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Modern Asian Kitchen: Essential and Easy Recipes for Ramen, Dumplings, Dim Sum, Stir-Fries, Rice Bowls, Pho, Bibimbaps, and More

di Kat Lieu

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"Modern Asian Kitchen is the definitive guide to the next generation of Asian cooking: casual, hip, street-food inspired, easy to shop for, quick to cook, big flavored, and just plain fun"--
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This is a gorgeous cookbook absolutely chocked full of delicious recipes. Most of the recipes are simple with few ingredients and most items I believe would be readily found as I have many in my pantry already. Lots of recipes are quick to prepare making them great weekday meals. Much thanks to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing for allowing me to read an advanced copy. ( )
  Kathl33n | Mar 9, 2024 |
This is a mishmash cookbook of the kind I don't really like very much. Kat Lieu has pulled together a whole load of favorite recipes, lots of which sound delicious and a few of which sound weird - like what is a "sushi bake"?

The question about mashup cookbooks always is who are they for? I'm an experienced cook and cookbook reviewer and I am looking for depth of writing and recipes with an authentic feel. This book isn't like that. Again, though, the recipes are interesting and relatively easy. I would suggest the book as a gift for a new cook, perhaps a person in their first apartment, who loves Asian inflected food.

I received a review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. ( )
  Dokfintong | Mar 6, 2024 |
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"Modern Asian Kitchen is the definitive guide to the next generation of Asian cooking: casual, hip, street-food inspired, easy to shop for, quick to cook, big flavored, and just plain fun"--

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