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Waistland: The R/evolutionary Science Behind…
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Waistland: The R/evolutionary Science Behind Our Weight and Fitness Crisis (edizione 2007)

di Deirdre Barrett (Autore)

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In the modern jungle of burgers, couches, and remote controls, obesity is an enormous and growing epidemic. Weight-loss books and diet gurus urge us to "listen to our bodies," but our instincts are designed for the African savannah, not food courts. The sugary and fatty foods that we, as hunter-gatherers, are programmed to forage used to be hard to come by. Now they're as close as the vending machine down the hall.Radical changes are necessary and, fortunately, are biologically easier than small or gradual changes in diet. Barrett tells us how to reprogram our bodies, break food addictions, and ignore our attraction to "supernormal stimuli"--artificial creations that appeal to our instincts more than the natural objects they mimic. Barrett delves into scientific research--from animal ethology to evolution--to show the disastrous direction in which our instincts have led us, and how, using our intellect, we can get back on course.… (altro)
Titolo:Waistland: The R/evolutionary Science Behind Our Weight and Fitness Crisis
Autori:Deirdre Barrett (Autore)
Info:W. W. Norton & Company (2007), 320 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Waistland: The R/evolutionary Science Behind Our Weight and Fitness Crisis di Deirdre Barrett

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Deirdre Barrett explains the obesity epidemic in terms of super-natural stimuli and gives advice for avoiding obesity and improving health. Her thesis is that our bodies are still adapted for the Arican savannah where exercise was plentiful and sugar and fat scarce. We are genetically programmed to prefer the very foods that are bad for us now that they are so readily available. This is not a particularly new idea but Barrett's solution is. Forget moderation and cutting down - Barrett believes it is easier to go 'cold turkey'. She compares the situation with withdrawing from drugs or quitting smoking. Her recipe for health is to exercise 1 hr/day, completely eschew trans fats, white flour and refined sugar and instead eat lots of dark vegetables, moderate amounts of lean protein and fruit and small amounts of nuts, seeds, grains and eggs. Barrett also has suggestions for societal changes that would make the process easier.
This book is easy to read and Barretts ideas seem well-supported by scientific evidence but I suspect the changes she advocates will be too unpalatable for most people. ( )
  RefPenny | Jun 24, 2011 |
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In the modern jungle of burgers, couches, and remote controls, obesity is an enormous and growing epidemic. Weight-loss books and diet gurus urge us to "listen to our bodies," but our instincts are designed for the African savannah, not food courts. The sugary and fatty foods that we, as hunter-gatherers, are programmed to forage used to be hard to come by. Now they're as close as the vending machine down the hall.Radical changes are necessary and, fortunately, are biologically easier than small or gradual changes in diet. Barrett tells us how to reprogram our bodies, break food addictions, and ignore our attraction to "supernormal stimuli"--artificial creations that appeal to our instincts more than the natural objects they mimic. Barrett delves into scientific research--from animal ethology to evolution--to show the disastrous direction in which our instincts have led us, and how, using our intellect, we can get back on course.

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