
Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Nov 21, 2006
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Joshua Alan Doetsch
Informazione su di me
Joshua Alan Doetsch fell back on writing ever since the sad day the high school guidance counselor informed him that “Spiderman” was not a viable vocation. While you sleep, he weaves words in the plasma cauldron of his computer screen under the twilight laughter of a black-light, advised by a rubber raven and his pet snake, Lenore. His fiction thesis, Souls Unsure (a dark epic about a voodoo priestess, a fallen angel’s journey through the underworld, and a very sad teddy bear) won the UIS Outstanding Master's Thesis Award (the first time a work of fiction won the award at that school)—and he’s currently scrambling in the laborious enterprise of gathering enough body parts to sew together and animate into an unholy, lurching demographic to sell the book to. Meanwhile, his horror novel, Strangeness in the Proportion, won the White Wolf Novel Contest and will be available at major book stores sometime in the near future. As for his short stories, “Teddy Bear Rex” was nominated for a Pushcart Award and “Snow, Blood, and Sparrows” appears in the anthology, Book of Dead Things, by Twilight Tales Press, available now. Joshua has a fondness for fedoras, finds happiness in voodoo doll smiles, does a pretty mean Christopher Walken impersonation, and once upon a road trip dreary, out of extreme boredom and morbid curiosity, wrote a Blues song about necrophilia. He also writes fascinating internet profiles in the third person.
Lurking near Chicago, IL
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