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A Matter of Millions (1890)

di Anna Katharine Green

Serie: Ebenezer Gryce (6)

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912,041,512 (3.5)15
In this Victorian-era mystery, a New York detective must uncover a plot with millions of dollars and many lives at stake. A dying man is determined to leave his wealth to someone worthy. With no known relatives--he wants it to go to a woman who resembles the one he once loved--a woman who may not even exist. Meanwhile, across New York City, young women are being murdered. They have nothing in common except for one strange detail. It seems that anyone bearing the name Jenny Rogers is in mortal danger. As Mr. Gryce investigates this perplexing mystery, he uncovers a pair of suspects who also share a name. First published in 1890, A Matter of Millions is Anna Katharine Green's sixth novel in the series that began with The Leavenworth Case.… (altro)
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I was hooked by the idea of this book and only found out after listening to it that it’s actually a classic from the 1800’s. Writing style wise, this much is apparent, but I have to say that the action and suspense had me on the edge of my seat like something Ruth Ware would’ve written.

I didn’t see the ending coming, and that rarely happens for me in thrillers anymore. Even though it was a little wordy, I still very much enjoyed the story. Plus, the smooth narration made it an easy listen.

This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review.
( )
  Kayla.Krantz | Feb 14, 2020 |
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An old crone stood on the top floor of one of New York's studio buildings.
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In this Victorian-era mystery, a New York detective must uncover a plot with millions of dollars and many lives at stake. A dying man is determined to leave his wealth to someone worthy. With no known relatives--he wants it to go to a woman who resembles the one he once loved--a woman who may not even exist. Meanwhile, across New York City, young women are being murdered. They have nothing in common except for one strange detail. It seems that anyone bearing the name Jenny Rogers is in mortal danger. As Mr. Gryce investigates this perplexing mystery, he uncovers a pair of suspects who also share a name. First published in 1890, A Matter of Millions is Anna Katharine Green's sixth novel in the series that began with The Leavenworth Case.

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