La mia biblioteca

I'm not using LibraryThing to catalog my actual physical library. I'm focusing on books I've read and want to remember.

What my ratings mean to me:

5 A must read
4 Recommended
3 Worthwhile
2 Some good elements, but not good overall
1 Ugh

Informazione su di me
After surviving cancer, I decided to refocus on reading, a childhood avocation I had lost. So I began reading more books, and reading them carefully, only to find that months later I couldn't remember what I felt about them. So I am using LibraryThing to record my thoughts for myself, which is somehow easier to do if I can imagine other people reading them. Updated May 2020: Argh. I have not entered a book in two years, and just to prove my point, I can't even remember what I read, much less what I thought.