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The Great Alone: A Novel di Kristin Hannah
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The Great Alone: A Novel (edizione 2018)

di Kristin Hannah (Autore)

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5,3112662,086 (4.09)109
Lenora Allbright is 13 when her father convinces her mother, Cora, to forgo their inauspicious existence in Seattle and move to Kaneq, AK. It's 1974, and the former Vietnam POW sees a better future away from the noise and nightmares that plague him. Having been left a homestead by a buddy who died in the war, Ernt is secure in his beliefs, but never was a family less prepared for the reality of Alaska, the long, cold winters and isolation. Locals want to help out, especially classmate Matthew Walker, who likes everything about Leni. Yet the harsh conditions bring out the worst in Ernt, whose paranoia takes over their lives and exacerbates what Leni sees as the toxic relationship between her parents. The Allbrights are as green as greenhorns can be, and even first love must endure unimaginable hardship and tragedy as the wilderness tries to claim more victims.… (altro)
Titolo:The Great Alone: A Novel
Autori:Kristin Hannah (Autore)
Info:St. Martin's Press (2018), Edition: Illustrated, 448 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Great Alone di Kristin Hannah

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1-5 di 264 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
Unforgettable saga set in the last American frontier.

In 1974, Ernt Albright, ex Vietnam War POW decides to move his wife and daughter to the outer reaches of northern Alaska where they will try to make a life in the wilds off the grid. None of them have a clue as to what awaits and how desperate and dire their circumstances once they arrive. Summer treats them well and Ernt, Cora, and Leni work through all the daylight hours preparing for the coming winter. They make friends with some of the neighbors and there is relative peace. Then the darkness comes, ushering in a time of peril for them all. And all the worst dangers are not outside in the treacherous climate and the wild animals are not their most terrible threat. The biggest problem is inside their small cabin. It’s Ernt.

This novel gives you all the feels as the Allbright’s experience in Alaska runs the gamut from exciting to bloodshed. As they develop the resilience and skill to handle their daily existence, it’s obvious that Ernt is breaking down and that Cora and Leni are in fraught situations. He’s a loose cannon and Cora’s bad decisions don’t help. Leni loves her mother desperately, but she can’t get Cora to see the truth about Ernt. And then the moment comes when Leni and Cora have to respond.

I typically do not care for coming of age plots and teenage main characters so it surprised me how much I loved this book. I also found that Alaska itself was another main character and I could see the appeal of that wild place to a certain type of person. Me, on the other hand, lazy type princess who loves to have everything nice and fresh and clean, can’t wait to go to the grocery store and shop, could not have lasted a day there. I’m not cut out for that pioneer lifestyle, but I definitely admired those characters in the book for how they thrived and became part of their land.

I was able to listen to the audiobook narrated by the fabulous Julia Whelan. Her voice and passion really gave the characters distinct personalities and brought them all to life. It definitely enhanced my enjoyment of the story.

Highly recommend this. I’m sure I will be thinking about it for a long time. ( )
  CelticLibrarian | Sep 11, 2024 |
This was a really great book. Strong character development, an interesting and sometimes horrifying story. I recommend it. ( )
  keithhez | Jul 30, 2024 |
Really want to give it a 5, fantastic writing and I ploughed through it. I feel as though the author decided to choose the *absolute worst* thing that could happen, constantly which made this a bit tiring by the end. The first 3 quarters got me good. ( )
  JonTurnerNZ | Jul 23, 2024 |
I had constant anxiety, from the ever present threat of violence, and the end was a little too tidy, but besides that I enjoyed the characters and love of place. Alaska is the star, for sure. ( )
  iamnader | Jul 6, 2024 |
Another phenomenal tale from one of my favorite author. Heartbreaking and beautiful. ( )
  kdegour23 | May 29, 2024 |
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Hannah, Kristinautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Whelan, JuliaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Nature never deceives us; it is always we who deceive ourselves.
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To the women in my family. All of them are warriors. Sharon, Debbie, Laura, Julie, Mackenzie, Sara, Kaylee, Toni, Jacquie, Dana, Leslie, Katie, Joan, Jerrie, Liz, Courtney, and Stephanie.

And to Braden, our newest adventurer.
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That spring, rain fell in great sweeping gusts that rattled the rooftops.
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"Alaska herself can be Sleeping Beauty one minute and a bitch with a sawed-off shotgun the next. There's a saying: Up here you can make one mistake. The second one will kill you."
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Lenora Allbright is 13 when her father convinces her mother, Cora, to forgo their inauspicious existence in Seattle and move to Kaneq, AK. It's 1974, and the former Vietnam POW sees a better future away from the noise and nightmares that plague him. Having been left a homestead by a buddy who died in the war, Ernt is secure in his beliefs, but never was a family less prepared for the reality of Alaska, the long, cold winters and isolation. Locals want to help out, especially classmate Matthew Walker, who likes everything about Leni. Yet the harsh conditions bring out the worst in Ernt, whose paranoia takes over their lives and exacerbates what Leni sees as the toxic relationship between her parents. The Allbrights are as green as greenhorns can be, and even first love must endure unimaginable hardship and tragedy as the wilderness tries to claim more victims.

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