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Fire (A Companion to Graceling) di Kristin…
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Fire (A Companion to Graceling) (originale 2009; edizione 2011)

di Kristin Cashore

Serie: Graceling Realm (02)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
5,8432971,791 (4.06)1 / 393
In a kingdom called the Dells, Fire is the last human-shaped monster, with unimaginable beauty and the ability to control the minds of those around her, but even with these gifts she cannot escape the strife that overcomes her world.
Titolo:Fire (A Companion to Graceling)
Autori:Kristin Cashore
Info:Firebird (2011), Paperback, 480 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

Fire di Kristin Cashore (2009)

  1. 151
    Bitterblue di Kristin Cashore (Utente anonimo)
  2. 120
    Alanna: The First Adventure di Tamora Pierce (flemmily)
    flemmily: I would recommend any of Tamora Pierce's books, but Alanna is a great place to start. They're a little more middle-agey than Cashore's works.
  3. 80
    Finnikin of the Rock di Melina Marchetta (shanesuzanne)
  4. 40
    Wild Magic di Tamora Pierce (jm501)
  5. 31
    Brightly Woven di Alexandra Bracken (shanesuzanne)
  6. 10
    Un araldo per Valdemar di Mercedes Lackey (SunnySD)
  7. 11
    To Ride Hell's Chasm di Janny Wurts (SunnySD)
  8. 00
    Love Devours: Tales of Monstrous Adoration di Sarah Diemer (sandstone78)
    sandstone78: More monster girls.
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» Vedi le 393 citazioni

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1-5 di 296 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
Fire is a human variant, called Monsters by all the other humans. Her power is the ability to control minds--& to have a strong effect on all who see her, either intense love or intense hate. Her father killed all the other human Monsters and was ruthless in his control of the events in the kingdom. Fire would do anything to not be like him, yet she also strongly loves him as the only person who doesn't make her feel like a freak. Fire is a strong woman with a caring heart, haunted by nightmares of Monsters.
I haven't yet read Graceling, but Cashore gave enough info that I understood that country. Most of the novel takes place in another kingdom, & it is the Graceling Prologue that helps us feel "I know who that mystery person is" as Fire's story progresses.
Cashore's writing pulls me into the story, and contains many gems. The only one I was alert enough to note is "From the warmth of her fondness for her horse she constructed a fragile and changeable thing that almost resembled courage. She hoped it would be enough." (p.175)
The book is billed as YA, probably due to the rather young characters (Prince Brigan is 22, Fire is younger, tho I didn't note her age), and has free sexual behavior, tho not explicit, which all parents might not approve for their younger YA. I like that there are references to Fire's monthly bleeding, which I haven't read in many other books and which I see as affirming for youing women to read.
2011 review. ( )
  juniperSun | Aug 3, 2024 |
Surprised me - this was not a sequel - but a Prequel to the first book -
very good too! ( )
  asl4u | Jul 21, 2024 |
This was a good book (around the same quality as Graceling). Perhaps my main qualm was that the book used Fire's beauty as the major plot device the entire time. The idea that someone is "so attractive that it causes problems" is interesting for a while, but when it became the entire book it got tiring. Also, the plot was a little too straightforward. I could have guessed it from page 20 (give or take some side-trips that Fire takes), which is a little frustrating from a literary perspective... ( )
  mrbearbooks | Apr 22, 2024 |
Did NOT like this one at all. ( )
  jazzbird61 | Feb 29, 2024 |
Väga veider, ma lausa ütleks, et kergelt skisofreeniline lugemiskogemus. Raamat ise märksa nõrgem kui sarja avaosa "Gracling" (eesti keeles "Võluvägine"), aga käest ära panna ei saanud.
Sündmustik suuremas osas etteaimatav, kangelanna ebausutav, stamp stambi otsa, aga kirjutatud oli nii oskuslikult, et aga mida kaugemale jõudsid, seda enam haaras. Huvitavaim osa raamatust oli kahtlemate kõik Lecki lapsepõlve puudutav, kahjuks oli see kogu Fire põhijoontes romantilisele loole üsna kunstlikult külge poogitud. ( )
  sashery | Jan 29, 2024 |
Cashore is that rare gifted writer who can give a fantasy novel real depth.

» Aggiungi altri autori (4 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Kristin Cashoreautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Diestelmeier, KatharinaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Elbrick, XantheNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Rostant, LarryImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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While I was looking the other way your fire went out
Left me with cinders to kick into dust
What a waste of the wonder you were

In my living fire I will keep your scorn and mine
In my living fire I will keep your heartache and mine
At the disgrace of a waste of a life
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For my little sister Catherine, the (Corinthian) pillar of my heart
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Larch often thought that if it had not been for his newborn son, he never would have survived his wife Mikra's death. [Prologue]
It did not surprise Fire that the man in the forest shot her.
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

In a kingdom called the Dells, Fire is the last human-shaped monster, with unimaginable beauty and the ability to control the minds of those around her, but even with these gifts she cannot escape the strife that overcomes her world.

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