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When Will There Be Good News? di Kate…
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When Will There Be Good News? (originale 2008; edizione 2008)

di Kate Atkinson

Serie: Jackson Brodie (3)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
4,0062253,169 (3.95)504
Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:

On a hot summer day, Joanna Mason's family slowly wanders home along a country lane. A moment later, Joanna's life is changed forever ...

On a dark night thirty years later, ex-detective Jackson Brodie finds himself on a train that is both crowded and late. Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly hears a shocking sound ...

At the end of a long day, sixteen-year-old Reggie is looking forward to watching a little TV. Then a terrifying noise shatters her peaceful evening. Luckily, Reggie makes it a point to be prepared for an emergency ...

These three lives come together in unexpected and deeply thrilling ways in the latest novel from Kate Atkinson, the critically acclaimed author who Harlan Coben calls "an absolute must-read."

… (altro)
Titolo:When Will There Be Good News?
Autori:Kate Atkinson
Info:Doubleday Books (2008), Hardcover, 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

When Will There Be Good News? di Kate Atkinson (2008)

  1. 81
    I casi dimenticati di Kate Atkinson (hbsweet)
  2. 30
    Started Early, Took My Dog di Kate Atkinson (KayCliff)
  3. 20
    The Invisible Ones di Stef Penney (cbl_tn)
    cbl_tn: The novels have a similar tone. Both have private investigators who are hospitalized with memory lapses, and both have bright, engaging teenage characters readers will root for.
  4. 00
    Odds Against di Dick Francis (hbsweet)
  5. 00
    The Sea Detective di Mark Douglas-Home (YossarianXeno)
  6. 00
    What Hetty Did: Life and Letters di J. L. Carr (KayCliff)
    KayCliff: Katy and Hetty seem to be two of a kind.
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Non conoscevo questa scrittrice e ho fatto una scoperta eccezionale.
La Atkinson ha una scrittura magnifica. I personaggi sono fantastici e la storia è veramente bella. Un giallo magnifico, con colpi di scena imprevisti. Consigliatissimo. ( )
  Angela.Me | Jun 10, 2017 |
Fact: Atkinson doesn’t write typical crime novels, but literary hybrids. ... Despite an arresting first chapter, what seems of most interest to Atkinson isn’t the solving of crimes, but the solving of the problem of being alive. ... the absence of sustained suspense begins to fray our connection to the characters. Sensing perhaps that she’s lollygagging, Atkinson sprints for the last 75 pages, delivering a rushed, overly neat ending that, while cleanly tying up the big threads, leaves many questions about the characters and their futures unanswered.
A third appearance for former police investigator and private detective Jackson Brodie in this psychologically astute thriller from Atkinson (One Good Turn, 2006, etc.). ... Like the most riveting BBC mystery, in which understated, deadpan intelligence illuminates characters’ inner lives within a convoluted plot.
aggiunto da davidcla | modificaKirkus Reivews, a (Sep 24, 2008)

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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Kate Atkinsonautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Crossley, StevenNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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'We never know we go, - when we are going
We jest and shut the door;
Fate following behind us bolts it,
And we accost no more'

Emily Dickinson
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For Dave and Maureen - thanks for many good times, the best is yet to come
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The heat rising up from the tarmac seemed to get trapped between the thick hedges that towered above their heads like battlements.
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"A coincidence is just an explanation waiting to happen"
"I'm a goddess to him [her baby son] now," Dr Hunter laughed, "but one day I'll be the annoying old woman who wants to be taken to the supermarket".
What was new was a note, stuck on the door with chewing gum, that read, "Reggie Chase -- you cant hide from us". No apostrophe. ... In the shower room ... the walls had been spray-painted with the words, "Your dead". ... Who was "us"? Who were these people who didn't know how to use an apostrophe?
Louise had been there, been there with Archie when he was little, at the empty play parks and deserted duck ponds, suddenly aware of the nutter's sloping walk, his shifting gaze. Don't make eye contact. Walk past briskly, don't draw attention to yourself. Somewhere, in some Utopian nowhere, women walked without fear. Louise would sure like to see that place.
Peter gave her a pad of paper and a pen and told her to write a note ... She wrote with the Biro, "Please help us. We don't want to die." ... she jammed the pen into his eyeball as hard as she could. It surprised her how far it went in.
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:

On a hot summer day, Joanna Mason's family slowly wanders home along a country lane. A moment later, Joanna's life is changed forever ...

On a dark night thirty years later, ex-detective Jackson Brodie finds himself on a train that is both crowded and late. Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly hears a shocking sound ...

At the end of a long day, sixteen-year-old Reggie is looking forward to watching a little TV. Then a terrifying noise shatters her peaceful evening. Luckily, Reggie makes it a point to be prepared for an emergency ...

These three lives come together in unexpected and deeply thrilling ways in the latest novel from Kate Atkinson, the critically acclaimed author who Harlan Coben calls "an absolute must-read."


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