Recensori in anteprimaEllis Weiner

Pagina LibraryThing dell'autore

August 2013 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 26 agosto alle ore 06:00 pm EDT

Serie: I gemelli Templeton (book 2)
With its kid-perfect humor and dynamic illustrations, Book 1 of the hilarious Templeton Twins series left young readers clamoring for more. This time, Abigail and John Templeton find themselves at TAPAS (the Thespian Academy of the Performing Arts and Sciences) where their father, the illustrious Professor Templeton, has been hired to invent a groundbreaking theatrical device. Once again, there is drama (of course!), silliness, and suspense, as the twins (and their ridiculous dog) must thwart the dastardly Dean brothers in order to save the invention as well as their father (and the dog). Oh yes, there is sure to be another recipe. This time for guacamole. Or is it coleslaw?
Children's Books, Tween, Kids, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Chronicle Books (Editore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso

July 2012 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 30 luglio alle ore 06:00 pm EDT

Serie: I gemelli Templeton (book 1)
Suppose there were 12-year-old twins, a boy and girl named (respectively) John and Abigail Templeton. Let’s say John was pragmatic and played the drums, and Abigail was theoretical and solved cryptic crosswords. Now suppose their father was a brilliant, if sometimes confused, inventor. And suppose that another set of twins—adults—named Dean D. Dean and Dan D. Dean, kidnapped the Templeton twins and their ridiculous dog in order to get their father to turn over one of his genius (sort of) inventions. Yes, I said kidnapped. Wouldn’t it be fun to read about that? Oh, please. It would so. Luckily for you, this is just the first in a series perfect for boys and girls who are smart, clever, and funny (just like the twins), and who enjoy reading adventurous stories (who doesn’t?!).
Children's Books, Tween, Kids, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Chronicle Books (Editore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso

November 2008 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 30 novembre alle 06:00 pm EST

Are the end times near? Is the Rapture really just around the corner? Could Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson possibly be right? About 1 billion people among us believe, yes, absolutely. And that means one thing: investment opportunities! For those who are not as expertly versed in the Book of Revelation, Ellis Weiner and Barbara Davilman, authors of the bestselling Yiddish with Dick and Jane, helpfully offer both illumination and advice: What exactly is the Rapture, anyway? How is it different from the Tribulation? Who are the Antichrist, the Four Horsemen, and the 144,000 male virgins, and what do they want? And, most important, how can I make money during the 7 years of societal breakdown before Armaggedon? Taking the familiar form of a how-to investment guide, HOW TO PROFIT FROM THE COMING RAPTURE instructs those readers who will certainly be left behind (Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, less ardent Protestants, and many more) on how to exploit the inevitable demise of the world in order to make a tidy profit. Sure, the rivers and seas will run with blood, locusts will swarm, mountains will move all over the place, and famine will strike. But for the five billion of us left behind, the post-Rapture world will be a time of even more unique investment opportunities.
Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Little, Brown and Company (Editore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso