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Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha) di Tasha…
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Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha) (edizione 2018)

di Tasha Suri (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
7122633,334 (3.7)15
A nobleman's daughter with magic in her blood. An empire built on the dreams of enslaved gods. Empire of Sand is Tasha Suri's captivating, Mughal India-inspired debut fantasy. The Amrithi are outcasts; nomads descended of desert spirits, they are coveted and persecuted throughout the Empire for the power in their blood. Mehr is the illegitimate daughter of an imperial governor and an exiled Amrithi mother she can barely remember, but whose face and magic she has inherited. When Mehr's power comes to the attention of the Emperor's most feared mystics, she must use every ounce of will, subtlety, and power she possesses to resist their cruel agenda. Should she fail, the gods themselves may awaken seeking vengeance... Empire of Sand is a lush, dazzling fantasy novel perfect for readers of City of Brass and The Wrath & the Dawn.… (altro)
Titolo:Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha)
Autori:Tasha Suri (Autore)
Info:Orbit (2018), 496 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere
Etichette:to-read, signed, to-read-and-owned, fantasy

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Empire of Sand di Tasha Suri

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» Vedi le 15 citazioni

Oh, but this was a glorious read! My first book by Suri, whose words will keep my heart full for years to come, I have no doubt. One of the things I find hardest to do, as a writer, is balance giant concepts like good an evil with any measure of subtlety... and Suri just nails all those giant voids to the wall. Love/Hate, Good/Evil, Orient/Occident, Magic/Reality, Strength/Weakness. It's such a beautiful tightrope to walk through her prose, and I am left in awe of how well she sticks the landing. Character driven, this first book in the duology still manages to juggle world-building, action, and plot in a way that feels seamless to read. The amount of rabbit holes I went down in terms of research was a delight. Seriously. I'm learning all the things!

Okay. I've gushed enough. Probably my new favorite author. Don't be insane: read this immediately! ( )
  BreePye | Oct 6, 2023 |
Despite what I personally consider an excess of romance, I like this book. Empire of Sand is a light read—relaxing, indulgent, and fun. It's a marvelous fantasy adventure set in a mythical world rooted in the legends of the Mughal Empire of the Indian subcontinent. It features a bold and capable yet not flawless protagonist and is rich with description that lets you sink deeply into Tasha Suri's world. Fans of romance will be thrilled to find a slow-burn romantic story that takes up some 15% of the content. Those, like myself, who could live without out hands brushing self-consciously through unruly hair may have the occasional eyeroll, but they, also like myself, may find the rest of the story well worth skimming through those parts. ( )
  Zoes_Human | Sep 3, 2023 |
A nobleman’s daughter with magic in her blood. An empire built on the dreams of enslaved gods. Empire of Sand is Tasha Suri’s captivating, Mughal India-inspired debut fantasy.

The Amrithi are outcasts; nomads descended of desert spirits, they are coveted and persecuted throughout the Empire for the power in their blood. Mehr is the illegitimate daughter of an imperial governor and an exiled Amrithi mother she can barely remember, but whose face and magic she has inherited.

When Mehr’s power comes to the attention of the Emperor’s most feared mystics, she must use every ounce of will, subtlety, and power she possesses to resist their cruel agenda.

Should she fail, the gods themselves may awaken seeking vengeance…
  rachelprice14 | Feb 27, 2023 |
Good world-building and I really liked the MC Mehr. I feel like in a lot of fantasy novels the protagonists make stupid decisions just to move the plot along but Mehr was really great for me--responsible and sensible.

That said, this book was sooooooo boring. Like nothing happens for most of it. Also I feel miss-sold: this is essential a romance fantasy but I was expecting action and magic. There's a dagger on the cover! They don't even use daggers in any real way!

Anyway, the world was great but I love a good plot. This one really disappointed me. ( )
  mwilson1127 | Feb 14, 2023 |
Good world-building and I really liked the MC Mehr. I feel like in a lot of fantasy novels the protagonists make stupid decisions just to move the plot along but Mehr was really great for me--responsible and sensible.

That said, this book was sooooooo boring. Like nothing happens for most of it. Also I feel miss-sold: this is essential a romance fantasy but I was expecting action and magic. There's a dagger on the cover! They don't even use daggers in any real way!

Anyway, the world was great but I love a good plot. This one really disappointed me. ( )
  mwilson1127 | Feb 14, 2023 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Tasha Suriautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Nankani, SoneelaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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For my dad, Nishant Suri.
You would have been proud.
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Mehr woke up to a soft voice calling her name.
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A nobleman's daughter with magic in her blood. An empire built on the dreams of enslaved gods. Empire of Sand is Tasha Suri's captivating, Mughal India-inspired debut fantasy. The Amrithi are outcasts; nomads descended of desert spirits, they are coveted and persecuted throughout the Empire for the power in their blood. Mehr is the illegitimate daughter of an imperial governor and an exiled Amrithi mother she can barely remember, but whose face and magic she has inherited. When Mehr's power comes to the attention of the Emperor's most feared mystics, she must use every ounce of will, subtlety, and power she possesses to resist their cruel agenda. Should she fail, the gods themselves may awaken seeking vengeance... Empire of Sand is a lush, dazzling fantasy novel perfect for readers of City of Brass and The Wrath & the Dawn.

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Media: (3.7)
0.5 1
1 1
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3 19
3.5 8
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4.5 6
5 15

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