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The Only Good Indians di Stephen Graham…
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The Only Good Indians (edizione 2020)

di Stephen Graham Jones (Autore)

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2,3731026,753 (3.85)152
Four American Indian men from the Blackfeet Nation, who were childhood friends, find themselves in a desperate struggle for their lives, against an entity that wants to exact revenge upon them for what they did during an elk hunt ten years earlier by killing them, their families, and friends.
Titolo:The Only Good Indians
Autori:Stephen Graham Jones (Autore)
Info:Gallery / Saga Press (2020), 320 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura

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The Only Good Indians di Stephen Graham Jones

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Sono un po’ in difficoltà nello scrivervi di questo romanzo perché il mio lato razionale l’ha amato tanto, mentre quello emotivo è rimasto completamente indifferente. Sono comunque contenta di averlo letto, visto che è un genere che frequento poco e ha saputo sorprendermi con elementi che non ricordo di aver letto in nessun altro libro. Quindi se l’idea di leggere un romanzo con una creatura alciforme piena di risentimento che si vendica di un gruppo di amici irrispettosi delle tradizioni della Blackfeet Nation vi alletta, non fatevi sfuggire The Only Good Indians.

Dunque, il primo aspetto che ho apprezzato molto di questo romanzo è stato il suo radicamento nella cultura Blackfeet, che non è solo un elemento di colore, ma è essenziale alla sola esistenza della storia, che si dipana dall’infrazione del rispetto della natura e dei suoi cicli alla vendetta di questa entità, che si muove secondo uno schema sfuggente e opera seguendo un codice morale estraneo e abbastanza spaventoso.

L’altro aspetto interessante è stata la logica che i personaggi seguono nell’avere a che fare con questa creatura che dà loro la caccia. Si tratta di una logica – immagino – frutto della cultura nativa americana e che è molto diversa da quella che potrei seguire io in una circostanza del genere – supponendo naturalmente di non essere uccisa prima di subito perché il mio scetticismo ha bisogno di prove dell’esistenza di una simile creatura prima ancora di iniziare a pensare a come fare per salvare la pelle.

Comunque, questa logica segue percorsi inconsueti e spiazzanti: a volte mi sono ritrovata a rileggere dei passaggi perché non mi era chiaro in che modo si fosse dipanato il ragionamento, non perché non fosse coerente, ma perché si rifaceva a un modo di intendere il mondo che per me non era immediato e dovevo dedurlo dal modo stesso in cui i pensieri dei personaggi si susseguivano. Da questo punto di vista è stata una lettura davvero stimolante.

La nota dolente per me riguarda il mio lato emotivo, che durante la lettura era proprio non pervenuto. È una storia che non mi ha mai spaventato, disgustato o tenuta con il fiato sospeso. Non penso neanche che sia un problema imputabile all’autore: penso che questo genere di storia abbia bisogno di colpire la tua emotività e che ognunə abbia delle sensibilità diverse. Evidentemente The Only Good Indians non ha colpito nessuno dei miei punti sensibili, ma questa cosa non dovrebbe proprio scoraggiarvi se sentite che solletica la vostra curiosità. ( )
  lasiepedimore | Jan 17, 2024 |
The Only Good Indians is a disturbing horror novel about revenge and sorrow that houses a narrative about identity and the price of breaking away from tradition at its core. And that identity, Native American, isn't monolithic here; the four friends are Blackfeet, and while that means being Indian, not all Indians are the same. Also, the horror is unlike anything you've read before. It goes from disturbing flashes of thing that may or may not be there to in-your-face explosions of gore and violence tinged with supernatural elements.... Besides the creeping horror and gory poetry, The Only Good Indians does a lot in terms of illuminating Native American life from the inside, offering insights into how old traditions and modern living collide in contemporary life.... the novel is also an outstanding narrative of creeping horror in which guilt is so present it's almost a character and grief, pain, and desperation combine to feed the monsters of the past and allow them to haunt the present. Jones is one of the best writers working today regardless of genre, and this gritty, heartbreaking novel might just be his best yet.
Jones writes in clear, sparkling prose. He’s simultaneously funny, irreverent and serious, particularly when he deploys stereotype as a literary device. Lewis gets “trophies for having avoided all the car crashes and jail time and alcoholism on his cultural dance card.” ... The three friends judge themselves harshly. They try to do right by the people who are in their lives, though not necessarily by those they’ve left behind.... But the best intentions may not matter when you’re complicit in murdering a pregnant elk. And basketball may not quite be basketball, either, but instead a metaphor for what’s really in competition here — fate vs. human will. If that seems heavy for a book billed “one of 2020’s buzziest horror novels,” it’s not. “The Only Good Indians” is splashed with the requisite amounts of blood and gore, but there’s much more to it than that.
Is Elk Head Woman’s destruction a ruthless warning against losing one’s way, against adopting the colonizer’s mind-set? Or is she simply evil incarnate, a manifestation of centuries of American carnage? ... The men’s banter, their affection for one another, their personal choices and troubled journeys frame their wrongdoings, big and small, as consequences of their complex lives on a reservation, not of their nature. And so the harrowing misfortunes that await them seem strangely undeserved.... “The Only Good Indians” strains to weave a horror story with robust character studies. In the end, there is enough in each strand to appeal to both the genre fan and the literary reader, even if neither is fully reconciled to the other.
Good horror novels often have you reading and turning the pages as fast as you can. With a great horror novel – one that so arouses a sense of dread, connects so profoundly with that which is just beyond the normal world, is written with such superb craft and charac­terization that it draws you into the souls of the fictional beings – you sometimes read slowly.... The Only Good Indians is a great horror novel. Jones, long a prolific and notable sui generis writer, has written a masterpiece. Because this is the story of four men and the spirit of a vengeful female they killed as youths, I’m sure apt comparisons will be made to Peter Straub’s Ghost Story. Here, however the men are contemporary Blackfeet rather than old, almost-dead white guys. The book will be seen as effective “social commentary,” but it is not “commentary”: it is simply the truth displayed and injustice portrayed clearly for all to read.
aggiunto da Lemeritus | modificaLocus, Paula Guran (May 3, 2020)
Aviolent tale of vengeance, justice, and generational trauma from a prolific horror tinkerer.... Horror’s genre conventions are more than satisfied, often in ways that surprise or subvert expectations; fans will grin when they come across clever nods and homages sprinkled throughout that never feel heavy-handed or too cute. While the minimalist prose propels the narrative, it also serves to establish an eerie tone of detachment that mirrors the characters’ own questions about what it means to live distinctly Native lives in today's world—a world that obscures the line between what is traditional and what is contemporary. Form and content strike a delicate balance in this work, allowing Jones to revel in his distinctive voice, which has always lingered, quiet and disturbing, in the stark backcountry of the Rez.... Jones hits his stride with a smart story of social commentary—it’s scary good.
aggiunto da Lemeritus | modificaKirkus Reviews, a (Mar 2, 2020)

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This scene of terror is repeated all too often in elk country every season. Over the years, the hunters' screams of anguish have rocked the timber.

-Don Laubach and Mark Henkel, Elk Talks
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For Jim Kuhn.
He was a real horror fan.
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The headline for Richard Boss Ribs would be INDIAN MAN KILLED IN DISUTE OUTSIDE BAR. That's one way to say it.
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Jerry says Lewis shouldn’t hold it against Harley. He didn’t know what he was doing. When the whole world hurts, you bite it, don’t you?
“We’re from where we’re from,” she says back. “Scars are part of the deal, aren’t they?”
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Four American Indian men from the Blackfeet Nation, who were childhood friends, find themselves in a desperate struggle for their lives, against an entity that wants to exact revenge upon them for what they did during an elk hunt ten years earlier by killing them, their families, and friends.

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