar Khayyám(2) Lawrence Kimbrough(1) Robert Hildreth Kingston(1) Ron Klug(1) Edward A. Kolodziej(1) Marie Kondo(2) Hans Koning(1) Dean Koontz(1) Margaret Elizabeth Kostenberger(1) Philip Kotler(1) Roland Körber(1) Peter Kreeft(2) Donald L. Kreider(1) Erwin Kreyszig(1) John G. Kruis(2) Hans Küng(1) Patricia Lages(2) Tim LaHaye(2) Dalai Lama XIV(1) David T. Lamb(1) John Lane(1) Tony Lane(1) Brian Lapping(1) Walter Laqueur(1) Dale Larsen(1) Richard J. Larsen(2) Gary Larson(1) Harold J. Larson(1) Isireli Lasaqa(1) Marilyn Lashbrook(1) Gemma Lavender(1) D. H. Lawrence(1) T. E. Lawrence(1) Henry Lawson(3) J.A. Lawson(1) Will Lawson(1) Steven L. Layne(1) Bentley Layton(1) Harper Lee(1) Ron R. Lee(1) J. D. Legge(1) John C. Lennox(1) Sonia Leong(1) Robert C. Lester(1) Frank W. Lewins(1) C. S. Lewis(2) H. Spencer Lewis(4) Ralph M. Lewis(1) David Lewman(1) John Lie(1) Emma Eberlein O. F. Lima(4) Margarette Lincoln(1) Norman Lindsay(2) Martin Lings(1) Stanley B. Lippman(1) Martin M. Lipschutz(1) Seymour Lipschutz(2) Bruce Litchfield(1) Florence Littauer(2) Paul E. Little(2) David Livingstone(1) Lobo(1) Frank Pakenham, Earl of Longford(1) Anita Loos(1) Robert Lopshire(1) Max Lucado(2) Carrie L. Lukas(1) Martin Luther(1) Erwin W. Lutzer(1) Mark Lutz(1) Elwin Lynn(1) Margaret Lyttelton(1) Clarence Edward Noble Macartney(2) Ros Macdonald(1) Carine Mackenzie(1) Norman MacLeod(1) James Macpherson(1) Gary Ezzo M.A.(1) Bruce H. Mahan(1) Jorge E. Maldonado(1) Michelle Malkin(1) Thomas Mann(1) Herbert Marcuse(1) Margaret Court(1) Carol Markie-Dadds(1) Gabriel García Márquez(1) Jerrold E. Marsden(1) Lorraine A. Marshall(2) Barclay Martin(1) Martin Claret (ed.)(1) Walter Ralston Martin(1) Robert Marwick(1) Juan Mascaró(1) Robert K. Massie(1) George A. Mather(1) Herbert G. May(1) Mary Maynard(1) Roberto McAlister(2) Floyd McClung(1) Thomas Edward McComiskey(1) Kim McCosker(1) Andrew D. McCredie(2) John C. McDowell(1) Josh McDowell(4) J. W. McGarvey(1) Alister E. McGrath(4) Noel McGrath(2) Scot McKnight(1) John McManners(1) Mark R. McMinn(1) Herman Melville(2) William Mendenhall(1) Claudio Menegazzi(1) Yehudi Menuhin(2) Michael J. Merchant(1) J. L. Meriam(2) Dean Merrill(1) Pat Mesiti(1) William James Metcalf(1) Allan Meyer(1) Joyce Meyer(4) Emil G. Milewski(1) Basil Miller(1) David Miller(1) Julius Sumner Miller(1) Patricia A. Miller(1) Spike Milligan(1) John Stuart Mill(1) Bruce Milne(1) John Milton(1) David J Mitchell(1) Molière(1) A. Monnerie(1) Annie Monnerie(1) Michel de Montaigne(1) Danilo Montero(1) Mary Moody(1) Russell Moore(1) J. P. Moreland(2) Flavio Morgenstern(1) Frank Morison(1) Desmond Morris(1) Henry Morris(1) John Morris(1) J L M Morrison(1) Bill Muehlenberg(3) Ralph O. Muncaster(1) James Murdoch(1) David Murphy(1) Richard W. Murphy(1) Allen C. Myers(1) Roy E. Myers(1) Seigo Nakao(1) Leandro Narloch(1) Seyyed Hossein Nasr(1) National Energy Advisory Committee(1) Orville J. Nave(1) Watchman Nee(1) T Nelson(1) Deborah Newman(1) Duy Nguyen(1) Bob Nicholls(1) Saint Nicodemus, the Hagiorite(1) Friedrich Nietzsche(3) Ramy Nima(1) NIV(1) Ben Noble(2) Fletcher R. Norris(1) Lucy Norton(1) Giles Oakley(1) Joan O'Grady(1) Thomas Olden(1) Laurence Oliphant(1) Harry Oliver(1) Robert G. Olson(1) Roger E. Olson(1) Wesley Olson(1) Stormie Omartian(1) Peter V. O'Neil(1) Alan V. Oppenheim(1) Bill O'Reilly(1) George Orwell(1) Milton Osborne(1) Osho(1) Joel Osteen(1) Donna Otto(1) Harry F. Oxer(1) Chris Oxlade(1) J. I. Packer(4) Edwin H. Palmer(1) Scott Pape(2) Geoffrey Parker(1) Pierson Parker(1) Edward Geoffrey Parrinder(1) Les Parrott(1) Martin Parrott(1) Neville Passmore(1) A. B. Paterson(3) Steven D. Paulson(1) Tony Payne(1) Carlos Eugenio Paz(1) Bill Peach(1) Robert E. Peary(1) M. Scott Peck(1) J N Pendlebury(1) Penrose(1) Maria Perry(1) Fernando Pessoa(1) Eugene H. Peterson(1) Ivars Peterson(2) Marcus Pfister(1) Marcello C. Piazza(1) Marmaduke Pickthall(1) George C. (ed.) Pimental(1) Arthur W. Pink(2) Sergio de Castro Pinto(1) John Piper(4) Jeanine Pirro(2) Ivo Pitanguy(1) Joshua Piven(1) Alan C. Plantz(1) Plato(5) Edgar Allan Poe(2) Roslyn Poignant(1) Henri Poincaré(1) Luiz Felipe Pondé(1) T. W. Potter(1) Terry Pratchett(1) The Navigators(1) Katharine Susannah Prichard(1) Tom Prideaux(1) Procopius(1) Murray H. Protter(1) Marcel Proust(1) Bruce Proverbs(1) Tyndale House Publishers(7) Rose Publishing(1) François Rabelais(1) Lonsdale Ragg(1) Eric Rasmussen(1) David Haxton Carswell Read(1) The Staff of REA(3) David A. Reed(1) Kathie Reimer(1) Robert Resnick(1) Ron Rhodes(1) Joseph Rhymer(1) Dr. Guilherme de Azevedo Ribeiro(1) Kel Richards(2) Larry Richards(3) Joanna Richardson(1) Jasper Ridley(1) Jeremy Rifkin(1) Charlie Riggs(1) Berry Ritchie(1) George Ritzer(1) José Rizal(2) J. M. Roberts(1) David Robertson(1) O. Palmer Robertson(1) Martin Robinson(2) Keith Rockett(1) Maxime Rodinson(1) Andréa Veiga e Claudia Rodrigues(1) Jose Albertino Rodrigues(1) Samuel Rodriguez(1) J. M. Rodwell(1) G.F.C. Rogers(1) Peter Mark Roget(1) Huberto Rohden(1) T. W. Rolleston(1) Harry Rolnick(1) John Romer(1) Hugh Ross(1) Padre Marcelo Rossi(1) Kenneth A. Ross(1) Paula S. Rothenberg(1) J. Rouw(1) A. L. Rowse(1) Lillian Roxon(1) Steele Rudd(2) Rodrigo Rudiger(1) Efraim Rushansky(1) Salman Rushdie(1) Bertrand Russell(1) Peter Russell-Clarke(1) Francis Russell(1) John Russell(1) Rex Russell(1) Charles Ryrie(1) Miguel de Cervantes(1) Stanley Sadie(2) S.L. Salas(1) George Sale(1) Graça Salgueiro(1) J. Oswald Sanders(2) George Sand(1) George Sandison(1) Eric Sandras(1) Leslie Santamaria(1) Joaquim Ferreira dos Santos(1) Salomão Santos(1) Sotirios Sarantakos(1) Jonathan Sarfati(4) Eriko Sato(1) Francis A. Schaeffer(2) Arthur L. Schawlow(1) Francis Scheid(1) Carlos Scherr(1) Richard Schickel(1) Herbert Schildt(1) Pierre Schneider(1) Hans Wolfgang Schumann(1) Frithjof Schuon(1) Joseph Schwartz(1) Marion M. Scott(1) Jim Scrivener(1) Robert Sedgewick(1) Asne Seierstad(1) Sei Shōnagon(1) W.C. Sellar(1) Frederick Courteney Selous(1) Michael Senior(1) Queralt Antu Serrano(1) Dr. Seuss(1) Mylton Severiano(1) Timothy Severin(1) Julio Severo(1) Ernest Shackleton(1) Idries Shah(3) Shah Muhammad Rais(1) William Shakespeare(5) Gwen Shamblin(1) Namir Clement Shammas(1) Louis Shea(1) W. G. Sheat(1) F. J. Sheed(1) Dutch Sheets(2) Bruce L. Shelley(1) Lyle Shelton(1) Howard J. Sherman(1) William L. Shirer(1) Robert L. Short(1) Carl S. Shoup(1) Ronald J. Sider(1) Martin Sieff(1) Charles Siegel(1) James Siers(1) Francisco de Assis Silva(1) Brian Simmons(1) Ethelyn Simon(1) Alex Skovron(1) Ninian Smart(1) Bernard Smith(1) Dorothy E. Smith(1) Huston Smith(1) Joseph Smith(1) Wilfred Cantwell Smith(1) William Ramsay Smith(1) Watchtower Bible and Tract Society(7) Alan D. Solomon(2) Robert C. Solomon(1) Pete Sommer(1) Patrick Sookhdeo(1) Sophocles(1) Lauren Southern(1) César Souza(1) Thomas Sowell(3) John Hanning Speke(1) Justin Spelvin(1) Robert Spencer(1) David Sper(1) M. Spiegel(1) Murray R. Spiegel(6) Timothy L. S. Sprigge(1) R. C. Sproul(17) Vernon Sproxton(1) C. H. Spurgeon(1) David Staal(1) James Stalker(1) Donald C. Stamps(2) Standards Australia(2) Henry M. Stanley(1) Graham N. Stanton(1) Ray C. Stedman(1) John Steinbeck(3) Robert H. Stein(1) Stendhal(1) David H. Stern(1) Victor Stevenson(1) Stewart & Keesing(1) Henry Sticker(1) Louis Stone(1) Norman Stone(1) J Stott(1) R. Alan Streett(1) Hugh Stretton(1) Lee Strobel(1) James Strong(3) Daniel F. Stubbs(1) Suetonius(1) John Sugden(1) Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki(1) Jonathan Swift(1) Lessa Cica Nogueira Adriana Tanese(1) Elliot A. Tanis(2) Charles V. Taylor(1) David Taylor(1) Don Taylor(1) Kylie Tennant(1) Marvin Terban(3) Lysa TerKeurst(1) Paul Terry(1) William Makepeace Thackeray(1) Barry Thiering(1) B. E. Thiering(1) Alan G. Thomas(1) Earl W. Thomas(1) Gordon Thomas(1) Lewis Thomas(1) Robert L. Thomas(1) E. A. Thompson(1) Roger Thompson(1) Mario Toledo(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(2) León Tolstói(1) Calvin Tomkins(1) Diane Tomsett(1) R. A. Torrey(1) Elmer L. Towns(1) Ellen Gunderson Traylor(1) Raleigh Trevelyan(1) Henri Troyat(1) Donald Trump(1) Lynne Truss(1) Alan Tucker(1) Romeu Tuma Junior(1) Steve Turner(1) Mark Twain(1) Neil deGrasse Tyson(1) Sue Tyson-Ward(1) Lao Tzu(1) Leda Ulysséa(5) Rogério Ulysséa(1) Unknown(1) Adrian van Leen(1) Various(3) Mark Varughese(1) Zuenir Ventura(2) Géza Vermes(1) Jules Verne(1) W. E. Vine(2) Virgil(1) Peter Vogt(1) Voltaire(1) Varios Autores(2) Yoland Wadsworth(1) Home Economics Association of W.A(1) Alfred Russel Wallace(1) Robert Wallace(3) Ronald E. Walpole(1) Paul S. Wang(1) Colin Ward(1) Rowland Ward(1) Frank M. Warner(1) Rick Warren(1) Mark Water(1) Lyall Watson(1) Rowan Watson(1) Barbara Watterson(1) Max Weber(1) Douglas Webster(1) Noah Webster(1) C. V. Wedgwood(1) Wendy Weeks(1) Richard T. Weidner(1) E. S. C. Weiner(1) Jennifer Weiner(1) Sam Wellman(2) H. G. Wells(2) Jonathan Wells(1) J. W. Wenham(1) Lael Tucker Wertenbaker(1) W. D. Westervelt(1) James White(1) James R. White(1) Richard White(1) Jo Whitton(1) Edward Whymper(1) W. S. Whyte(1) Warren W. Wiersbe(1) Oscar Wilde(3) Bruce Wilkinson(1) Brian Williams(1) Jay Williams(1) David Williamson(1) Richard E. Williamson(1) Pat Williams(1) Evan Willis(1) Clifford A. Wilson(1) Colin Wilson(1) Ian Wilson(1) Leslie B. Wilson(1) R. Lowell Wine(1) Niklaus Wirth(1) W.Marina(1) Fred Alan Wolf(1) Virginia Woolf(1) Esmond Wright(1) H. Norman Wright(1) Norman Wright(1) Rev Chris Wright(1) Richard Wurmbrand(1) Yigael Yadin(1) Philip Yancey(1) William Butler Yeats(1) Ronald F. Youngblood(1) John Young, 1937 February 20-(1) Matt Young(1) Ravi Zacharias(1) Eleftherios C. Zachmanoglou(1) R. C. Zaehner(2) Tina Zahn(1) M. Zakeriyya(1) Zhuangzi(1) Herbert Spencer Zim(1) Augusto Zimmermann(2) Zondervan(1) Gary Zukav(1) _(1)