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Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Book) (1977)

di Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones1 altro, Michael Palin

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458255,501 (4.33)23
October 1999 marks the 30th anniversary of the first broadcast of Monty Python's Flying Circus on BBC television. This book contains the first full draft and final draft of the screenplay of the feature film plus changes made in the shooting script.
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There are various different editions of this book. The pocket sized copy in my hands (Methuen 2003) was included with the Monty Python and the Holy Grail DVD Collector's Edition.
As you may expect this is a simplified version with plain text (no humorous crossings out), and as extras there are only 19 small black and white photographs scattered throughout. Typical of what you'd expect from a promotional edition; but still a very well appreciated addition to the other goodies stuffed insude my DVD box.

*My apologies for the typo above. 'insude' should have read 'inside'. I don't know why I wrote 'insude'. My finger must have slipped on the ketboard.

**Once again dear reader I must offer you my humblest hear-felt...[DAMN!]

***I al so very sorry. 'Hear-felt' should have read 'heart-felt'...

****Now I'm panicking! 'al' is supposed to read 'am'. Look, It's no good. i can't take the pressure. If I make one more mistake I'm going to have to shoot myselg.

  Sylak | Oct 19, 2016 |
The Monty Python troupe was highly successful on TV with their zany sketches so it was not surprising that they would work on a motion picture. Monty Python and the Holy Grail was the result. To tie into that success, the group published the script of the movie; the catch is that it is done in typical Python style. The first draft is typed on “second” sheets with mistakes, cross-outs, changes, etc. (Well, this is the age before computers! Remember the only way to make corrections was erasure, strike through paper or later wite-out on originals and all copies. It was that or re-type.) After a letter about the censor board and other decisions, the group rewrote the script contained in the last section of the book. This is also hand typed or hand written, and is full of corrections, including whole sections crayoned out! The book also contains ink sketches on many of the pages as well as color photographs from the film. The film’s accountants provide a “spreadsheet” and there is a listing of the film credits.

The usual suspects are all there: King Arthur, Launcelot, Gawain, Galahad and the Green Knight as well as Sir Robin-the-not-quite-so-pure-as-Sir-Lancelot, the Trojan Bunny, Prince Herbert, the Knights who say Ni and God. Oh, and the quest itself!

Certainly this book cannot totally replace the experience of watching the film but, if you are a Monty Python fan, the book will give you a pleasant afternoon of revisiting their world. ( )
3 vota fdholt | May 8, 2013 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (1 potenziale)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Chapman, Grahamautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Cleese, Johnautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Gilliam, Terryautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Idle, Ericautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Jones, Terryautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Palin, Michaelautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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The promotional edition of this book published by Methuen in 2003 shares an isbn with 'To Be Changed (Methuen Student Edition)' do not combine.
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October 1999 marks the 30th anniversary of the first broadcast of Monty Python's Flying Circus on BBC television. This book contains the first full draft and final draft of the screenplay of the feature film plus changes made in the shooting script.

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