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The Museum Called Canada: 25 Rooms of Wonder

di Charlotte Gray

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Hold our history in your hands, with a spectacular virtual museum that is at once a sweeping exploration of Canadian history and culture, an indispensable reference guide and a remarkable treasury of information. Welcome to a museum so vast and full of wonder that it could only be called Canada. Each ofThe Museum Called Canada’s 25 rooms houses carefully chosen exhibits that illuminate a significant historical theme. This majestic collection brings together high art and popular culture, science and nature, rare objects and whimsical ephemera. Here you will see the empty eye sockets of Tyrannosaurus Rex and be able to examine intricate and ethereal wood-carved angels built for Quebec’s Rideau Chapel. Exhibits span the breadth of our nation, from the Yuquot Whaler’s Shrine of Vancouver Island’s Nootka to an anti-Confederation poster from the controversially soon-to-be-province Newfoundland. Your guide to the collection is historian and author Charlotte Gray. For each room in the museum, Gray has written a short essay that delves into the world of a particularly evocative artifact and its importance in the context of the room’s theme and time period. The Museum Called Canada— with its expansive vision, its surprising juxtapositions, its visual feasts and intellectual explorations — is a beautiful and inspiring place that you will want to visit again and again.… (altro)
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A great rainy day book. ( )
  Autodafe | Apr 11, 2008 |
o wondrous country..o wondrous treasures to rekindle the lost pieces of your splintered soul.
  joli | Oct 19, 2005 |
Beautiful, stunning, and definitely worth the $13 I paid for it in the discount been at Chapters (although probably not worth the original asking price of $65. A fun collection of odds and ends from across Canada, and whirlwind tour thorugh Canada's history.

Odd there was nothing about the 1995 referendum, but a large section on the Quebec City Riots during the summit of the Americas. It made me remember a lot of my history classes, and how Canadian history for English and French Canada is not quite the same. Still a worthy light in front of the fire peruse.
  red_sky | Oct 11, 2005 |
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Hold our history in your hands, with a spectacular virtual museum that is at once a sweeping exploration of Canadian history and culture, an indispensable reference guide and a remarkable treasury of information. Welcome to a museum so vast and full of wonder that it could only be called Canada. Each ofThe Museum Called Canada’s 25 rooms houses carefully chosen exhibits that illuminate a significant historical theme. This majestic collection brings together high art and popular culture, science and nature, rare objects and whimsical ephemera. Here you will see the empty eye sockets of Tyrannosaurus Rex and be able to examine intricate and ethereal wood-carved angels built for Quebec’s Rideau Chapel. Exhibits span the breadth of our nation, from the Yuquot Whaler’s Shrine of Vancouver Island’s Nootka to an anti-Confederation poster from the controversially soon-to-be-province Newfoundland. Your guide to the collection is historian and author Charlotte Gray. For each room in the museum, Gray has written a short essay that delves into the world of a particularly evocative artifact and its importance in the context of the room’s theme and time period. The Museum Called Canada— with its expansive vision, its surprising juxtapositions, its visual feasts and intellectual explorations — is a beautiful and inspiring place that you will want to visit again and again.

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