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Asterix legionario

di René Goscinny, Albert Uderzo (Illustratore)

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Asterix (10)

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1,7181510,555 (4.15)25
It's off to the wars for Asterix and Obelix. They've enlisted as legionaries in order to rescue Tragicomix, whom the Romans forcibly conscripted. The two find Tragicomix and succeed in causing the biggest commotion ever on a battlefield.
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Met dit album bereikten de auteurs een hoogtepunt. De fantastische wereld van Asterix en het talent van de auteurs laten zich hier van hun beste kant zien. De humor van René is in topvorm en Albert bewijst zich, naast zijn vriend Franquin, onbetwist als een van de grootste komische striptekenaars.

In deze strip verschijnt voor het eerst een karikatuur van Pierre Tchernia, in de gedaante van een Romeinse gezagsdrager. In latere verhalen zijn de rollen waarin deze Franse scenarioschrijver en journalist verschijnt vaak minder glorieus.

In deze strip vinden we een hulde aan het beroemde schilderij Het vlot van de Medusa, dat Alain Chabat liet nabouwen voor de speelfilm Asterix en Obelix: Missie Cleopatra.

Een bijzonderheid op pagina 21: de Belgische legioensoldaat ontdekt onder zijn helm een kapsel dat welbekend is bij alle enthousiaste stripfans.
  OpieJan | Jun 15, 2024 |
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress, Blogspot, & Librarything by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission
Title: Asterix the Legionary
Series: Asterix #10
Authors: Goscinny & Uderzo
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: Comics
Pages: 53
Words: 3K



Asterix and Obelix are setting off for a wild boar hunt when they encounter Panacea, a former childhood resident of the village who has since moved to Condatum, and Obelix immediately falls in love with her. Some hours later, Panacea receives word that her fiancé Tragicomix has been conscripted into the Roman army and shipped to North Africa; and Obelix, although heartbroken, promises to bring him back.

Asterix and Obelix travel to Condatum, where they learn that Tragicomix has already left for Massilia, the Mediterranean port from which the soldiers depart, and themselves enlist in the army to follow him, alongside Hemispheric the Goth; Selectivemploymentax the Briton; Gastronomix the Belgian; Neveratalos the Greek; and Ptenisnet, an Egyptian tourist who spends the entire book believing himself to be in a holiday camp.

After completing basic training (and repeatedly and comically driving their instructors to the verge of tears), the newly formed unit sets off as reinforcements to Caesar against Scipio, Afranius, and King Juba I of Numidia. Asterix and Obelix soon find out that Tragicomix has gone missing in action after a skirmish, and raid Scipio's camp to recover him. This results in the Battle of Thapsus, in which the confusion over the Gauls' unorthodox assault and the similarity of both armies' uniforms cause a default victory for Caesar after the frustrated Scipio sounds the retreat. The Gauls are cornered by Caesar after the battle is over; but released and sent home for their assistance in his victory. Asterix and Obelix thereafter celebrate at home, while Panacea and Tragicomix return to Condatum to marry

My Thoughts:

Questions that popped into my head when reading this story:

Why aren't Asterix and Obelix married men? They seem old enough.

Upon thinking for about 30seconds, the answer is obvious. The authors know that if Asterix and Obelix settle down, their adventuring days are over. Both would take their responsibilities as husbands seriously and their wives and eventual kids would take precedent in their minds.

The Romans just can't catch a break can they? They try to hide from Obelix and end up trampling on the flowers he wants for Panacea.

This is one of the repeated gags that never gets old for me. Seeing fully armed and armored soldiers getting the stuffing knocked out of them by a midget and a fatman always makes me laugh!

Bureaucracy portrayed here, is it any different today? And if we could just biff and bam the parasites who give us the runaround now, would it change anything? Hint, yes!

Man, I had to cry. Bureaucrats are as unhelpful today as they obviously were when this was written. Something about a bureaucracy seems to attract a certain kind of person and personally, I think the world would be a much better place without those kinds of people. Give me a license to use a boxing glove on that jackass sitting behind the desk at the Department of Motor Vehicles, please!

What did you think of Asterix's insistence on going through the Legion training as quickly as possible?

I actually wondered why Asterix and Obelix went through all the trouble. Wandering around causing havoc and mayhem seems to be their trademark so it was almost out of character for them to “try” to abide by the rules. Of course, them selectively obeying the rules made for some really funny scenes.

Is Tragicomix a pansy? Why didn't he biff and bam his way out of the Legion like a good Gaul?

Tragicomix IS a pansy. Despite a chin that would make Bruce Campbell green with envy, Tragicomix doesn't lift a finger at any time to help himself. In many ways he reminds me of spoiled young kids of today with Asterix and Obelix as helicopter parents taking care of every single thing. Being in the army would have made a man out of him. Well, as the Princess Bride always says, Twue Wuv....

Julius Caesar is always doing favors for Asterix and Obelix. Should they get a loyalty rewards membership? Save Julius 3 times and get a free attack on a Roman Patrol kind of thing?

I realized after I wrote this question that the boys are already getting free attacks on Roman Patrols, so that idea was kind of pointless. However, a lifetime supply of free boar seems called for. Since Obelix seems to eat at least 3-9 boars a day, ol' Julius is going to need a hog farm!

Finally, just where DOES Tragicomic pin that clasp for his cape?

Dude doesn't even have any hair on his chest, so just what is that clasp clasping onto? I would have said he's pinned it into his own flesh, but since we've established he is a bona fida PANSY, that isn't possible. I'm going to go with superglue. Probably a magic super glue that will last for a whole year. And without any chest hair he doesn't even have to worry when he eventually pulls it off. Yeah, like I said, PANSY.

I did a buddy read with Alex, Fraggle and Sharon. Go check out their reviews and what they have to say about this story :-)

★★★★☆ ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Jun 16, 2022 |
Note to self: stick to reading these in French or Dutch... The English translation sort of ruins most of the word puns, taking them from clever to downright silly. ( )
  HeyMimi | Dec 28, 2020 |
This is another lighthearted romp through Roman-occupied Gaul with our two favorite warriors, Asterix and his best friend Obelix. This time our heroes join the Roman army in order to locate a missing Gaulois, and Obelix learns how to be "polite", hahaha. Funny, clever, and recommended. ( )
  fuzzi | Dec 18, 2016 |
Ovo je prva ali definitivno ne i posljednja knjiga Dana Simmonsa koju sam pročitala. Pad Hyperiona moram pročitati jer mi je malo sve ostalo nedovršeno ovom knjigom. Definitivno jedna od najboljih SF knjiga koje sam pročitala mada ja nisam baš neki stručnjak za taj žanr.
Najbolja mi je svećenikova priča jer je po mom mišljenju najbolje objedinila maštu, znanost, religiju. Bikure su narod bez premca sa svojom uvrnutom logikom.
Najviše me je dirnula znanstvenikova priča tako da sam u neko doba zaboravila da čitam SF knjigu već jednu obiteljsku dramu gdje je prikazana agonija i nemoć roditelja.

Od likova mi je najinteresantniji pjesnik. Ciničan, brbljiv, pun otrovnih opaski - pravi Zemljanjin. S nestrpljenjem sam očekivala njegovu priču koja me se nije baš posebno dojmila. Nije to loša priča samo u moru dobrih ona je najmanje dobra.
Sve u svemu bilo je pravo zadovoljstvo čitati ovu knjigu, maštati o dalekobacačima dok se truckam dvanaest sati u autobusu.

Svaka preporuka za pročitati i onima koji nisu ljubitelji SF jer zaista vrijedi. SF nije među mojih 4 naj žanra a knjiga me je oduševila. Mogu tek misliti kakva je knjiga SF fanovima. ( )
  Dinci | Aug 16, 2016 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (25 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Goscinny, RenéAutoreautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Uderzo, AlbertIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Bell, AntheaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Hockridge, DerekTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Jones, AlunTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Marchesi, MarcelloTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Perich, JaumeTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Williams, BernardGwaith llythrennuautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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It's off to the wars for Asterix and Obelix. They've enlisted as legionaries in order to rescue Tragicomix, whom the Romans forcibly conscripted. The two find Tragicomix and succeed in causing the biggest commotion ever on a battlefield.

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