
fiction--American (150), fiction--British (149), fiction--Canadian (139), biog (135), memoir (123), humour (94), 340 (89), psych (87), essays (44), art (38), author (36), health (36), brain (34), Z-RETURNED (31), spirituality (30), writing (24), cookery (23), psychology (22), books (22), short stories (21), philosophy (18), poetry (18), relationships (17), meditation (16), books and reading (15), poems (15), fiction (15), reading (15), KOBO (15), self-actualization (15), literature (15), mental illness (14), aging (14), Royals (14), spirit (14), biography (13), biog--writer (12), women (12), Buddhism (12), actor (11), consciousness (11), WWII (11), Holocaust (11), fiction--Russian (10), Canadian (10), WWII--fict (10), travel (9), interviews (9), death (9), Shakespeare (9), self-help (9), love (9), neurology (9), religion (9), mothers and daughters (9), classic fiction (8), TOP TEN (8), psychic (8), Z-DISCARDED (8), British (8), Trump Donald (8), family (8), Princess Diana (7), BPD (7), English language (7), essays--American (7), diet (7), thinking (7), death & dying (7), dogs (7), motherhood (7), Fiction--Canadian (7), dysfunctional family (7), WWI (7), happiness (6), families (6), PTSD (6), self-esteem (6), singing (6), mythology (6), nutrition (6), loneliness (6), history (6), fiction--German (6), grief (6), yoga (6), TOP FIVE (6), mind-body (6), fiction--Irish (6), England (6), anthology (6), Virginia Woolf (6), Short stories--Amr (5), humour--British (5), WISHLIST (5), singer (5), fiction--French (5), self knowledge (5), fiction--juvenile (5), fiction--Canadian--short stories (5), stress (5), fiction--Australian (5), AIDS (5), Lindbergh Anne Morrow (5), gardening (5), crafts (5), mother-daughter (5), feminist (5), marriage (5), addiction (5), autism (5), feminism (5), creativity (5), religions (5), food (5), anger (5), miscellanea (4), Coles Notes (4), WWI--fict (4), parenting (4), national characteristics--American (4), enneagram (4), USA--social life & customs--1945-70 (4), mothers & daughters--fict (4), Sinatra Frank (4), Hitler (4), wishlist (4), politician (4), parapsychology (4), evil (4), essays-American (4), divorce (4), depression (psychological) (4), emotions (4), writers (4), suicide (4), philosophy puzzles (4), craniosacral therapy (4), Diary (4), fiction--British; mystery (4), women--humour (4), USA--hist (4), disabled (4), royals (4), essays--Canadian (4), London (4), Humour--Canadian (4), neurobiology (4), biography--author--American (4), childhood (4), biog--singer (4), mothering (4), classic (4), biog--TV personality (4), black lives in America (4), dogs--as therapists (3), fathers & daughters (3), memory (3), dementia (3), Ottawa (3), mental health (3), Racism--USA (3), Britain--Hist. (3), Trump--presidency (3), sociology (3), motivation (3), spiritual (3), trauma--healing (3), World politics--2005-2015 (3), language (3), autism--case studies (3), abuse (3), fiction--Swedish (3), Richler Mordecai (3), dystopia--fict (3), writers--Canadian (3), biog--bibliography (3), Essays (3), Wales--guidebook (3), neurology--case studies (3), History--WWII--Holocaust (3), fiction--Norwegian (3), TV--Coronation Street (3), fiction--Spanish (3), marriage--fict (3), Paris (3), science--popular works (3), biography--politics--USA (3), Truman Harry--biog (3), Fiction--American (3), New York City (3), fathers (3), mothers (3), Unitarianism (3), environment (3), England--social life & customs (3), Trump (3), Prince Charles (3), Steinem (3), trees (3), New Yorker (magazine) (3), booksellers and bookselling (3), needlework (3), sign language (3), literature--English (3), manuals (3), guidebook (3), psychopathy (3), organizing (3), cognition (3), childhood abuse (3), psychotherapy (3), photography (3), dysfunctional families (3), Nazi Germany (3), bipolar disorder (3), cancer (3), epistolary (3), psychosis (3), colour (3), music (3), change (3), Christianity (3), mind (3), compassion (3), ADD (3), parents--aging & death (2), biog--Canadian (2), travel--essays (2), essays--Amr (2), humanity (2), self (philosophy) (2), biography--politician--Churchill Winston (2), relationships--fict (2), mental illness--fict (2), Canada--politics and government--2006- (2), disabled children (2), neuropsychology (2), classic fict (2), psychology--meaning (2), White Americans--Race identity (2), Giller nom 2013 (2), Parenting the handicapped (2), habits (2), African Americans---Race identity (2), ss--American (2), Pulitzer winner (2), Trump--Russian connections (2), Knights of the Round Table (2), Woolf Virginia--Diaries (2), WWII-Germany (2), writers--deaths (2), fict--Canadian (2), synchronicity (2), child abuse (2), time management (2), Criminal justice (2), mental illness--mother (2), fiction--Australia (2), Social inequality---USA Racism (2), First Nations--Canada (2), communication (2), autobiog--autism (2), socialization (2), Southwest (USA) (2), literature modern--criticsm (2), booksellers and libraries--humour (2), adolescence--fict (2), psychic-fict (2), opera singers (2), mental hospital (2), fiction--classic (2), WWII--personal narratives (2), focus (2), faith (2), consumption (2), Victorian times--fict (2), mysticism (2), father & son--fict (2), logic (2), wishlist in gusthegreat (2), Holocaust survivors--children of (2), Canada (2), World War II (2), medical (2), success (2), British Columbia (2), Stewart Jon (2), perception (2), philosophical anthropology (2), adult child (2), energy medicine (2), cooking (2), psych--psychopathy (2), autobiography (2), social psychology (2), positive thinking (2), fiction--Turkish (2), philosophy--Greek (2), Race relations--USA (2)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Nov 30, 2007
Nome vero
Carole Yeaman
La mia biblioteca
This listing includes all books either owned or borrowed; since joining LT Oct.'07 - (or owned but weeded). All are finally tagged (however roughly). The "collections" section [recently discovered] is not nearly finished. I do enjoy well-written fiction, but with all the exciting things happening and being discovered in the world - my reading is heavily on the side of non-fiction. Especially psychology, brain-research, & biography.
Books I've read have been rated. Except for the older books, those with no stars are, alas, on the many tbr shelves.

* - No one should have to read this book. ( I rarely finish a "one star" book)
** - This book has minor redeeming features such as being an author's early work, having some useful information, or being funny. Potboiler.
*** - Run of the mill. Not quite a potboiler. It held some fascinating element; or I was too tired to be challenged by a good book.
**** - It's very good. Sometimes even a favorite.
***** - It changed my life or it changed my thinking or it deeply touched my heart or it bowled me over with the excellence of the writing.
Informazione su di me

Retired librarian. (in Ottawa, Ontario) Still the everlasting challenge of "So Many Books, So Little Time" -- anyone got any good tips as to how to balance reading time among: (1) Enews (2) magazines (3) books --(a) fiction (b) non-fiction ?

Kanata, Ontario, Canada (home of the Ottawa Senators)
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In lettura ora
Autori preferiti
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Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: Mill Street Books

Biblioteche: Almonte Public Library, Ottawa Public Library - Beaverbrook Branch

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