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5-Ingredient Air Fryer Recipes: 200 Delicious and Easy Meal Ideas Including Gluten-Free and Vegan

di Camilla Saulsbury

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612,699,166 (2)5
"Thanks to the home air fryer, you can enjoy your favorite fried foods with just a fraction of the fat and calories and none of the messy cleanup. And now you can prepare your favorite fried foods (and so much more) quickly, with just a small number of familiar ingredients and minimal preparation. If that sounds too good to be true, think again, because the recipes are in your hands and are yours for the making. These creative recipes, which have been designed exclusively for the air fryer, contain five ingredients or less, can be prepared quickly and are downright delectable."--Page [4] of cover.… (altro)
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I was seeking a cookbook with a little more imagination and creativity when it came to air-fryer cookery. This is the only air fryer cookbook I saw at my local library so I decided to give it a try. While it offers a few ideas, overall there is not much here one cannot come up with on their own (and probably come up with a version seasoned more to their own taste and palate).There are a handful of color photos scattered throughout the book but the lack of photos with each recipe, while probably making the book more budget-friendly, ultimately takes away from its appeal. I'll keep looking for a better option. ( )
  thornton37814 | Apr 1, 2024 |
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"Thanks to the home air fryer, you can enjoy your favorite fried foods with just a fraction of the fat and calories and none of the messy cleanup. And now you can prepare your favorite fried foods (and so much more) quickly, with just a small number of familiar ingredients and minimal preparation. If that sounds too good to be true, think again, because the recipes are in your hands and are yours for the making. These creative recipes, which have been designed exclusively for the air fryer, contain five ingredients or less, can be prepared quickly and are downright delectable."--Page [4] of cover.

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