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Fable: A Novel (The World of the Narrows, 2)…
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Fable: A Novel (The World of the Narrows, 2) (edizione 2020)

di Adrienne Young (Autore)

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1,5793111,601 (4.03)4
Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Filled with all of the action, emotion, and lyrical writing that brought readers to Sky in the Deep, New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with Fable, the first audiobook in this new captivating duology.
Welcome to a world made dangerous by the sea and by those who wish to profit from it. Where a young girl must find her place and her family while trying to survive in a world built for men.
As the daughter of the most powerful trader in the Narrows, the sea is the only home seventeen-year-old Fable has ever known. It's been four years since the night she watched her mother drown during an unforgiving storm. The next day her father abandoned her on a legendary island filled with thieves and little food. To survive she must keep to herself, learn to trust no one and rely on the unique skills her mother taught her. The only thing that keeps her going is the goal of getting off the island, finding her father and demanding her rightful place beside him and his crew. To do so Fable enlists the help of a young trader named West to get her off the island and across the Narrows to her father.
But her father's rivalries and the dangers of his trading enterprise have only multiplied since she last saw him and Fable soon finds that West isn't who he seems. Together, they will have to survive more than the treacherous storms that haunt the Narrows if they're going to stay alive.
Fable takes you on a spectacular journey filled with romance, intrigue and adventure.
A Macmillan Audio production from Wednesday Books
"Gripping, immersive, and absolutely masterful, Fable reels you in with the promise of beauty, and holds you tight with Young's signature grit. I couldn't turn the pages quickly enough." -Adalyn Grace, New York Times bestselling author of All The Stars and Teeth
"I could taste the salt in the air and feel the waves beneath the Marigold. In a brutal world Fable shines as tenacious yet vulnerable, unafraid to do what she must to survive. This story caught me by the throat and refused to let go!" - Shelby Mahurin, New York Times bestselling author of Serpent & Dove

.… (altro)
Titolo:Fable: A Novel (The World of the Narrows, 2)
Autori:Adrienne Young (Autore)
Info:Wednesday Books (2020), 368 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Fable di Adrienne Young

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» Vedi le 4 citazioni

A slow burn but an ethereal one. I thoroughly enjoyed this and will definitely be reading the second one and Saint! I felt part of this took forever to truly delve into but nonetheless I did like seeing the intense moments between Willa, Fable and West. An interesting twist on an almost pirate theme reminded me of Pirates of the Carribean obviously not the same scenery but captured a near essence and that ending tho *spoiler* I got chills man! ( )
  Dreynolds12 | Jul 15, 2024 |
So uhm yea, this was eh!. Once again I do not do well with overly hyped book, I felt into buying this book because I absolutely love the cover and like I previously stated in my updates it came highly recommended but this book is so slow paced even for me that I honestly lost myself and had no idea what was going on, I was pretty bored the first half of this book and I honestly think I was just reading to read. I am so sorry I do not like to give negative reviews but this book was just not for me. To be fair it really got interested towards the end and for this I will overall give it a 2.5 rating. It's listed for young adult however in my honest opinion I say the target audience for this book should be earlier teen, like 13 to 15.
It had some cute moments but it was just not a book I would probably reread again or recommend to anyone in my age group. I have been told the second book gets better but at this moment I am not running to read that one just yet. ( )
  Enid007 | May 25, 2024 |
Probably a 3.5 more than a 4? I liked it, it just didn't stick with me? Maybe its because there was SO much hype around it I expected it to grab me more. I'm still interested in reading the next one. ( )
  lindywilson | Jan 3, 2024 |
3.5 stars. I didn’t love this, but I did really like it and will definitely be reading the second one. ( )
  Danielle.Desrochers | Oct 10, 2023 |
Thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for letting me read and review this interesting story. I have only read one or two other of Adrienne Young's books and they all seem to be written in the same way although they have different stories told in each one, of course.
I liked this one alright, but it was a bit of a letdown for me in comparison to all the hype, which seems to be a common occurrence for me with books that have a lot of hype. After reading and finishing the story, thinking about it for a little while, and letting it speak for itself, I liked it more than when I had been interested because of the hype.
This is a pirate story with adventure, intrigue, some romance, and troubled relationships with family and such. There's a lot of great and exciting journey while figuring out how to find their way in the cutthroat world of pirates, slavery, and such. Fable finds a way to get back to her father after having been left by him on an island after her mother died 4 years earlier because she wants to be on the crew and sail with her father, who is the most powerful trader in the Narrows. She recruits and becomes friends with a trader, West, and his crew to help her to get back to her father so she can claim her rightful spot on her father's ship as his crew member.
But there's more that Fable doesn't know about West and who he is and about the rivalries and dangers of the trading business that her father runs so they have to survive through worse than the Narrows to beat all the things that come up in their path.
If you like Adrienne Young's writing and other books, or pirate books with intrigue, secrets, treachery, and romance with a strong female MC that goes through a lot and still keeps on going no matter what then you'll enjoy this one too! ( )
  Kiaya40 | Jun 19, 2023 |
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Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Filled with all of the action, emotion, and lyrical writing that brought readers to Sky in the Deep, New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with Fable, the first audiobook in this new captivating duology.
Welcome to a world made dangerous by the sea and by those who wish to profit from it. Where a young girl must find her place and her family while trying to survive in a world built for men.
As the daughter of the most powerful trader in the Narrows, the sea is the only home seventeen-year-old Fable has ever known. It's been four years since the night she watched her mother drown during an unforgiving storm. The next day her father abandoned her on a legendary island filled with thieves and little food. To survive she must keep to herself, learn to trust no one and rely on the unique skills her mother taught her. The only thing that keeps her going is the goal of getting off the island, finding her father and demanding her rightful place beside him and his crew. To do so Fable enlists the help of a young trader named West to get her off the island and across the Narrows to her father.
But her father's rivalries and the dangers of his trading enterprise have only multiplied since she last saw him and Fable soon finds that West isn't who he seems. Together, they will have to survive more than the treacherous storms that haunt the Narrows if they're going to stay alive.
Fable takes you on a spectacular journey filled with romance, intrigue and adventure.
A Macmillan Audio production from Wednesday Books
"Gripping, immersive, and absolutely masterful, Fable reels you in with the promise of beauty, and holds you tight with Young's signature grit. I couldn't turn the pages quickly enough." -Adalyn Grace, New York Times bestselling author of All The Stars and Teeth
"I could taste the salt in the air and feel the waves beneath the Marigold. In a brutal world Fable shines as tenacious yet vulnerable, unafraid to do what she must to survive. This story caught me by the throat and refused to let go!" - Shelby Mahurin, New York Times bestselling author of Serpent & Dove


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