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The Last Legacy

di Adrienne Young

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279597,140 (3.41)1
Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with The Last Legacy, a captivating standalone about family and blood ties, reinventing yourself, and controlling your own destiny.
When a letter from her uncle Henrick arrives on Bryn Roth's eighteenth birthday, summoning her back to Bastian, Bryn is eager to prove herself and finally take her place in her long-lost family.
Henrik has plans for Bryn, but she must win everyone's trust if she wants to hold any power in the delicate architecture of the family. It doesn't take long for her to see that the Roths are entangled in shadows. Despite their growing influence in upscale Bastian, their hands are still in the kind of dirty business that got Bryn's parents killed years ago. With a forbidden romance to contend with and dangerous work ahead, the cost of being accepted into the Roths may be more than Bryn can pay.
A Macmillan Audio production from Wednesday Books.

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Mostra 5 di 5
Actual rating: 3.5/5, rounded up

I loved Fable and Namesake, so I was really excited to return to this universe and learn more about the Roth family in The Last Legacy. While I didn't love it quite as much as I did the previous two, this was still a very enjoyable read and confirmation that I will read pretty much anything Adrienne Young writes.

The Last Legacy starts shortly after the events in Namesake have taken place. Although it is meant as a standalone and can easily be read as one (some references are made to the previous book's events but they are marginal to the plot), the worldbuilding might prove confusing to readers who are not already familiar with it as a lot of knowledge of how things work in Bastian is taken for granted.

The Roths had definitely intrigued me in the previous book and I looked forward to learning more about this crime family. The characters were definitely the best thing about this, even though the focus was on only a few of them. Bryn was an interesting main character to follow and I loved seeing a lot of Ezra and Murrow, but I wish we could spend more time with the rest of the family as well.

Sadly, I wasn't all that sold on the romance. I love a forbidden romance/enemy-to-lovers as much as the next person, but its development here just didn't convince me as it just felt rushed and lacking in build-up. Bryn's feelings just seemed to change almost overnight and I couldn't feel the chemistry almost at all until towards the very end of the book.

The plot is also quite thin, as nothing much seems to happen for large portions of the book. However, we do get a fair bit of scheming on all sides and I was all there for it! The descriptions are also gorgeous and I ended up not minding too much about the lack of action as I just enjoyed being in Bastian.

The Last Legacy is a cosy, easy read that Fable fans will definitely enjoy. This kind of book was exactly what I needed when I read it, a quick and comfortable book to take me back to a world I had enjoyed, so I still liked it despite all its flaws but I'm not sure it would hold up on a re-read.

I received an e-arc of this book for free from the publisher via NetGalley. This did not affect my opinion of the book in any way. ( )
  bookforthought | Nov 7, 2023 |
Series Info/Source: This is a stand alone book that I bought.

Thoughts: This was well written and easy to read. The characters were okay but all fairly unlikable. The story is about a young woman, Bryn Roth, who returns to live with her mafia-like family in some vague historical world. Bryn's family is trying to expand their trade and shift away from the shadowy side business that is their legacy. Bryn is a vital piece of their overall scheme. Unfortunately for the Roth family as a whole, Bryn has her own idea of what she wants her future to hold.

This whole story was okay but not great. I have really loved all of Young's books but this was the weakest one she has written. It's not that it is hard to read or poorly written, it is just that the story isn't that exciting. There is a lot of Bryn learning the manipulative plans of her family by spying and then trying to turn those plans to her advantage.

There is a subtle romance here but it felt a bit stiff and awkward to me. The characters are okay but remain fairly unlikable throughout because they are so manipulative. The world-building is very weak as well. The plot was very twisty but felt contrived.

My Summary (3.5/5): Overall I am not upset I read this, it was okay but I will forget this story as soon as I finish writing this review. I would recommend checking out Young’s other books and skipping this one. It’s just not that interesting of a read. ( )
  krau0098 | Nov 23, 2021 |
The Last Legacy by Adrienne Young is a fun addition to the world Ms. Young first brought to us in Fable and Namesake. I personally enjoyed the chance to see a different aspect of Fable’s larger world. Bryn is not as fierce as Fable, which is a bit disappointing. I’m pretty sure Fable could have given any of the Roths a run for their money in attitude and danger. Her insta-love with Ezra is a bit odd given its intensity and their willingness to risk their lives for each other after only two days. Still, it’s a fun story that brings us back into the dark and shady world of gems and trade and gives us greater insight into Bastian’s ruling families. ( )
  jmchshannon | Sep 13, 2021 |
When I heard that Adrienne Young would be expanding the world she created in her Fable duology, I was slightly apprehensive at first. I mean, I loved Fable, but I was personally content with how that series ended. I was ready for the next adventure so to speak. But it was undeniable that the Roth family (introduced in Namesake) were an interesting force to be reckoned with. Plus, there's the fact that Adrienne Young has never steered me wrong so of course, I was going to read this.

The Last Legacy begins about a year after the events of Namesake. Bryn Roth has waited for the day when she will get her letter from her Uncle Henrik and officially join the family in Bastian. Fourteen years ago when both of her parents were killed, Bryn's great-aunt took a then four year old Bryn away from Bastian (and the Roths) to be raised in Nimsmire on the condition that upon her eighteenth birthday Bryn would return to the family's multi-generational home and take up the family business.

However, Bryn is unprepared for just what exactly the family business is. There are secrets that run deep within the family - everyone seems to be running their own game - but there's also this strong sense of loyalty - family above all else. As Bryn struggles to find her place, she realizes that her Uncle Henrik already has plans for her. But Bryn has spent her entire life meeting everyone else's expectations, she's ready to break free on her own, however, it soon becomes apparent that there's a high price for freedom in the Roth household.

This is a plot that really unfolds in a slow and methodical way as Bryn navigates what it means to be a Roth. She's at once embraced within the family yet she's also and outsider. Because of this she quickly sees a common ground between herself and Ezra - the Roth family's silversmith. Ezra is not a Roth by blood but has essentially been raised as one for years now.

Both of these characters find themselves in the same quagmire of not really belonging in one place or another. As much as it brings them together it also sows the seed of untrustworthiness - something that her uncle is always quick to manipulate if it benefits him. Bryn wants to much to belong somewhere that it takes bit for her to recognize her uncle's machinations. Personally, I could spot them a mile a way and I kind of wish that Bryn was a little more savvy to this as well, but I can forgive a girl who clearly so desperately wants a family that she misses this. Rest assured it's not long before Bryn sees the true colors behind the Roth name and what she does with this rivals Adrienne Young's other strong female characters.

I liked that this story was less about the action and the physical strength and more about trying to outwit someone who basically wants to have you under their thumb. Someone who doesn't truly care for you as a person as much as cares how you can benefit the family. It's a strange dynamic within the household and one that I think Adrienne Young really gives some interesting thought while building.

Suffice it to say, I was completely pulled in by Bryn's story. I loved how shrewd she was throughout. I wouldn't mind getting a short story showing readers a bit of the after.

Adrienne Young has become an author that you can count on to deliver time and time again. With strong female characters doing what they can to survive. I look forward to what comes next. ( )
  AmyM3317 | Sep 8, 2021 |
So I just got done with the book and eh. The ending was kind of phoned in. I feel like the author was so over the book and wrote whatever just to end it. Totally, 7298739203% unbelievable that Bryn is going to walk in there be like, "look Henrik, this is how it's going to go down, cool? Cool." and get almost ZERO reaction from him. I was like seriously? Completely unbelievable.

The story overall I guess was interesting? Sort of like a mob family, Bryn is trying to find her place in it, but I found it kind of boring. No part of the story really grabbed me, and the romance part was just meh. There didn't really seem to be chemistry between them. Ezra didn't seem all that jazzed about Bryn. I found myself starting to skim around the 65% mark because I was ready to get it over with so I could write this review. I could go days without reading it; if I really like a book I will usually finish it in a week tops. If I REALLY like a book I can finish it in 2 days. I think it took me 2 weeks to finish this one.

It's not a horrible book, but it's not a great one. I've never read the author's other books, but fans of her other books I'm sure will like this one. ( )
  choirchik | Aug 28, 2021 |
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Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with The Last Legacy, a captivating standalone about family and blood ties, reinventing yourself, and controlling your own destiny.
When a letter from her uncle Henrick arrives on Bryn Roth's eighteenth birthday, summoning her back to Bastian, Bryn is eager to prove herself and finally take her place in her long-lost family.
Henrik has plans for Bryn, but she must win everyone's trust if she wants to hold any power in the delicate architecture of the family. It doesn't take long for her to see that the Roths are entangled in shadows. Despite their growing influence in upscale Bastian, their hands are still in the kind of dirty business that got Bryn's parents killed years ago. With a forbidden romance to contend with and dangerous work ahead, the cost of being accepted into the Roths may be more than Bryn can pay.
A Macmillan Audio production from Wednesday Books.


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