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Flint and Feather: The Life and Times of E. Pauline Johnson Tekahionwake

di Charlotte Gray

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681396,745 (4.5)Nessuno
A graceful biography that was a #1 national bestseller, Flint & Feather confirms Charlotte Gray's position as a master biographer, a writer with a rare gift for transforming a historical character into a living, breathing woman who immediately captures our imagination. In Flint & Feather, Charlotte Gray explores the life of this nineteenth-century daughter of a Mohawk chief and English gentlewoman, creating a fascinating portrait of a young woman equally at home on the stage in her "Indian" costume and in the salons of the rich and powerful. Uncovering Pauline Johnson's complex and dramatic personality, Flint & Feather is studded with triumph and tragedy, mystery and romance--a first-rate biography blending turn-of-the-century Canadian history and the vibrant story of a woman whose unforgettable voice still echoes through the years.… (altro)
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liked this more with every day of reading. a great story. ( )
  mahallett | Oct 23, 2018 |
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A graceful biography that was a #1 national bestseller, Flint & Feather confirms Charlotte Gray's position as a master biographer, a writer with a rare gift for transforming a historical character into a living, breathing woman who immediately captures our imagination. In Flint & Feather, Charlotte Gray explores the life of this nineteenth-century daughter of a Mohawk chief and English gentlewoman, creating a fascinating portrait of a young woman equally at home on the stage in her "Indian" costume and in the salons of the rich and powerful. Uncovering Pauline Johnson's complex and dramatic personality, Flint & Feather is studded with triumph and tragedy, mystery and romance--a first-rate biography blending turn-of-the-century Canadian history and the vibrant story of a woman whose unforgettable voice still echoes through the years.

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