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Rebellion of a Chalet Girl (Ski Season, #5)

di Lorraine Wilson

Serie: Ski Season (5, novella)

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Always the Chalet Girl... Year round chalet girl Tash doesn't do attachments--she's learned the hard way that relationships of any kind never last. But when self-made millionaire and hit TV star Nathaniel Campbell arrives to spend a month at Chalet Repos, she's tempted to reconsider her no-strings rule... Tash and Nate may be from different sides of the tracks, but the connection between them is undeniable! And Tash soon realises that one hot night with Nate will never be enough. But can Nate ever think of Tash as more than a fling, especially once the truth about her past comes out? The Chalet Girls are back! Set in the exclusive Swiss ski resort of Verbier, winter playground of the rich and famous, 'Rebellion of a Chalet Girl' is the latest addition to the fabulous 'Chalet Girl' series.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daLashea677
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Rich guy meets relationship wary girl. Nate is a rich TV star and Tasha is the average girl searching for somewhere to belong. Despite these differences a friendship develops into more. I just kept thinking throughout the story I know what is going to happen. A good story but it could have used a little more depth. Received Rebellion of a Chalet Girl by Lorraine Wilson for an honest review. ( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
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Ski Season (5, novella)
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Always the Chalet Girl... Year round chalet girl Tash doesn't do attachments--she's learned the hard way that relationships of any kind never last. But when self-made millionaire and hit TV star Nathaniel Campbell arrives to spend a month at Chalet Repos, she's tempted to reconsider her no-strings rule... Tash and Nate may be from different sides of the tracks, but the connection between them is undeniable! And Tash soon realises that one hot night with Nate will never be enough. But can Nate ever think of Tash as more than a fling, especially once the truth about her past comes out? The Chalet Girls are back! Set in the exclusive Swiss ski resort of Verbier, winter playground of the rich and famous, 'Rebellion of a Chalet Girl' is the latest addition to the fabulous 'Chalet Girl' series.

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