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Mr. Darcy's Rival

di Kara Louise

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An interrupted proposal, a letter written and unknowingly lost, a harsh accusation, and a rival all conspire to thwart Mr. Darcy in securing Miss Elizabeth Bennet's affections when he visits his aunt at Rosings. Will Elizabeth find the handsome and engaging Mr. Rickland more suited to her than Mr. Darcy? And will a novel she reads that was written secretly by Miss Anne de Bourgh help smooth the path to the couple finding true love?… (altro)
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Elizabeth's tale begins as she, Sir William and Maria Lucas approach the Hunsford Parsonage for a visit. Elizabeth is delighted to meet another nephew of Lady Catherine - Matthew Rickland, enjoying his easy manners and conversation.
A few days later the Colonel and Darcy come for their annual visit to Rosings. Obstacles arise for the proposal, a letter, an accident...... But there is still more to come before there is a happy ending.
Enjoyed this tale. ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
It was a sweet quick read. ( )
  iKaroliina | Aug 15, 2020 |
Mr. Darcy's Rival is another great book by Kara Louise with an entertaining plot and engaging characters that pull you into the books world. I loved seeing how the relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy unfolded in this book as well as getting to know the Anne de Bourgh of this story. During the course of this book readers also get to read bits and pieces of a book called A Peculiar Engagement that Elizabeth is reading and it is a real book that Kara Louise has written in connection with this book that I hope to be able to read as well because the pieces we see in this book are so fun. I have read a couple other books by this author that I really enjoyed and I plan to read more because the stories are always so well written and entertaining. ( )
  Chelsea_K | May 28, 2019 |
I really, really enjoyed this book. When I read books that change something within the original Pride and Prejudice timeline, I often find myself disappointed, thrown out of the story, or exclaiming, "That would never happen!". This book, with the introduction of a handsome, dastardly new character, as well as the lost letter, does a very good job at keeping tone with Austen's work while whisking the reader down a new path of adventures with Mr. Darcy and Miss Bennett. I love that I always know how the novels will end, yet there are always surprises. This novel also did a great job at keeping me questioning how the story would resolve instead of just meandering down the path of least resistance. ( )
  cbrwn92 | Nov 7, 2016 |
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An interrupted proposal, a letter written and unknowingly lost, a harsh accusation, and a rival all conspire to thwart Mr. Darcy in securing Miss Elizabeth Bennet's affections when he visits his aunt at Rosings. Will Elizabeth find the handsome and engaging Mr. Rickland more suited to her than Mr. Darcy? And will a novel she reads that was written secretly by Miss Anne de Bourgh help smooth the path to the couple finding true love?

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