Serie dei libri per TMINST

Serie a cui appartengono i libri della biblioteca di TMINST

Riepilogo: 556 Serie

"Rabbit" Series

* I Have Known and Loved

... in Augenzeugenberichten

The 20 Shilling Series

92nd Street Y Lectures

A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts

Academy Mystery Novellas

Adam Dalgliesh

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Advise and Consent

African Trilogy

Agnes Browne

Akashic Noir

The Albany Cycle

Alexander Lectures

Alexander Trilogy (Renault)


Alexandria Quartet

Alice's Adventures

All the World's Animals

American Masters [PBS]

The American Trilogy

Anchor Bible Reference Library

Andrew Lang's Fairy Books

Answered Prayers Sextet

Anthology of Chinese Literature

Aquinas Lecture

Archaeologia Mundi

Arsène Lupin

Art and Imagination

Art and Mankind

Art of the Western World

Art Treasures of the World

ASA Monographs

Aspects of Power


Auschwitz Trilogy

Autobiographical Trilogy

Autobiography of Leonard Woolf

Autobiography of Maxim Gorky

The Avignon Quintet

Azaro Trilogy

Bampton Lectures

Barron's Educational Series


The Barsetshire Chronicles

Ben, the Fifth Child

Benjamin Weaver

Best American

The Best American Crime Reporting

The Best American Essays

Best American Plays

Beulah Quintet

Bird Family Trilogy

Blackwell Readers

Boorstin's Histories

Bosnian Trilogy

Boston University Studies in Philosophy and Religion

Brangwen Family

Brief Guides Series


Britain before the Conquest

British Council New Writing

British Monarchy

British Museum

Bronte Biographies

The Brothers of Gwynedd

Burgdorf Cycle

The Buru Quartet

Bush at War

Byron's letters and journals

The Cairo Trilogy

Cambridge Bible Commentary

Cambridge Concise Histories

Cambridge Encyclopedia

Cambridge History of India

The Cambridge Modern History

Campaign Chronicles

Canadian Fiction Studies

Cannery Row

Capitalism and Schizophrenia

Carlos Tejada


Castle Lectures

Catastrophe Practice Series


Charles Ritchie Diaries

Charles the Bold

Charlotte & Thomas Pitt

Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing

Chicago Natural History Museum Popular Series

A Child Called Noah

Christopher Isherwood's Diaries

Chronicles of Empire Rulers

Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological

Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order

Chung Kuo

Church History Outlines

Churchill's The Second World War

Cinema Year by Year

Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century

Civilizations Rise and Fall

Clarendon Medieval and Tudor Series


Collected African stories

Collected Papers of Sigmund Freud

Collected Plays of Wole Soyinka

Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan

Collected Works of Edith Stein

The Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx

The Collected Works of Paddy Chayefsky

The Collected Works of W.B. Yeats

College Outline Series

The Colour Library of Art

Columbia Themes in Philosophy

Commissario Montalbano

The complete short stories of D. H. Lawrence

Concise Encyclopedia of World Faiths

Cornell Studies in the Philosophy of Religion

The Cornish Trilogy

Crown Art Library

Crown Classics

Cultural History of Literature

Cycle of the Absurd

A Dance to the Music of Time

Dante's Divine Comedy

The Darwin College Lectures

The Definitive Visual Guide

Gli Dei e gli Eroi della Grecia

DeMorgen - Kunstcollectie


I diamanti dell'arte

Diaries and Letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Diaries of Franz Kafka

The Divine Comedy

The Don Epic

Dover Opera Guide and Libretto Series

Dr. Tom More

The Duport Inheritance

Dwight H. Terry Lectures

El mañana efímero

Elie Wiesel's Memoirs

Ellen Foster

Ellis Peters Memorial Anthology of Historical Crime

Empire Trilogy

English Men of Letters

English National Opera Guide

Erast Fandorin

Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984

The European Discovery of America

Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka

Exile Classics

Faber Library of Illuminated Manuscripts

Famous American Plays

Fast Runner

Faye Longchamp Mystery

A Festival of Poets

Feynman Memoirs

The Fifth Queen

Figaro Trilogy

Fontana Modern Masters

Ford Lectures

The Forging of a Rebel

The Forsyte Chronicles

The Forsyte Saga

Fortune's Rocks Quartet

Foundations of Philosophy

France and England in North America

Francesco Abbate Octopus Art Series

Frank Bascombe

Frank McCourt's Memoirs

George Smiley

Gesammelte Werke in sieben Bänden (Goethe)

Gifford Lectures


Glass Family

The Glittering Prizes

Goldfields Trilogy

Les grands siècles de la peinture

The Great Ages of World Architecture

The Great American Artists

Great Buildings of the World

Great Ideas Program

Great Lives Series

Great Lives {Duckworth}

Great Modern Masters

Great Museums of the World

The Great Rebellion/The English Civil War

Greene Autobiography


Guides to Theology

Guido Guerrieri

The Gulag Archipelago

Handbooks of Archaeology and Antiquities

The Handmaid's Tale

Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters

Harry Bosch Universe

Harry Hole

The Haskell Lectures on History of Religions

The Headleand Trilogy