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101 Things To Do Before You Diet (2009)

di Mimi Spencer

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643424,151 (3.61)1
Most women are well aware that dieting (and the accompanying deprivation) is no way to lose weight. But you can't blame a girl for trying--after all, who doesn't want to be thinner, feel happier, and look fabulous? Mimi Spencer has spent most of her life surrounded by catwalks and ultrathin celebrities--and she's sick of dieting. So she created the anti-diet. Here, Spencer shares the tips, tricks and solutions that finally helped her lose those last few pounds, and shows women how to trim, flatter and accept every inch of their bodies. With ample doses of empathy and irreverence, she offers readers 101 figure-flattering tips, from choosing the right fashion to just saying no to fat traps and calorie pitfalls. Spencer's candid advice and relatable voice will keep readers entertained as they knock off a few pounds and learn how to love the skin they're in.--From publisher description.… (altro)
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I love this book, something to read when my body image is low. ( )
  lisan. | Oct 29, 2014 |
I'm not a diet book kind of person, but the cover on this was so appealing I had to give it a shot. The advice seems pretty realistic and warm, there are no recipes (yay!) but there is also almost no mention of exercise (boo!). The author is far more fashionable than I will ever be, and all her tips'n'tricks about mascara and good haircuts sailed right over my head. But again, it's a warm and sympathetic book that mostly boils down to "be as healthy as you can, and love the skin you're in" which isn't terrible advice by a long shot. ( )
  satyridae | Apr 5, 2013 |
I found this book an interesting, if contradictory, read. Partly it's a self-help, know-thyself, love-thyself kind of read, with practical tips on living a healthier lifestyle. But then there are a load of fashion tips thrown in - what shoes to wear, which handbags are to die for, that sort of thing. This isn't too surprising, given Spencer's job as a fashion editor, but I definitely enjoyed and related to the former bits more than the latter. And on Spencer's recommendation, I am now going to try making homemade yoghurt - so that was a useful consequence of this read. ( )
  AJBraithwaite | Mar 31, 2013 |
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I don't know a woman who wouldn't like to lose half a stone.
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Most women are well aware that dieting (and the accompanying deprivation) is no way to lose weight. But you can't blame a girl for trying--after all, who doesn't want to be thinner, feel happier, and look fabulous? Mimi Spencer has spent most of her life surrounded by catwalks and ultrathin celebrities--and she's sick of dieting. So she created the anti-diet. Here, Spencer shares the tips, tricks and solutions that finally helped her lose those last few pounds, and shows women how to trim, flatter and accept every inch of their bodies. With ample doses of empathy and irreverence, she offers readers 101 figure-flattering tips, from choosing the right fashion to just saying no to fat traps and calorie pitfalls. Spencer's candid advice and relatable voice will keep readers entertained as they knock off a few pounds and learn how to love the skin they're in.--From publisher description.

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