La mia biblioteca
Books that were just as good the second time. Not comprehensive. Listed more as a way to find other books (not just because they're beyond better than average); if you liked similar authors/titles maybe you'll like this one you've never heard of. Maybe not.
Its just seemed to have become more difficult to find good SF titles & non-fiction works that aren't so challenged by counter factual (non-referenced) assertions.
Informazione su di me
SF paperbacks shelved two rows deep, horizontally stacked (and tumbled piles in retrieval). When paperbacks were once $1.25-$1.75. Jaded and dated or perhaps the very few publishers left are...unfamiliar with the genre. Context only.
Due to local public library policy of culling non-fiction titles because..."its cheaper to get rid of old books and buy new ones without regard to intrinsic merit".
Seattle, WA