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But Have You Read the Book?: 52 Literary Gems That Inspired Our Favorite Films (Turner Classic Movies) (2023)

di Kristen Lopez

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642424,151 (3.5)1
"For film buffs and literature lovers alike, this is an essential guide to 52 great reads, and the cinema classics they inspired"--
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But Have You Read the Book by Kristen Lopez forces me to either read the book made into a movie or to rewatch the book adaptation of a novel. Kristen Lopez does an excellent job of describing the book and the movie of 52 books adapted to the big screen. So many nuances shown that I had not noticed. Lopez explores different genres and different eras of movies. A very concise and informative book. ( )
  delphimo | Jul 23, 2023 |
I love this book. A short Introduction and then the 52 chapters which dwell on how several books led to memorable films or multiple subsequent films. Sometimes Lopez will be indistinct with which she is referring to (film or book) but that is the only drag on the reading. She is consistently concise and always informative. The book even has a nice little Bibliography. The chapters are given chronologically around when the film version (or versions were) was released, not when the book was published. There of course many other Book-To-Film adaptations but these 52 are the most well known films to be based on books according to Lopez. The book is introduced by a spoiler alert about plot and character revelations which might hurt viewers' sense of surprise. The book is written in association with Turner Classic Movies. This is a good book to start from when adding books translated, even on a subpar level, to film. ( )
  sacredheart25 | Mar 20, 2023 |
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Each four- to six-page essay puts the film in historical context, provides analysis of directorial decisions, mentions how closely the movie hews to the book, and (warning) provides plot spoilers.... A good resource for book clubs and movie buffs alike.
aggiunto da Lemeritus | modificaBooklist, a (Feb 1, 2023)
This well-researched book with its 10-page bibliography and addictive compendium will likely inspire movie buffs and literature mavens alike to take her advice.
aggiunto da Lemeritus | modificaLibrary Journal, Rosellen Brewer (Dec 1, 2022)
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To my mom, grandpa, and Uncle Sean. Thank you for giving me enough stories to turn me into a proper author.
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From Boris Karloff's dead-eyed, flat-topped depiction of the monster to Colin Clive shouting "It's alive! It's alive!" as thunder cracks and lightening flashes, director James Whale's adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is synonymous with the horror genre, as well as the entire brand of monsters associated with Universal Studios.
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Frankenstein is a prime example of Romantic-era literature, with its emphasis on reveling in the splendor of the natural world. It's also a tale of loneliness, isolation, and the horror of playing God. While Whale's monster is a childlike character who doesn't understand that a young girl won't float on water as easily as a flower, Shelley's is an educated, eloquent creature in anguish about the nature of his existence.
Like Hammett, Nick has given up being a detective to settle down to a life of leisure with his wealthy wife Nora, who was heavily inspired by Hammett's long-time lover, playwright Lillian Hellman.
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"For film buffs and literature lovers alike, this is an essential guide to 52 great reads, and the cinema classics they inspired"--

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