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Raising Sheep the Modern Way (1976)

di Paula Simmons

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Here's the small-scale sheep raiser's bible, newly revised to reflect the changes occurring in the industry during the past thirteen years. Includes information on: new theories about breeding, pregnancy management, and handling of lambs; new medications; new vaccines; new products; as well as a completely new chapter on using guard dogs.… (altro)
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Wendy Newell
  PTArts | Oct 6, 2021 |
Comprehensive guidance from sheep breeds, fences to medications and muttonburgers.
  SHCG | Aug 14, 2018 |
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The Shepherd's Lament
Now I lay me down to sleep,
Exhausted by those dog-gone sheep;

My only wish is that I might
Cause them not to lamb at night.

I wouldn't mind the occasional ewe,
But lately it's more than a few:

Back into bed, then up again,
At two o'clock and four A. M....

They grunt and groan with noses high,
And in between, a mournful sigh,

We stand there watching nature work,
Hoping there won't be a quirk:

A leg turned back, or even worse,
A lamb that's coming in reverse.

But once they've lambed we're glad to see
That their efforts didn't end in tragedy.

There's no emotion so sublime
As a ewe and lamb that's doing fine.

I'm often asked why I raise sheep,
With all the work and loss of sleep;

The gratification gained at three A. M.,
From the birth of another baby lamg---

How  can you explain, or even show?
'Cause only a shepherd will ever know!
D. L. Salisbury, D.V.M.
April 1, 1988
Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua.
Thanks to Bill Hess of Sheepman Supply and to Bill Shaefer, D.V.M., for their helpful advice.

Above all I must acknowledge a large debt of gratitude to my veterinarian friend and adviser Darrell Salsbury, D.V.M., for generous technical and medical guidance. He wrote me the following poem just for this edition:
Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua.
It is preferable to "grow" rather than "buy" into sheep.
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Here's the small-scale sheep raiser's bible, newly revised to reflect the changes occurring in the industry during the past thirteen years. Includes information on: new theories about breeding, pregnancy management, and handling of lambs; new medications; new vaccines; new products; as well as a completely new chapter on using guard dogs.

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