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Orca di Steven Brust
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1,1901517,320 (3.81)23
Granted, walking around with two jhereg on your shoulders is not the best disguise for an ex-assassin wanted all over the Empire. But a young boy saved his life and then needs help, Vlad Taltos pays his debt--even if it means uncovering a financial scandal big enough to bring down the House of the Orca and the entire Empire.… (altro)
Autori:Steven Brust (Autore)
Info:Ace (1996), Edition: 1st Printing, 290 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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Orca di Steven Brust (1996)

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» Vedi le 23 citazioni

I've read the first 4 of the series, but haven't read Phoenix or Athyra.
It seems like this follows directly on from Athyra, but despite not knowing the background of Savn or why Vlad is being hunted by the Jhereg, I don't think it matters that I've missed thos couple of books.

Good story - definitely a detective novel, without the aim of an assassination taking effect.
Very nice reveal at the end that I had no clue was coming....

Now onto Dragon - which I believe is again chronologically earlier?
Whatever, if in doubt, stick to the published order. ( )
  stubooks | Apr 4, 2024 |
Kiera finally gets a book! I was waiting for this for a long while! And it's one of my favorites in the "Vlad Taltos"/Dragaera series! Which is rather astonishing because it's the book that's about banks and paperwork! Sort of.

This series always makes me laugh and spend the rest of the time grinning till my face hurts. This was no exception. The prose is beautiful, the plot is enjoyable and Vlad is hilarious in his gambits and conversations. And if you're a fan of "Orca" and haven't read the other books or are still considering finishing the series, then read the rest! They're worth it!

I also really love Mother, the healer Vlad goes to for help with Savn. Her tolerance for Vlad's antics is great to watch and her gentleness with Savn is quite beautiful. I really liked seeing how she learned about and attempted to deal with his illness.

If you're reading the series, DO NOT SKIP THIS BOOK! There's at least two BIG plot reveals and an important turning point you won't want to miss. ( )
  AnonR | Aug 5, 2023 |
So now I'm at the mid-point - Book 7 of the 15 published to this point. This one was another change-up in style from the previous books, alternating first person accounts between 2 characters. For this, the audiobook wisely brought in another narrator to handle the female character's viewpoint. Weirdly, this narrator (Angele Masters) did a fine job in the regular chapters; handling different voices without issue. However, the Interludes were all a conversation between 2 female characters, with minimal to no ... uhhh... "speaking indicators" (I don't know the term - "Tom said... Bill said...") and her voices for these 2 characters were so similar that I had to back-track a few times to make sure I could tell which was which.
The story itself was a crazy-complicated financial house-of-cards whodunnit. Like watching one of those old crime shows the older generation seems to love - full of double-crosses and banking transactions. Probably should've been a little more boring than it was, but I enjoyed it. ( )
  KrakenTamer | Oct 23, 2021 |
Read as part of 'Book of Athyra' omnibus. ( )
  fmc712 | Feb 18, 2021 |
This is a solid Sword and Sorcery read, with just enough action to keep things interesting, but it's mostly about unravelling a ponzi scheme and a land swindle orchestrated by the Orca.

Vlad is just being Vlad, paying his debts. If it turns out that he bites off way more than he can chew, then blame it on his character.

If it actually makes him seem like a meddling busybody of an ex-assassin that's racking up the hate of every single empire in the land, then so be it. It's his nature. Or at least, it's the nature of this landless wanderer who seems to think he must atone for something, even if to my eyes he needn't atone for anything.

I keep reading these not because there's an overarching goal or something he must aim for any longer. His friends miss him and at least one can reach him, not including his dragons, so all in all, it's still all about healing his new friend who lost his mind in the previous book.

Interesting? Yes.
Worthwhile? Yes.

Does it still feel like just a meandering path to some unknowable future? Yes.
I don't know how I feel about that, but the character is strong enough, and the actual novel was still interesting, so I don't really see a reason to stop.

But. I still want more. I still remember truly grand things happening and stylistic wonders and brilliant plot. This didn't match my memories, but I can't say it was bad. ( )
  bradleyhorner | Jun 1, 2020 |
This is one of the ones I loved straight away.
aggiunto da r.orrison |, Jo Walton (Dec 3, 2009)

» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Brust, Stevenautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Cabral, CirueloImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Clark, Bernard SetaroNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Masters, AngeleNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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In memory of my brother, Leo Brust, 1954 - 1994
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My Dear Cawti:
I'm sorry it has taken me so long to answer your letter, but the gods of Coincidence make bad correspondents of us all; I am not unaware that the passing of a few weeks to you is a long time - as long as the passing of years is to me, and this is long indeed when one is uncertain - so I will plead the excuse that I found your note when I returned from traveling, and will answer your question at once: Yes, I have seen your husband, or the man who used to be your husband, or however you would describe him.
Vlad knew almost at once that I was in disguise, because I told him so.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Granted, walking around with two jhereg on your shoulders is not the best disguise for an ex-assassin wanted all over the Empire. But a young boy saved his life and then needs help, Vlad Taltos pays his debt--even if it means uncovering a financial scandal big enough to bring down the House of the Orca and the entire Empire.

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