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A Very Indian Christmas: The Greatest Indian…
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A Very Indian Christmas: The Greatest Indian Holiday Stories of All Time (Very Christmas) (originale 2024; edizione 2024)

di Salman Rushdie (Autore), Rabindranath Tagore (Autore), Jhumpa Lahiri (Autore), Aravind Adiga (Autore), Jerry Pinto (Autore)1 altro, Damodar Mauzo (Autore)

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Few countries celebrate religious and cultural festivals with greater passion, imagination, and joy than India. And among the many festivals of this gloriously diverse, multicultural nation is Christmas. The Christian communities of India celebrate the birth of Christ with food, music, lights, prayer, family gatherings, charity, and other age-old traditions. This anthology captures the distinctive magic of Christmas in India and in the Indian diaspora with a splendid collection of essays, stories, poems, and hymns―both in English and translated from India's other languages. It includes works by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, Booker Prize winners Salman Rushdie and Aravind Adiga, Pulitzer Prize winner Jhumpa Lahiri, Khushwant Singh, Jerry Pinto, Damodar Mauzo, Vivek Menezes, Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar, and others writing about Christmas in Goa, Kerala, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, as well as in London and Cambridge, Massachusetts.… (altro)
Titolo:A Very Indian Christmas: The Greatest Indian Holiday Stories of All Time (Very Christmas)
Autori:Salman Rushdie (Autore)
Altri autori:Rabindranath Tagore (Autore), Jhumpa Lahiri (Autore), Aravind Adiga (Autore), Jerry Pinto (Autore), Damodar Mauzo (Autore)
Info:New Vessel Press (2024), 140 pages
Collezioni:Untitled collection

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A Very Indian Christmas: The Greatest Indian Holiday Stories of All Time (Very Christmas) di Salman Rushdie (2024)

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Few countries celebrate religious and cultural festivals with greater passion, imagination, and joy than India. And among the many festivals of this gloriously diverse, multicultural nation is Christmas. The Christian communities of India celebrate the birth of Christ with food, music, lights, prayer, family gatherings, charity, and other age-old traditions. This anthology captures the distinctive magic of Christmas in India and in the Indian diaspora with a splendid collection of essays, stories, poems, and hymns―both in English and translated from India's other languages. It includes works by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, Booker Prize winners Salman Rushdie and Aravind Adiga, Pulitzer Prize winner Jhumpa Lahiri, Khushwant Singh, Jerry Pinto, Damodar Mauzo, Vivek Menezes, Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar, and others writing about Christmas in Goa, Kerala, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, as well as in London and Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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