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Piccola citta (1938)

di Thornton Wilder

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5,174692,146 (3.67)168
This beautiful new edition features an eye-opening Afterword written by Tappan Wilder that includes Thornton Wilder's unpublished notes and other illuminating photographs and documentary material. Our Town was first produced and published in 1938 to wide acclaim. This Pulitzer Prize-winning drama of life in the small village of Grover's Corners, an allegorical representation of all life, has become a classic. It is Thornton Wilder's most renowned and most frequently performed play.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dabluenancyhawaii907, SFAllison, CTCCSLibrary, biblioteca privata, CNMusicLib, streetsidelibrary, AliHentges, Delaney612, TiffanyPowers
Biblioteche di personaggi celebriCarl Sandburg
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A play in three acts, this is the story of George Gibbs and Emily Webb in Grover's Corner, New Hampshire early in May 1901. The set is sparse, with two tables on opposite sides of the stage representing the kitchens of the Gibbs and Webb homes. There is also a ladder that represents the upper floor of the houses. There is a Stage Manager who narrates the action and occasionally steps into the play's action himself. The play follows the life cycle of George and Emily and their families from their childhood, marriage, responsibility, birth, and death. The action is normal every day activities such as the milkman delivering milk, women going and coming from choir practice, George and Emily coming home from school and doing homework. There are few props, with most activities being pantomimed by the actors. ( )
  baughga | Mar 24, 2024 |
The last time I read this was in AP English back in 1983. 😳 After reading TOM LAKE, I had to revisit it, and I'm so glad I did. I remember finding it pointless at the tender and stupid age of 17. What the hell was wrong with me? Such a poignant reminder to carpe diem--especially the most mundane moments of our lives because going about our daily business is the life of living and we must cherish every single second. Thanks, TW, for the reminder. ( )
  crabbyabbe | Mar 15, 2024 |
Our Town was a major part of Ann Patchett’s book Tom Lake. That’s what prompted me to read Our Town. It’s very different to read a script than a book. Somewhat stilted but the meaning behind the dialogue is the point. I’d actually like to see the okay performed. ( )
  kayanelson | Nov 27, 2023 |
The dialog is sparse but also rich in meaning and texture. I can see why it has staying power. ( )
  charlie68 | Sep 26, 2023 |
I absolutely love this play, but seeing it performed again this summer was an emotional experience. It was the 25th anniversary of my Mom's death and she performed as the lead in high school. The play is a celebration of life, both its simple routines and its big moments. Seeing it and rereading it was incredibly moving. I can't imagine experiencing this play and not appreciating the beauty of life a bit more when you are done.

"I can’t.
I can’t go on. It goes so fast.
We don’t have time to look at one another.
I didn’t realize. All that was going on in life,
and we never noticed.
Take me back – up the hill – to my grave.

But first: Wait! One more look.
Good-by, Good-by, world.
Good-by, Grover’s Corners.
Mama and Papa.
Good-bye to clocks ticking.
And Mama’s sunflowers.
And food and coffee.
And new-ironed dresses and hot baths.
And sleeping and waking up.

Oh, earth, you’re too wonderful
for anybody to realize you.

Do any human beings ever realize life
while they live it? – every, every minute?" ( )
  bookworm12 | Jul 25, 2023 |
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Wilder, Thorntonautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Margulies, DonaldPrefazioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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To Alexander Woollcott of Castleton Township, Rutland County, Vermont
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This play is called "Our Town."
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Emily: Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? - every, every minute?

Stage manager: No. (Pause) the saints and poets, maybe - they do some.
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This beautiful new edition features an eye-opening Afterword written by Tappan Wilder that includes Thornton Wilder's unpublished notes and other illuminating photographs and documentary material. Our Town was first produced and published in 1938 to wide acclaim. This Pulitzer Prize-winning drama of life in the small village of Grover's Corners, an allegorical representation of all life, has become a classic. It is Thornton Wilder's most renowned and most frequently performed play.

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Media: (3.67)
0.5 2
1 33
1.5 6
2 76
2.5 11
3 217
3.5 38
4 288
4.5 18
5 217

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