
Soviet Union (3), Library (2), American Politics (2), Soviet History (2), Benito Mussolini (2), World War Two (2), 19th Century French History (2), Social History (2), Military History (2), Depression (1), Comedy (1), 20th Century (1), Liberalism (1), European History (1), Corruption (1), Gender (1), Class (1), Feminism (1), Race (1), Marxism (1), Conservatives (1), Baseball (1), Politics (1), Germany (1), Satire (1), Literature (1), Fiction (1), Book Club (1), Italian Fascism (1), Italy 1939-1945 (1), Ronald Reagan 1911-2004 (1), Male Psychology (1), Saudi Arabia (1), WW II (1), Stalin (1), Work (1), Republican Party (1), Richard Nixon (1), Academe (1), Meetup Book Club (1), American History 1966-1972 (1), Social Revolution (1), US Anti-Terrorism Policy (1), 9/11. Terrorism (1), Coalition Provisional Authority (1), North African Campaign 1942-1943 (1), The World Wide Web (1), The Internet (1), Female Protaganist (1), Footnotes (1), New york City (1), Cult films (1), North Carolina History (1), Literary Fiction (1), United States Army (1), Polemic (1), Cultural Criticism (1), World War One (1), Evolutionary Psychology (1), Corporations (1), Film criticism (1), Fascism (1), Intellectual History (1), Popular Culture (1), Russian History (1), International Relations (1), Middle School (1), Nazi Germany (1), Post-Modernism (1), The Middle East (1), Serbia (1), Conservatism (1), Robert (1), Richard M. Nixon (1), ala (1), Political Correctness (1), Barbarossa (1), The Sixties (1), 19th century history (1), Auschwitz (1), gambling (1), met the author (1), Holocaust (1), French Revolution (1), counterculture (1), Napoleonic Wars (1), Iraq War (2003-) (1), autographed copy (1), Lenin (1), USSR (1), contemporary fiction (1), Memoir (1), Essays (1), economics (1), baseball (1), addiction (1), Political History (1), Indiana (1), Short Stories (1), bildungsroman (1), Contemporary Fiction (1), American History (1), Adultery Fiction (1), Stalinism (1), Peter Sellers (1), library (1), Al-Qaeda (1), High School Basketball (1), Graham Stark (1), Post-War Italy (1), Salo Republic (1), Political Symbols (1), pete rose (1), major league baseball (1), 70's films (1), Napoleon 1 (1), 70's movies (1), Altman (1), Cold War diplomacy (1), Bukharin (1), TNR Author (1), Fall of France (1), cincinnati reds (1), 19th Century Russian History (1), Decisive Campaigns (1), The Goon Show (1), French military history (1), Western Front 1914-1918 (1), German Army 1914-1918 (1), Bush Adminstration (2001-) (1), Iraq Reconstruction (1), Iraq disaster (1), 20th Century Europe (1), Torch (1), Accessible Science (1), Wallace David Foster (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jul 25, 2006
Nome vero
Erik Sean Estep
La mia biblioteca
I only have about 15% of my books cataloged and military history and the history of socialism are over represented because, logically enough, I have only done those shelves.
I am also interested in contemporary literary fiction, sabermetics, economic history, The French Revolution, The Russian Revolution, 20th century European history, and much, much more all for the price of a lifetime of reading!
Corny, yes....

My external tagging is pretty elementary right now. I plan on doing some more sophisticated tagging after most of my collection is online.

Informazione su di me
I'm a 30ish fringe academic (librarian) who is interested in all sorts of high-faluting intellectual conversation about ideas that don't play out well in reality. Of course, using the term "high-faluting" next to intellectual is usually a being self-effacing in a phony way but I'm giving away too much;)
Anyway, I am interested in talking about books, so please feel free to leave comments and contact me.
Greenville, North Carolina
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