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Curiosities of Food: Or the Dainties and…
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Curiosities of Food: Or the Dainties and Delicacies of Different Nations Obtained from the Animal Kingdom (edizione 2001)

di Peter Lund Simmonds

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This spring Ten Speed Press is pleased to announce the birth of the Culinary Classics and Curios series, a line of long-ago published seminal books for serious cooks and food lovers. Selected by our editors with the help of chef friends, food writers, and authors, each of the Classics and Curios has been chosen because it remains influential, even if it's out of print, hard to find, and well aged. Those in the know consider these books among their most coveted volumes and still swear by them, forever enchanted by the uncommon personality, information, and passion that is their collective hallmark. To help recreational and professional cooks alike rediscover the special value of these books, each new edition features a substantive introduction by a wellknown food writer with a meaningful connection to the work. The Classics and Curios are quality hardcover editions at affordable prices. As serious cooks and cookbook collectors, we here at Ten Speed are delighted to finally have these culinary canons back in our kitchen libraries and know they'll find their way onto the shelves of those who share our passion for good cooking. Originally published in London in 1859, this rare treasure of culinary history was recently brought to light in the award-winning Oxford Companion to Food, whose author, Alan Davidson, used it as a primary reference in researching some of the more obscure foodstuffs consumed across the globe. This lost classic of wit, erudition, and grand storytelling is now made available in a facsimile edition.… (altro)
Titolo:Curiosities of Food: Or the Dainties and Delicacies of Different Nations Obtained from the Animal Kingdom
Autori:Peter Lund Simmonds
Info:Ten Speed Press (2001), Edition: Facsimile, Hardcover, 372 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Curiosities of Food: Or the Dainties and Delicacies of Different Nations Obtained from the Animal Kingdom di Peter Lund Simmonds

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This spring Ten Speed Press is pleased to announce the birth of the Culinary Classics and Curios series, a line of long-ago published seminal books for serious cooks and food lovers. Selected by our editors with the help of chef friends, food writers, and authors, each of the Classics and Curios has been chosen because it remains influential, even if it's out of print, hard to find, and well aged. Those in the know consider these books among their most coveted volumes and still swear by them, forever enchanted by the uncommon personality, information, and passion that is their collective hallmark. To help recreational and professional cooks alike rediscover the special value of these books, each new edition features a substantive introduction by a wellknown food writer with a meaningful connection to the work. The Classics and Curios are quality hardcover editions at affordable prices. As serious cooks and cookbook collectors, we here at Ten Speed are delighted to finally have these culinary canons back in our kitchen libraries and know they'll find their way onto the shelves of those who share our passion for good cooking. Originally published in London in 1859, this rare treasure of culinary history was recently brought to light in the award-winning Oxford Companion to Food, whose author, Alan Davidson, used it as a primary reference in researching some of the more obscure foodstuffs consumed across the globe. This lost classic of wit, erudition, and grand storytelling is now made available in a facsimile edition.

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