
May 22, 2009
Catalogo privato
La mia biblioteca
"Your library" contains physical books I own.
ebooks I own and have read are among "read but unowned", though I might put them in a separate collection at some point.

Some tagging is incomplete for books added by data import.
"To read" is currently a mess of imports waiting to be sorted, mostly duplicates and unowned, unread books.
"Limbo": intended to be temporary, for books I hadn't seen for a while - either they're still in boxes, or I suspect I got rid of them without making a note of it at the time.
"Screen" is for films I've watched; most of them I don't own, and they're usually from Netflix.

FAO those considering adding me to interesting libraries or similar (also, thank you): I edit reviews a lot, especially in the first day or two after posting.
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