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D. B. ReynoldsRecensioni

Autore di Raphael

53 opere 1,211 membri 125 recensioni 2 preferito


This first book was an intriguing mixed bag for me because I both hated and loved the heroine, Cyn or Cynthia. Her dangerous and pig headed actions made me nervous, but I shouldn't have worried. She's every bit the bad ass she thinks she is by the end, so I look forward to reading more about her and her relationship with Raphael.

The audio version is good, but Traci Odem's performance of Cyn's voice, occasionally bordered on strident. I found myself turning down my iPod because of the sharp pitch of the character's 'voice.'

The main criticism I have though, is that although we've all been trained to accept that the vampire love interest is A. gorgeous, and B. powerful -- aside from a few cliched descriptions -- I really wanted to SEE Raphael in my mind, and I didn't feel that D. B. Reynolds did justice to her character in this book as the physical description is so vague. It was a bit disappointing to realize by the end, that Raphael was never fully fleshed out. That being said, I'm hoping that it will be remedied in the many, many books to come in this series.

It also bugged me that if Cyn had only told Raphael one name, so much of the situation would have been solved. It felt a little silly that she wouldn't have told him -- because she knew he needed to know -- but then, that's the nature of these kinds of books, so whatever.

The action scenes, in particular, are well done. Spare, and easy to envision, there is nothing cliched about them! The villains are interesting and scary, and the resolution was nicely executed. The world is interesting and big enough to make the series worth my time.
b00kdarling87 | 14 altre recensioni | Jan 7, 2024 |
heroine seems tstl.
aeryn0 | Jul 23, 2023 |
aeryn0 | 9 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2023 |
Ruh roh?

Edit 9/20/14

I adore this series. Cynthia and Raphael have such a depth to them as characters and you don't always get that in PNR anymore.
aeryn0 | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2023 |
Love me some D.B. Reynolds! The world she built with the Vampires in America series never fails to suck me right in and I enjoy every moment.

This novella concludes the drama surrounding Raphael and his sister Alexandra. With bonus Juro love (which was a real surprise)!! I really REALLY really want Juro to get his own novella. Or even just a vignette!
aeryn0 | 1 altra recensione | Jul 23, 2023 |
i love their love.

Re-read for review. I stand by my statement. I love their love. And every time I read one ViA book I end up re-reading them all.
aeryn0 | 7 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2023 |
This series just keeps getting better! I was enthralled throughout the entire book and this installment might just be my new favorite.
aeryn0 | 6 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2023 |
I skipped a lot. Also I cannot stand Sophia.
aeryn0 | 1 altra recensione | Jul 23, 2023 |
There needs to be an uber villain in this series. Some long plot that we can care about because I was like eh.
aeryn0 | 1 altra recensione | Jul 23, 2023 |
Serious spoilers in this brief review. Ye Be Warned!

Well I was going to give this one 4 stars. But right in the middle the heroine sleeps with the hero, flips out, and shoots an innocent. She couldn't have distracted or immobilized him in a different, more SANE way? Granted, he was a security guard working for the vamps, but nevertheless he was a human. And we just had to go through a whole thing about how unfortunate it is for the human guards to be used and wronged by the vampires.

That action turned me off of the book immediately. I can't really respect a character who doesn't look out for innocents or doesn't try to minimize the collateral damage. I can't help but compare this book to other UF books with female protagonists. Kate Daniels, Mercy Thompson, Anita Blake for examples.

Truly this book has serious potential but, alas, it isn't that great. Perhaps I'll read the second in the series just to see if any of the plot threads get wrapped up. We'll see.

re-read aug 2014 Love Raphael but man Cyn is the worst.
aeryn0 | 14 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2023 |
so freaking good. Love Raphael.
aeryn0 | 1 altra recensione | Jul 23, 2023 |
Good book!
Still not sure if I actually like the characters but it did further the overall arc of the series. So, yay? The sex is haaaaawt.

attempted re-read May 2014: Can't do it. Once through with the awful Sidonie was quite enough.
aeryn0 | 10 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2023 |
I was able to obtain this arc through ImaJinn Books via Netgalley. When I was able to get this one, I could hardly wait to read it. Even though its the seventh installment in the series, I found Aden to be a sexy paranormal romance that held my attention from page one. The story begins when Sidonie is desperate to get her story out about slavery. So she meets up with a powerful vampire, Aden, who is close to gaining the power of the Midwest. Sidonie doesn't trust Aden further than she can throw him, but after meeting him she knows she will have to watch carefully, because he could be very dangerous, not physically but emotionally. Sidonie is determined to prove how horrid slavery is and its spreading like wildfire. If only she only knew how Aden feels toward slavery of any form. Aden was once a slave before he became a vampire, and he knows horrific truth of it all. When Aden first meets the redhead, he doesn't want anything more than a sexual nature, however when Sidonie's life is threatened and they are thrown into a war zone, Aden knows that he will do everything to save her even at the cost of losing everything he has worked for.

I loved the style of the story of Aden. Aden is a powerful alpha male that is for sure, and doesn't let anyone stand in his way. That is until Sidonie arrives upon the scene. He has many alpha characteristics, and comes off way strong, but I love how he doesn't let Sid have her way, instead he practically backs her into a corner. Sidonie isn't used to not getting her way, so when she meets Aden every good intention is thrown out the window every time he touches her and inflames the passion that has been hiding beneath the surface. The relationship between Aden and Sidonie is quite steamy at times( a warning that it does have a bit of a BDSM element) , but I also loved how the author put in the aspect of softer side to the relationship. There is quite a bit of a danger and intrigue element that is put into play in the plot, that only strengthened the tone of the story.

Overall I fell in love with Aden. This is the first book that I have read from this author. And until I came across this book the first time I heard of this author. I read the latest book in the series, so I still need to get my hands on the other six. Very excited to read those installments and see if they are just as good as this title was. A thrilling tale of paranormal vampires, sizzling desire, and some intense action packed story. A WINNER!!
addictofromance | 10 altre recensioni | Feb 2, 2023 |
[b:Kato|33635708|Kato (Stone Warriors, #2)|D.B. Reynolds||54482695] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance, Suspense
4.75 Stars

Loaded with action.
Great characters. Grace & Kato are fantastic mc's.
Grace kicks butt 👢(!)

More later...
bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
[b:Damian|29152215|Damian (Stone Warriors, #1)|D.B. Reynolds||49403531] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance, Suspense
4.75 Stars

Yes, yes I enjoyed it that much.

Started off on page one with great action & suspense.
Cassandra, the main female mc is running from hellhounds and bullets.
Everything about her latest 'heist' has gone wrong.
And things are about to get even worse!

Cassandra is awesome.
Now that is a strong, intelligent and knock your socks of heroine!
She totally kicks A##!

Fate enters and thrust Damian into her life.

Damian is fantastic.
Warrior of old.
Strong, smart and sexy.
A sense of humor and, in his own words, "A god of War".

This was fast paced and a great read.
I was very pleasantly surprised.
I expected a good read. I didn't expect it to be this great.

Well done Ms. Reynolds!

All the characters are well developed.
The world build was great.
The action and suspense kept my attention.
The 'Adult' action was so steamy my glasses fogged up!

I did find a couple of editing errors, but nothing substantial.

Now I have to get the next book in this series!
A must read for me 📖
bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |

Big drop in my enjoyment of this series.
I was a bit disappointed with some repetition and dragging.
Overall I enjoyed most of Gabriel & Hana's story.
It just needed More intensity, Action, Suspense.

The steamy scenes were okay, but ..... just like with the action and suspense, they lacked the intensity to really grab me and keep me completely invested.
bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
[b:Raphael|6398385|Raphael (Vampires in America, #1)|D.B. Reynolds||6587077] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres; Adult, Action-Adventure, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
5 Stars
*Hint: This book is going to blow your mind.
Negatives & Positives
I found 1 typo. That's the only negative I can come up with. For me, this story was 'Out of this world amazing!
The suspense and intensity level was to the Nth Degree. Definitely kept me on my toes. From page one you start having moments of 'I really did not expect that.....'.
The writing is absolutely, no doubt about it, Top Notch.
The action in rapid and constant.
The romance is adult, hot and steamy.
Every element ties in together. No repetition. No rambling.
This is what I want in all the books I read. Second 'new to me' author I have found this year to impress me this much!
This is the first time I have read this author and I have fallen in love with her work.
I am so going to stalk this author.
I am going to get every book in this series and find EVERYTHING she has written.
They are mine! One way or another, they will ALL be MINE! WhaHaHA!
Let the stalking commence!!
bodebeabay | 14 altre recensioni | Sep 25, 2022 |
[b:Jabril|6753250|Jabril (Vampires in America, #2)|D.B. Reynolds||6949721] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres; Action/Adventure, Adult, Crime, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense

5 Butt Kicking Stars

Negatives & Positives
There are a few editing errors in my copy. The one I highlighted in my kindle notes on Goodreads is missing the word 'in' and is typical of the editing errors I found. Not a big deal, but it is a negative.
Jabril is evil incarnate. He is the ultimate misogynist to the nth degree. The absolute worst of the worst. He has NO redeeming qualities.
Cyn is amazing. She doesn't wait for Raphael to save her. Heck no! She Kicks Butt and doesn't wait for anyone to save her. She is Strong, Confident, Smart and Savvy.
Raphael is hot, sexy, smart & determined.
This story is jam-packed with rapid-fire action and intrigue.
The romance between Cyn & Raphael is adult, steamy, sexy, passionate and 'Oh So Dreamy' (Pun intended).
The flow of the story is smooth and swift.
The writing is downright Gifted!
Now this is the kind of series I love! I am literally quivering with anticipation to read the next one!!
Oh, for those who want to know, this is a stand alone with an HEA.
bodebeabay | 8 altre recensioni | Sep 25, 2022 |
[b:Rajmund|8593027|Rajmund (Vampires in America, #3)|D.B. Reynolds||13462673] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres: Adult, Crime, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
4 Stars

This one has more typos and editing errors than any of the other books I have read in this series. It even has punctuation errors. I had to take 1/2 a star for that alone.

This story flows a lot slower than the 1st two books in this series. Occasionally it seemed to get a bit bogged down. The action was slower and I just didn't enjoy it as much as the others. That cost it the other half of a star.

That said,
The plot of the story is really good. The two main characters, Rajmund & Sarah are very interesting. Sarah's story is intriguing.

There is plenty of action and suspense.
There is even a bit of humor.

There is a scene with Sarah that made me think of the old song 'My Boyfriend's Back' from the 1960's by 'The Angels'. The way this is delivered and the setting had me instantly picturing the old band as her backup and hearing them sing it to the person Sarah was talking to. For me it was hilarious and fitting.

When the romance scenes happen they are adult. But, it takes quite a while for it to get there.
bodebeabay | 11 altre recensioni | Sep 25, 2022 |
[b:Sophia|11036713|Sophia (Vampires in America, #4)|D.B. Reynolds||15956816] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres: Adult, Crime, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense.
4.75 Stars

I had to really think on this before rating it. Quite a few editing/typo errors in my copy. At least 10, maybe more. I quit highlighting them, so I don't have a correct count.
My other problem, that really isn't a problem, but kind of was, is how much of the story did not have Sophia & Colin in it.
Raphael & Cyn constituted a larger part in this story than Sophia and Colin. At times it felt like they were secondary characters instead of the main characters.

The story itself was fantastic. Huge amounts of action, suspense and mystery.
Twist and turns that keep you on your toes.
There is adult romance throughout between both couples. These scenes are very well written.

Even though Sophia and Colin seem to take a back seat to Raphael & Cyn, it ended up working for the plot and making the story more intense. Sooo, I decided on 4.75 stars.

I don't know when I will get to read book 5, but I do know........


I wholeheartedly recommend this to those who love a Great Paranormal Suspense written for Adults.

It's not erotica. It is Adult.
bodebeabay | 7 altre recensioni | Sep 25, 2022 |
[b:Duncan|12729465|Duncan (Vampires in America, #5)|D.B. Reynolds||17866516] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres; Adult, Crime, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense.
5 Solid Stars

What an amazing writer.
From page one you are caught up. By the end of chapter 4 you are so involved in the story you become a part of it.

I did find 2 typos. Oh, and 2 small areas that slowed the pace just a little bit. But neither of these things interfered with this amazingly fantastic story.

Duncan did not disappoint in his book. I had high expectations and not only were those expectations met, they were surpassed.
Emmaline Duquet is a great main female character and I absolutely loved her.
Duncan & Emma together made pure magic. The romance between them is fiery hot and steamy.

The mystery and suspense is spot on. You slowly unfold who the culprits in this nefarious group are. Some of them become apparent, others come as a surprise. Their crimes are horrendous. Duncan and Emma both want to make them bleed for those they have abused and left broken or worse, dead. They work together to bring justice and they do it with a vengeance.

bodebeabay | 6 altre recensioni | Sep 25, 2022 |
[b:Vampires in America: The Vignettes, Volume 1|13480085|Vampires in America The Vignettes, Volume 1 (Vampires in America, #5.1)|D.B. Reynolds||19012223] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres; Adult, Paranormal, Romance.
3.5 Stars

Didn't Wow Me
This book consist of vignettes and 2 short stories.
There are a few editing mistakes in some of the stories, but not all.
Some of the vignettes were cool, but some of them were boring for me.
Of the two short stories my favorite was the last one which is also at the end of the book.

There are 9 stories all together.

It was an interesting read, but.......Not much substance.

The sex scenes were hot & steamy, and that is what most of the vignettes are.

I think that about covers everything this book has to offer.
bodebeabay | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 25, 2022 |
[b:Lucas|13510645|Lucas (Vampires In America, #6)|D.B. Reynolds||19064133] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres; Adult, Crime, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense.
5 Stars

Positives & Negatives
I found at least 4 instances of missing words. I have a few friends on GR who gave this one 4-4.5 stars. But for me it was a solid 5 stars.
I absolutely loved both main characters Lucas & Kathryn. Lucas was definitely charming. His Irish brogue and sense of humor is captivating. I loved that neither he nor Kathryn were immediately 'He/She is MINE', but realistically fought against the it. Neither of them wanted to change their lives so drastically as to have a permanent relationship. Each had their own reasons and fought their deeper feelings in different ways.
There were 2 main events going on.
Lucas is having problems with another Vampire Lord which has become an all out war.
Kathryn works for the FBI, but is using her vacation to search for her missing brother.
It was interesting how different this was written from the previous stories. No cookie cutter writing for D.B. Reynolds, and it really showed in this one. The way everything unfolded was completely different from all her previous stories in this series.
The suspense of the war & the mystery of Kathryn's missing brother kept me completely absorbed in the story.
The romance was adult, passionate, lightly erotic and often amusing.
bodebeabay | 9 altre recensioni | Sep 25, 2022 |
[b:Aden|17729791|Aden (Vampires in America, #7)|D.B. Reynolds||24802259] by [a:D.B. Reynolds|2898479|D.B. Reynolds|]
Genres; Adult, Action, Crime, Erotica, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense.
4.80 Stars

Positives & Negatives
The only negatives I came up with is 3 typos. They are in my kindle highlights.
Aden is competing to be the next lord of Chicago & Sidonie is adamant about closing down the slave ring.
The suspense of the challenge and challengers and the mystery of the slave organization keep you absorbed in the story.
The two main characters set the pages on FIRE!! The passion between Sidonie and Aden runs sizzling hot and keeps you captivated in their relationship. Even though the attraction is instant, they are both reluctant to take it for more than lust.
Awesome book.
Extremely well written.
Flows so smooth and keeps you so involved you will swear you were there.
Can I make this my new favorite of the 'Vampires in America' series?
These two characters may have just beat the 1st book with Cyn & Raphael. It is that close!
bodebeabay | 10 altre recensioni | Sep 25, 2022 |